For you older dudes, where do you rock your J's?

if you dont like wearing them with jeans maybe you just need somthin baggier? its gettin nice out finally so you can rockem with wshorts now. most of myj's hibernate during the winter

Only time I don't wear 'em is when I'm doing some sort of work that will get them all dirty.

Other than that, they are always on my feet.
- I wear my Jordans everywhere. lol

- School
- Work
- Mall
- Restaurants...
- Parties
- etc.....

I stay in Jordans 24/7/365.
Im only 20 and I wear beaters to work everyday but once I get out where ever I go after work im rockin j's and on off days
psohn923 wrote:
everywhere but work.

that's it right there,most of my time all week is in work boots but if I'm not at work its J's.It makes them last longer if that makes you feelbetter.Getting old sucks...what can you do.
Me like the majority of people rock them on weekends. Mon-Fri is straight suits and ties, so I have no choice. But if I could it would be all day errday! Ifyou truely love them, you'll find tht time man.
i work for an accounting firm..since i dont deal with clients face to face i can rock my j's at work. i own a pair of dress shoes but only wore them twicein the last 5 years. since i have been collecting for almost 20 years i have a nice selection to choose from. the 11's and 16 look nice with businesscasual clothes (as long as your soles are still icy)
i feel you OP. im in the same boat except for the college part. i wear them usually to get togethers and and if i hang out with my boys once ina while. i duntthink u should sell them. u might end up regretting it
I wear mine after work, I wear dress shoes for 8-10 hours a day so as soon as I'm off the clock I throw on some Jay's. I also wear mine on the weekendas well... If you don't wear them then just sell the ones you don't wear and keep the ones you like..
when Im knockin boots...

nah, jp, thats the only time I take em off, Im still in school so I wear em almost everyday
I know how you feel. I am 27 years old, married, and have 3 kids. I am high school teacher and I was feeling the same way at one point but I got over it. Iwear them on Fridays to work and defnitely try to wear them on weekends. I try to incoporate them as much as I can, like if I go to the store or get somethingat walmart I pop on even if it isn't for that long. I came to the realization that that is my style and I will never change. I will be rocking my J'sfor as long as they last me and when ever they stop retroing. Until then, happy Jordan wearing.
You can find me at a nice dinner rockin J's and a T shirt. There's something that feels fantastic about having a pocket full of money and people treatyou like a king when you are "underdressed" in many people's minds. The truth is, most of the time my kicks cost more than their suits.
I try and wear them to casual events, nieces birthday party, dinner, ect. Jordans and nikes for that matter get worn on the weekend and when I am not requiredto wear something professional. OP I would say your ding it right, you just wear sneakers when its appropriate this just means you know what to where and when.
4 years ago, damn near every other day. Now at 26, hardly.

Me and some older/former sneakerheads I know got rid of the ones we don't have time to wear and just keep the ones we LOVED when we were younger or can getaway with wearing casually (1-12, original colorways).

I mainly wear mines when I'm out running errands or just hanging out with my friends (having friends who are married when you're still single is BORINGLOL).
I'm in my mid 30s with kids and I have an office job. I wear my Jordans primarily for playing ball 3 times a week. I figure that's what they weredesigned for. I occasionally wear them on the weekends or after work. I haven't worn my Jordans all day every day since college...
"No it's not. ISS garbage would be 15 year olds and under"
alright i'm getting really sick of people hating on us "younger people." just because i didnt live through the glory days of JB doesnt make meany less of a sneakerhead than any of you.... i'm on NT every day and i'm rockin my j's every day, just like all of you (hmmm wait... ornot
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