Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

So, they'd fit right in around here?
Dude on the bass was definitely wildin' from 2:00-2:15

My man was feeling the spirit of Slash rushing through his veins all at once :rofl:,don't think I'd be able to keep it together if I was a driver
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Nah broski, the racism is real in that commercial; it's nuanced, but it's there.

Don't get me wrong though, I laughed due to the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

The premise:

make the new black girl feel comfortable and loved by taking her out for a bowl of chicken.



I highly doubt that the Chinese even know about that stereotype.

KFC does but again I felt she was seen as a Laowai or a gweilo instead of "BLACK GIRL'.

But okay.
Nah broski, the racism is real in that commercial; it's nuanced, but it's there.

Don't get me wrong though, I laughed due to the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

The premise:

make the new black girl feel comfortable and loved by taking her out for a bowl of chicken.



I highly doubt that the Chinese even know about that stereotype.
they do tho lol, and they think every black guy who plays ball can dunk even if he like 5'5, and they think every black guy has a bbc and super violent
they do tho lol, and they think every black guy who plays ball can dunk even if he like 5'5, and they think every black guy has a bbc and super violent

:lol: oh okay.

says the guy who thinks Nick Young at 28 has the potential to be a James Harden-esque talent.
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Nah broski, the racism is real in that commercial; it's nuanced, but it's there.

Don't get me wrong though, I laughed due to the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

The premise:

make the new black girl feel comfortable and loved by taking her out for a bowl of chicken.



I highly doubt that the Chinese even know about that stereotype.

KFC does but again I felt she was seen as a Laowai or a gweilo instead of "BLACK GIRL'.

But okay.
This.  There was similar outrage in the states over an Australian KFC commercial that depicted black people eating fried chicken.  The Young Turks did a story on it and it was met with a ton of backlash from Australians noting that the black people loving fried chicken stereotype doesn't really exist in Australia.  That wasn't an ad made for American consumption and I don't think we should be treating it as if it was.
:smh: :lol:

Ole girl's eyes opened up wide as hell when she saw that kfc sign

I sent it to my mom, she said that's terrible but laughed..
I'm telling ya'll the Chinese don't know about that stereotype.

She's being viewed as a laowai or a gweilo, not unlike the Japanese term gaijin.

A foreigner, an outsider.

Most chinese don't develop stereotypes toward blacks until they immigrate to the US. They set up shop out here and often in black neighborhoods. And they develop a distorted view of black people because of young black youth who often do terrorize their own communities.

Ya'll taking this completely out of context. No BS, I'd call racism if it was that. The chinese aren't over there thinking about black people in that context, that's just stupid if you really think about it.

And if you actually watch the commercial a second time and see how she's having trouble adjusting, they're even attempting to portray her as a laowai. Not "black girl".

Trouble comprehending the language, the food, the customs.

Not OMG, there goes that black person.....*whisper whisper*....They're not giving her glares they're empathizing with her inability to adjust to her new environment. C'mon ya'll.

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