FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
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pic not working

is it just on my end but it seems like imgur pics do not show up most of the time?
Edited it. Imgur and Giphy pictures don't load for me sometimes.

Does that say that there's new Aquaman "photos & intel" on the cover?
Yayy another trash X-Men flick. They should just push the realease date up for this and drop it as quick as possible so that by the time the X-Men get introduced in the MCU we would have forgotten about this bs already
you can kind of see Mystiques collar and it looks like a blue and yellow suit, somewhat similar to the First Class version

wet and naked Sophie Turner seems like good marketing

about Chastains character

Jessica Chastain Is Out Of This World

The Molly's Game star plays an otherwordly shapeshifter who manipulates Phoenix for her own agenda. Chastain's villain is quiet but brutal. "Simon and I were talking about the character and I said, 'I keep thinking of the vet who tells you you need to put your dog down,'" says the actress of her inspiration. "There’s something very clinical about it."

more details:

The X-Jet Logs Some Intergalactic Miles

Dark Phoenix will be the first time the X-Men venture into space as seen in this concept art. At the beginning of the film, the team is dispatched on a rescue mission but a solar flare hits the X-Jet. Jean uses her power to save the team but the extreme surge of energy unlocks the Phoenix.

Jean Grey Lights Up

In order to properly visualize the firey transformation of Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) into Phoenix, the new X-Menfilm has a longer post-production period than usual — nearly a year. Explains director Simon Kinberg, "I wanted the post time to deliver on the nuance of the visual effects, not just the scale of them. That takes time.

Jean Grey Is At War With Herself

Turner studied multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia in order to play Jean's duality. "So many scenes I have to go from broken-down Jean — that’s when she's most subsceptible to Phoenix infiltrating her — to this confident, arrogant, judgmental character within milliseconds."

Mystique Has Gotten a Makeover

Jennifer Lawrence's mutant is back with a new bob. And she's also more mature. "She’s grown up a lot," says Lawrence. "She’s more maternal which surprised me. She starts to get more protective of the [school] children and Charles wants to push them to prove to the world that mutants can be good for humanity and I just see them as small children."

The X-Men Reunite... For A Funeral?

Dark Phoenix is, well, dark as evidenced by this photo of Charles (James McAvoy), Nightcrawler (Kodi Smit-McPhee), Cyclops (Tye Sheridan) and Storm (Alexandra Shipp) mourning something or somebody. "I would call Dark Phoenix a drama," says Lawrence. "We have really great action scenes and we go to space like within the first five minutes of the movie. So it’s definitely exciting but emotionally all these characters are taking the biggest, most extreme dives than they have in the whole series."

Simon Kinberg Steps Up To Lead

The writer/producer, seen here with Michael Fassbender who plays Erik/Magneto, had been thinking about directing for a while. Finally, one of the X-Men team pushed him. "Honestly, the person who most really wanted me to direct was Jen Lawrence," says Kinberg. "I give her credit or blame depending on how it goes."
Other than Mystique. It's looking kind of wavy. :nerd:

Gonna remain a little tepid until I know that Mystique is a bit character.
Damn, Dark Phoenix the GOAT of Sexy Comic costumes:lol:


And I thought this chick JLaw was done with X-Men? I'm tired of her washed up ***.

i'd be happy if Dark Phoenix doesn't don the costume, just have Sophie naked and have little bit of fire cover the bits and pieces they can't show
Did they film this Dark Phoenix movie already? It'd be hilarious if after Disney acquires the rights that they just stop this movie from releasing.
she did for the fans gaiz

Lawrence couldn’t turn down good friend and franchise writer/producer Simon Kinberg. When Kinberg expressed interest in directing Dark Phoenix, Lawrence was one of his biggest champions and couldn’t not be part of the project.

“I kind of f—ed myself,” Lawrence says. “Because when I was trying to talk Simon into directing, he said something like, ‘If I direct it, you have to do it,’ and I was like, ‘Of course! Duh!’ Then they offered me the movie, and I was like, ‘Goddammit!'” But she adds, “It was the fan base, though, too — the other reason was for the fans.”

Plus, the shoot was calm and fun, something that is not always the case with the X-Men films. “It was unrecognizable,” admits Lawrence. “Everything was on time. Everything was organized. These movies have always been fun amidst chaos, and now they were fun with no chaos.”
Chick is recognizing that the everyday normal girl schtick has run its course, and people are annoyed by her. And she realizes that needs this franchise for the coin.
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