Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Just go to an INSTAGRAM of anybody who is a current Artist or Athlete or Anything of NOTE, with in the first 3 full length phtos you will get the Style.
Anybody I'd think.
Lil Baby Drake Justin Beiber Kanye Lebron Luka
Lol, "or Anything of Note". You mean anything but real people who are outside? None of those dudes you named pump their own gas, go to the grocery store or even live in the same world you and I live in. They can dress however they or their designers want and everyone will tell them how great they look. I only see teenagers wearing baggy clothes.

Why do they look so visibly bad?

Too baggy, too tight

Suits got the model’s proportions looking way off

I stopped reading after that. We talking about the ridiculous dying your dog for clout bs, i trust the animal lovers and activists to tend to all the other dog/pet issues and i commend the city of Miami for setting an example and trying to prevent each and every dummy rushing to ftx arena to try and compete in the "make my dog the most rare Pokemon" trend
So you are fake outraged... you trust others to do the heavy **** that really matter and are mad at some most likely harmless dye. Got it.

You act like there's not an entire market for this ****, you act like that aint normal.

Im trying to educate you and you want to stay dumb. Oh well.

Amazon product ASIN B09QDVHW4P
So you are fake outraged... you trust others to do the heavy **** that really matter and are mad at some most likely harmless dye. Got it.

You act like there's not an entire market for this ****, you act like that aint normal.

Im trying to educate you and you want to stay dumb. Oh well.

Amazon product ASIN B09QDVHW4P
I mean sax guy didn’t seem like a mark at all to me. Had it gone further we would’ve saw what he could really do with that sax as he beat that dude’s head in.

First thing dude in the robe did was try to get money from the ppl who gave money to sax guy. They all stood their ground and said no. Then he tried to press sax guy.

Unlucky for him dude with an inner demon was in the same car :lol:
Nah not saying he was chump, but he didn’t seem as though he was remotely thinking a confrontation would come about and robe dude probably picked up on that. Glad he didn’t have to resort to using the sax as a weapon, as I imagine those joints are probably expensive.
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