For Sprint Touch Pro owners - insurance upgrade to TP2, Pre, BB Tour, Hero, whatever - YMMV

Originally Posted by car9vel

Last week on Wednesday I took my TP to get it fixed. The tech told me that Sprint was going to try and get all its customers on different models since they were losing too much money with the TP. She mentioned I could get the BB Tour, Curve, Pre..didnt mention the TP2 but she said they didnt have those in stock anyway. So I played around with the BB Tour for a while and liked it a lot. I didnt want a touch phone anymore, they lag too much. So then on Friday I went to pick up my BB Tour, but they tell me i have to switch plans..blah blah blah. I had my TP on the Everything Messaging 1500 minutes (w/3 lines) and a $15 unlimited data package for $125 (excluding taxes, extra fees). So I got yet another free upgrade from Sprint (previous being Mogul to TP) but my bill will go up $25 per month (hopefully not more since they always mislead you).

This really depends on who you get to take care of you. I noticed other people picking up TPs so im guessing they didnt have the same luck I had. The lady I got was pretty cool about it and even gave me a $30 credit for not knowing id have to switch my plan when she was telling me about the options I had. I still havent gotten the next bill, but im hoping there arent any surprises on it, other than an extra $25. Or ill just call customer service and say i was lied to, till i get another credit on my account.

So far, BB Tour > HTC TP
BB Tour rarely freezes, you can go from application to application without any delays or problems. Only thing HTC Pro has in its favor is the size of the screen. BB Tour is louder, and its battery lasts much longer.
Couldn't you just hae the 99$ Simply Everything plan? I mean previous to adding the Blackberry.

Sprint is such scam artists though. They only charge 10$ for Blackberry service now, they're even allowing people on SERO to have it
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

I would really like a test run with the Pre because of that keyboard. It just feels cheap in addition to being the smallest keyboard I've ever experienced on a phone. I'm going to try this when I get a chance, which means around Tuesday maybe. I would really like a TP2.

Ive had mine since july I think..? It's a very durable phone and imo it doesnt feel cheap. The only thing I dislike about the keyboard is how recessed orshallow the keys are. Other than that, they're about the same size as my old 700 treo. Oh also they have a patch for an onscreen keyboard. Its a greatphone though.
okay, so do i have to go to a corporate store? because there is one downtown that also has a repair center next to it in the same space.

My phone has physical damage though, like the circuit board is showing under the call and end buttons, basically the "chrome" bezel has chipped offalong that bottom part.

it does lock up for awhile, it had me as roaming when just a second before i was fine in that same exact spot.

Im up for an upgrade nov1, but id love to get this swapped at no charge and then upgrade to something else.

im on SERO btw
Like I posted in the HTC thread, good luck getting this. Incredibly YMMV. I went into the store and they repaired my broken keyboard, but I'm still havingother issues. If this hard reset does nothing, then I'm going back in or calling Sprint and complaining ...
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by car9vel

Last week on Wednesday I took my TP to get it fixed. The tech told me that Sprint was going to try and get all its customers on different models since they were losing too much money with the TP. She mentioned I could get the BB Tour, Curve, Pre..didnt mention the TP2 but she said they didnt have those in stock anyway. So I played around with the BB Tour for a while and liked it a lot. I didnt want a touch phone anymore, they lag too much. So then on Friday I went to pick up my BB Tour, but they tell me i have to switch plans..blah blah blah. I had my TP on the Everything Messaging 1500 minutes (w/3 lines) and a $15 unlimited data package for $125 (excluding taxes, extra fees). So I got yet another free upgrade from Sprint (previous being Mogul to TP) but my bill will go up $25 per month (hopefully not more since they always mislead you).

This really depends on who you get to take care of you. I noticed other people picking up TPs so im guessing they didnt have the same luck I had. The lady I got was pretty cool about it and even gave me a $30 credit for not knowing id have to switch my plan when she was telling me about the options I had. I still havent gotten the next bill, but im hoping there arent any surprises on it, other than an extra $25. Or ill just call customer service and say i was lied to, till i get another credit on my account.

So far, BB Tour > HTC TP
BB Tour rarely freezes, you can go from application to application without any delays or problems. Only thing HTC Pro has in its favor is the size of the screen. BB Tour is louder, and its battery lasts much longer.
Couldn't you just hae the 99$ Simply Everything plan? I mean previous to adding the Blackberry.

Sprint is such scam artists though. They only charge 10$ for Blackberry service now, they're even allowing people on SERO to have it
Nope. I have 2 other lines on the account. Its much cheaper with the Everything Data for 3 lines, than it would be with Simply Everything for 3.Not very happy about having to pay an extra $25 but they repeatedly told me I had to switch plans or no go on the new phone.

Also, you have to go in to one of the certified Sprint stores. Tell them you called Customer Service and that they told you to find a certified store so theycould switch your TP for something else. It may work, but some of the people at Sprint are uninformed or just dont want to give you anything for free.
so i figured it out... (this may be old news to yall...)

but according to the wel list...the 4's and 5's are significant (really coo dude broke it down to me at the sprint store)

the 4's are where the tp2 replacements are that we all were trying to get (refurbished tp2's or the snaps or bbs) those are the ones supposedly out ofstock. that means your unit has to be exchanged 3 times prior to this one indicating that this will be your fourth if your unit was exchanged atleast 4 times already and you are now on the 5th one...thats when you are able to get a nib tp2. I went ahead and got mine exchanged for just another tpbecause im sure it will break down again fml. but at least next time ill be able to get a tp2. so the refurbs are oos because most people are around theirsecond or third exchange. Those who got nib tp2's got lucky if they didnt already have 4 exchanges.
Please refrain from breaking your phone on purpose just to get a new one. You people are the ones who make it hard for people like me who legitimately have defective devices.
NT, please read that carefully. Dont ruin your phone purposely hoping youll get a new tp2 for it, most likely it wont happen.

I like the TP but...
I dont like Sprint.
Refuse to use windows mobile
Exchanging phones more then twice...
If you're being given the option to get a Palm Pre, how do you not jump on it???

I went to a Best Buy a few weeks ago with a print-out from for $99.99 for the Palm Pre and they price-matched it without a rebate and eventhough it was for new customers only.
I also like that Sprint offersupgrades after a year, the new unlimited mobile-to-mobile on all carriers, and how easy it is to get company discounts for companies you have never and willnever work for...

Pre has been great so far
My dude JS got one. He had a TP1 and is on Sero, we know a girl who works there though, she used to hoop with us, don't know if that played a role. But hiskeyboard wasn't working at all. And SoleWoman, I would've been like on my 9th or 10th, it just came down to the salty @!+ manager hating because hethought I was trying to holler at one of his employees, who he probably delusionally thinks he has a chance at. When I went yesterday to have them activate myTP2, his lame @!+ had on jeans and a OU shirt behind the counter.

If anybody wants a Touch Pro1 for Sprint, get at me. It has a resistor missing on a hinge (I'll send pics), but once you activate it via ESN swap, your TEPthen covers it and you can go get it fixed or replaced free, you can even do so online (but you'll get another Touch Pro). I got tons of accessories too,got the charger that holds it vertical and also charges abother battery at the same time, even has a USB port so you can be syncing to your computer whilestill on the dock, 2 batteries, bunch of those earphone adapters and usb>dc outlet converters.

And does any1 have a ROM on this. HardSPLing it is difficult than a $+%%@. I cant get it to work at all
well i was out in chicago this past weekend...forgot my charger, so i hit up the closest sprint store to get a charger.

he was ringing me up and told me that all i had to do was take it over to a sprint store with a tech center, and they'll give you the TP2, etc.
he did not mention anything about needed to have exchanged it a certain number of times previously...but he did not to mention that he told me...they'retrying to keep it on D/L as much as possible.

unfortunately when i hit up the tech center, it was closed

all these conflicting reports, i just don't know what to think anymore.
sumwhat off topic but what phone is better to get(for sprint) the htc hero or the samsung moment and why?
I tried in store with those douches down at 34th street (NYC) and they all said they never heard of it. I tried calling CS, even though I know it was mentionedthat wasn't going to work, and they put me through the regular routine of entering codes to somehow refresh my phone. It still sucks and nothing can bedone about my volume issue.

I'm not paying for another phone nor am I trying to extend my contract.
so again my Kybd crapped out on me a lil while ago just like i knew it would i'm heading to a sprint store i'm gonna go int he morning sincethey're repairs close at 6 and i get out at 6
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

sumwhat off topic but what phone is better to get(for sprint) the htc hero or the samsung moment and why?

Never heard of til' now. Just googled....


Damn, so many new phones, don't know what the hell i want.
and now i see a Palm Pixi looking good for me too.

My girls screen is shattered on her TP1 so she is going in to get it replaced or repaired, and if they give her a TP2 I'm going to be tight and try to deadher

I'll let ya'll know how it goes!
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Man.. im waiting for my TP to break already
just use ur kybd excessively it'll crap out just like mine did and it only took 3 weeks
OK so today i went to the store told them the situation....
again they want me to leave the phone there for an hr so i'm like "can we please just cut the crap cuz leaving my phone here for someone to authorizean upgrade i'm already eligible for is a waste of my time, and i'm on my lunch hr" so homeboy gives me massive trouble even denying that Sprint isswapping out units and i told him that I've spoken to several CSR's on the phone and they can't all have false information so someone we take it to the MGR and dude already knows me cuz i'm there so often about my phone so he just authorized the order on the upgrade.....butwhen i come back they tell me they only have the Hero or the Tour for me so I kindly declined both telling them that they're subpar phones that first ofall don't have the same capabilities mine does, and they they cost less than wat i purchased my TP for and i wasn't willing to take a hit on the priceso they just fixed the kybd for me and off i went fuming.....So now i'm home and i'm on the phoen w/ yet another CSR and believe it or not i'mhaving a breakthrough right now So she's currently calling all sprint stores in the area that participate in the exchange program so they can hold on forme and do the even swap on the unit i'll keep u guys posted w/ store info!!!!!
FINALLY! got my free TP2 upgrade yesterday i guess there is an abundance of replacement phones on the list now i got it no problem this phone is such animprovement they gave me the charger and holster for it so now i have two...if you're in NYC try your luck at the West 72nd street sprint store that'swhere i got mine

p.s. I also discovered through a Sprint rep on the phone when i was tryna fix the 2016 txt msg issue i was telling her about the situation, and she told meSprint never extended my contract expiration date when i purchased the Touch Pro so my contract still stands at Oct 2008
so right now i can walk away from Sprint w/ my TP2 and be set or if they get something worth renewing my contract i'm still good...thank you Sprint forthat glitch, but as for that issue i found another fiz i know people on here are buggin as to why they're txt msgs are dated 2016
Originally Posted by kIcKzNY96

FINALLY! got my free TP2 upgrade yesterday i guess there is an abundance of replacement phones on the list now i got it no problem this phone is such an improvement they gave me the charger and holster for it so now i have two...if you're in NYC try your luck at the West 72nd street sprint store that's where i got mine

p.s. I also discovered through a Sprint rep on the phone when i was tryna fix the 2016 txt msg issue i was telling her about the situation, and she told me Sprint never extended my contract expiration date when i purchased the Touch Pro so my contract still stands at Oct 2008
so right now i can walk away from Sprint w/ my TP2 and be set or if they get something worth renewing my contract i'm still good...thank you Sprint for that glitch, but as for that issue i found another fiz i know people on here are buggin as to why they're txt msgs are dated 2016
What did you do exactly to get them to switch it? Did you have insurance?
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