FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
The X-Men and F4 are already coming home. This is the only chance to see these X-Men spin-offs. Let Fox take these risks before they eventually fade into Bolivia. I wanted to see what Mangold was going to do with X-23 or what they were going to do with X-Force, but maybe in another 18 years. :lol:
because they can't stop operations for a year to two until the sale concludes

what if it is delayed longer or worst case scenario it doesn't fall through because the senate interferes?

democrats are already calling for a hearing on the merger
Republicans hold a slim majority in the senate and Trump seems to want this merger so as of right now the deal is safe

I'm actually pro Democrat and anti Trump so it would be highly ironic if seats flip like I want them to in the 2018 mids only for their first action to be to kill the Disney deal :lol:
its because of Fox News that Trump is for it :lol: he called the Murdochs to make sure they aren't part of the sale

but even if republicans have the majority, doesn't mean democrats demands can't hold up the sale
Democrats over extending themselves if they paying so much attention to the merger

I'd rather them focus on net neutrality getting axed

Also, the tax reform getting passed

Judges getting lifetime appointments who apparently have no qualifications...etc etc

Leave Disney alone mayne
they are focusing on both, they aren't just sitting back

I don't want to get political and I can't wait for this to finally happen but there are bigger things than just the XMen and F4 coming home in this merger
If this initial deal fails.

I hope Fox works with Disney to simply sell them the X-Men, FF, and Star Wars rights. That shouldn't be too much of an issue. (Probably is, though)



they are focusing on both, they aren't just sitting back

I don't want to get political and I can't wait for this to finally happen but there are bigger things than just the XMen and F4 coming home in this merger

Horror vibe is strong with the New Mutants...Hopefully they stick with that and don’t go cartoonish with it...I’m very interested at this point...
Based on the trailer, looks like its going for jump scare kinda horror. Which I don't care for.
Sophie Turner Says X-Men: Dark Phoenix Is ‘Revolutionizing’ The Superhero Genre

Sophie Turner has promised that X-Men: Dark Phoenix is a deeply emotional film that will ‘revolutionize’ the superhero genre.

2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse left fans in no doubt where the X-Men franchise would go next. It featured a dramatic scene in which Sophie Turner’s Jean grey cut loose like never before. Amid prophecies of the world burning in fire, Jean even manifested the Phoenix halo. Few fans were surprised when Fox revealed the next tentpole X-Men film would bear the title X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

In an interview with Empire, Turner has promised that this X-Men film will be a tremendously powerful one. She promised a “dark, gritty drama” that would turn the franchise on its head. “We are revolutionizing it,” Turner explained. “We wanted to create a whole new genre of superhero movie.”
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