found a wallet with 740 bucks inside ....

i would try to figure out her financiall situation (roll by the house),,,,,if she looked like she wasn't living paycheck to paycheck or having money troubles i would have kept it.
i would try to figure out her financiall situation (roll by the house),,,,,if she looked like she wasn't living paycheck to paycheck or having money troubles i would have kept it.
Are you serious right now b? Ya'll dudes saying "oh you only got 5 bucks" or "i ain't get nothing when I did a good deed" is this for reals? How selfish are you? Do you always expect something in return for showing appreciation to someone? And this karma talk, are you serious too? Son, if you do something good and keep a positive attitude positive things will happen to you. When something bad strikes, keep the positivity flowing. "?I'ma go out and do something good for someone today, not because I want to feel good about myself and to show others that I do care, but because I'm expecting something in return:
i found a wallet once ... had a ton in it ... returned it ... several years later ... lost / pick pocketed ... don't even know ... person ran up a couple of hundred on the card ... $200 cash ... exclusive wallet gone ... let's just say i don't believe in karma ...

but back to the thread at hand ... i'm glad u returned it ... it was the right thing to do
i found a wallet once ... had a ton in it ... returned it ... several years later ... lost / pick pocketed ... don't even know ... person ran up a couple of hundred on the card ... $200 cash ... exclusive wallet gone ... let's just say i don't believe in karma ...

but back to the thread at hand ... i'm glad u returned it ... it was the right thing to do
Are you serious right now b? Ya'll dudes saying "oh you only got 5 bucks" or "i ain't get nothing when I did a good deed" is this for reals? How selfish are you? Do you always expect something in return for showing appreciation to someone? And this karma talk, are you serious too? Son, if you do something good and keep a positive attitude positive things will happen to you. When something bad strikes, keep the positivity flowing. "?I'ma go out and do something good for someone today, not because I want to feel good about myself and to show others that I do care, but because I'm expecting something in return:
Originally Posted by Fade On You

2 weeks ago i found some lady's purse and spent a half hour going through her +#*! to find where she might have worked, TOOK her %*$*+@$ purse to her workplace and gave it to her. You know what i got? NOTHING. Man, im tired of "doing the right thing". Thats all i ever do where the %%@# is my good "karma"? Nonexistant. This whole karma gig is a crock too...people experience good and bad in their lives, thats just the way life goes...if i "do the wrong thing" then 2 years later something bad happens it dont got +#*! to do with what i did 2 years prior.
Forreal?? So you decided to do a good deed because you were expecting a reward?? What kinda selfish *!+% is that?

That shouldn't be a reason for doing a good deed,you should do it just out of being a good person and doing something that you would want someone to do for you.
@ some of you guy's morals
Originally Posted by Fade On You

2 weeks ago i found some lady's purse and spent a half hour going through her +#*! to find where she might have worked, TOOK her %*$*+@$ purse to her workplace and gave it to her. You know what i got? NOTHING. Man, im tired of "doing the right thing". Thats all i ever do where the %%@# is my good "karma"? Nonexistant. This whole karma gig is a crock too...people experience good and bad in their lives, thats just the way life goes...if i "do the wrong thing" then 2 years later something bad happens it dont got +#*! to do with what i did 2 years prior.
Forreal?? So you decided to do a good deed because you were expecting a reward?? What kinda selfish *!+% is that?

That shouldn't be a reason for doing a good deed,you should do it just out of being a good person and doing something that you would want someone to do for you.
@ some of you guy's morals
Originally Posted by FOG

Fade On You wrote: But seriously though, NEVER do a good deed expecting something in return..

That's what most cats don't get. Karma doesn't work like that. You can't be expecting something in return at all times for something good that you've done.

Originally Posted by FOG

Fade On You wrote: But seriously though, NEVER do a good deed expecting something in return..

That's what most cats don't get. Karma doesn't work like that. You can't be expecting something in return at all times for something good that you've done.

You dudes kill me. If someone goes out of their way to do something for me best believe i would reward them. Its the way @*%* works nowadays, like it or not. Dudes walking around with Dalai Lama attitudes, give me a break. We're all greedy in our own ways, welcome to 2011.
You dudes kill me. If someone goes out of their way to do something for me best believe i would reward them. Its the way @*%* works nowadays, like it or not. Dudes walking around with Dalai Lama attitudes, give me a break. We're all greedy in our own ways, welcome to 2011.
I treat people the way i'd like to be treated, therefore if i was to find something of someone else's i would return it.Yall dudes are grimey. Just because you returned something does not mean you HAVE to get something in return, hell if someone was to offer me $$ i'd deny it and move along.

Shame at some of you guys 
I treat people the way i'd like to be treated, therefore if i was to find something of someone else's i would return it.Yall dudes are grimey. Just because you returned something does not mean you HAVE to get something in return, hell if someone was to offer me $$ i'd deny it and move along.

Shame at some of you guys 
at yall talking about only doing good things for positive karma or reward. You can be the most positive person but still have horrible things happen.

But you did the right thing OP.
at yall talking about only doing good things for positive karma or reward. You can be the most positive person but still have horrible things happen.

But you did the right thing OP.
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