Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Lmao, 💯. Ish is ridiculous out here. Young elementary school age children all the way up to frown adults say the word like it's nothing.

I used to work at the CVS on Franny Lew next to Gigi's pizza until 2008 & it was pretty bad then, I can just imagine what it's like now 😅.
Old dawg who used to live in Corona, then moved to Brownsville, then involuntarily relocated to Texas (think Port Authority and Spofford 🤣🤣)

I thank that mf Radames from Juice who helped spread that word like the plague lol. Also, I always wondered why nobody in DITC pulled Fat Joe aside……….Word is global now with 1,000 different uses and a 1,000 different meanings. In Texas it’s just more flagrant cuz you got young Mexican cats with the Ike Turner cut talkin like we really fam.
She was in a room with putting doing some forced sexual gyrations she learned from.watching TV. It was more comedy than anything man. I
She said she was missing her bf and the videos were for him.....which, honestly, thats what it looks like. Its not a full on OF production. Now, how they got on the internets, that remains to be seen.

I wanna say that's embarrassing, but she's probably getting paid 8 figures to do this tour :lol:


On Friday, May 31, Live Nation announced that the singer's This Is Me... Live is canceled because she is "taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends."

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