FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
and apparently, even after acquisition it could take at least a year before everything is sorted so Gambit shooting next year might even still happen

welp. in that case, the movies are definitely coming out. hope they do my boy gambit justice :nerd:
i get they are complete but if this deal gets done before release i wouldnt put it pass disney to can some of them. they have that kind of money.

even if there aren't provisions in the deal, no way they waste $200-$300m budget (combined) by not releasing 2 blockbuster films (I am not sure New Mutants would be considered a summer blockbuster type of film), they'll release and recoup as much as they can (probably make huge profits with D2) and then deal with reboot later on

Marvel Studios in no rush to integrate these guys into their universe but I am sure it is being slotted in somewhere and bumping other projects off now
Disney & Fox Deal Talks Progress to 'Fine Print' Stage

According to a new report, the blockbuster deal that would send Fox’s Marvel properties over to Disney has progressed to the final stages. The two companies have been in talks for some time now, though discussions have definitely heated up in recent weeks. A potential deal was said to have stalled back in early November, but the fact that Fox and Disney were even talking was enough to get the Marvel fanbase buzzing, setting up a firestorm in the online community about whether or not the acquisition was in the best interest of the characters in question
Im Gonna Say It Now :lol: Come 2022 X-Men Will Be 90's Area Popularity, No One Will Remember Nor Care About The Weak *** Avengers. I Want Disney To Blow Up The X-Men Come Mid 2019 (I Want My Fox Gambit) & First X-men Film To Drop By The End Of 2019-Early 2020 (Before April) The Sooner The Start The New Franchise The Sooner They Reach The True Potential.Avengers Hit Billies A Few Times. Imagine What The Real Prime Time Players Can Earn
X-Men being 90's level popularity won't happen.

Kids have grown up with Avengers like we did with X-Men. Toys, comics, and cartoons.

Only thing they missed out on was the video games but they got way better movies in return. Don't know why Disney has not made any Avengers games
Oh and that little group known as the Fantastic Four...

Guess now we know who’s was moving into Avengers Tower in Homecoming...
The huge assumption being Feige is just going to suddenly make the X-Men the center of the MCU :lol:

Doubtful but they'll get their shine.

Plus the focus is gonna be more on cosmic.
X-Men being 90's level popularity won't happen.

Kids have grown up with Avengers like we did with X-Men. Toys, comics, and cartoons.

Only thing they missed out on was the video games but they got way better movies in return. Don't know why Disney has not made any Avengers games

On It All, I Am Telling You! Lol Avengers Only Got Cracking Like They Are Because Marvel Studios Knew How To Work Them. X-Men Are The Number 1 Marvel Brand. Just Wait Until This Fully Running Marvel Studios Machine Gets Its Hands On The God Tier "Brand" X-Men :lol: Fam Lol, DoFP Did 750?! Wait Till That Disney Magic Gets Sprinkled On The Set
I'm excited about seeing some of the X-Men done right (Gambit, Rogue, etc) but I'm actually more excited about marvel getting the FF villains
On It All, I Am Telling You! Lol Avengers Only Got Cracking Like They Are Because Marvel Studios Knew How To Work Them. X-Men Are The Number 1 Marvel Brand. Just Wait Until This Fully Running Marvel Studios Machine Gets Its Hands On The God Tier "Brand" X-Men :lol: Fam Lol, DoFP Did 750?! Wait Till That Disney Magic Gets Sprinkled On The Set
Spider-Man >>>>>>>>>

And that's facts. Been the #1 brand for Marvel since the 60s.

X-Men only got hot in the late 80s in to the 90s and Spidey was still super popular.

There's a reason why the first Spidey movies broke records and grossed so much while the X-Men movies didn't.
No Doubt, No Doubt..... Now Imagine X-Men With MCU Backing & Flare :lol: Spiderman Will Become 2nd Tier Before The 3rd Movie Man. X-Men Are Marvel, Just Watch
No Doubt, No Doubt..... Now Imagine X-Men With MCU Backing & Flare :lol: Spiderman Will Become 2nd Tier Before The 3rd Movie Man. X-Men Are Marvel, Just Watch
Oh don't get me wrong, MCU X-Men will inevitably have a billion dollar movie by themselves.

Won't be hard if they stick to the Claremont stuff.
This fox/marvel agreement couldn’t come at a better time, Marvel already set the foundation with the OG characters, we know they have the formula down, now with a plethora of all new characters and material, the possibilities are endless, Feige gonna be Stan’s age still making movies....there is no need to recast certain characters tho, they need to keep McAvoy and Fassbender on payroll as X and Mags at the very least...Would love to see Hugh throw down with the Hulk or even Spidey but I think is best to leave him alone and recast Wolverine....Hugh held that character down amongst mediocrity and Logan was a masterpiece of a movie...good way to go out....oh yeah and REYNOLDS better stay on as DP...the infinite Lulz of having DP in the MCU :rofl:
GoTG Will Be A Distant Memory Come 2024 Word To Sue Storm
I mean Gunn was already saying he wss phasing out this version of the team with the trilogy. So I guess that's when their contracts are up. He was hinting at the movie after that would focus on the Ravagers somehow.

He's still spearheading the cosmic side of things and he'll have a lot to play with F4 properties and some X-Men cosmic stuff.

Doubt it'll be a distant memory though. I don't think Feige is gonna ditch what made the MCU great. He used what he had and it was great. To the point they had the next 20 years of film in mind without the X-Men and F4.
THE NEW MUTANTS: Magik Wields Her Souldsword In Awesome New Trailer Description

Things kick off with each of the movie's leads - Magik, Mirage, Sunspot, Wolfsbane, and Cannonball - all being forced to take a lie detector test before deciding to play a game with each other to get to know each other and their respective abilities (each is reluctant to discuss their past, though).

Magik, however, is quite the rebel and decides to be the first to contribute to this game, revealing that her mutant power has, "Killed eighteen men. One by one." We then cut to a scene of Magik's arm covering itself in metal - similar to what happens with her brother Colossus - before her sword then appears and is covered in a blue flame. That's Magik's soul armour and the weapon is her Soulsword.
Need my son cyclops to get done right. Even the comics have ruined him.

New Details On Cyclops' Role In X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX; It Sounds Like Scott Summers Will Finally Become A Leader

Kinberg says "that relationship, his being willing to kill or die for [Jean Grey], is a huge part of the emotional core of the movie. It also makes Scott start to have to become a leader." That's something fans have desperately wanted to see for a while now and the hero stepping up to lead the X-Men as he tries to save Jean will definitely help get sceptical fans on board with how this movie plays out.

Entertainment Weekly adds that Cyclops is "the one mutant who never wavers from Team Jean" in X-Men: Dark Phoenix and with so much being said about Professor X's arrogance and the fact he attempts to hide Jean's powers from her, it's easy to imagine Scott wresting control of the team from him, especially if that big twist is going to involve the death of Mystique!

Director Simon Kinberg Confirms The Film Will Take Us To The Mutant Island Of Genosha

Simon Kinberg, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, has confirmed that the X-Men are finally heading to the mutant island of Genosha.

The mutant safe haven, led by Magneto (Michael Fassbender), will make its live-action debut in the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix. This is actually the setting where we'll find Erik at the beginning of the film as he's building a new life for himself and his fellow mutants. "He’s set up this place for mutants that don’t have a home to go to and they can seek refuge there, They have to work as a community but it’s a safe place for them and they’ll be accepted. It’s the mutant homeland."

However, while Erik has seemingly left his days of butting heads with Charles Xavier behind, it sounds like he'll be pulled right back into the thick of the action when he gets an unexpected visit from one of the Xavier's star pupils: Jean Grey, who arrives seeking Erik's help, but there may be a little something more nefarious to her visit than initially meets the eye. Fassbender teases, “There’s a suspicion there on his part when she arrives.
The coolest things Cyclops has ever done in the movies were shooting those plates in the first X-Men movie:lol:

Still my favorite X-Man though and I really hope he finally gets some shine.
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