Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

The pettiness in canceling someone else's order smh.

Congrats to all those who copped that truly wanted these, enjoy your kicks.

I've realized most of the people who sell kicks/ATC services are people who feel entitled as if they're doing others such a big favor when they pay for their service of kicks.

Some of these dudes are just down right disrespectufl for no reason... and for what? Imaginary epoints?

Time to sell the kix I don't wear and gracefully bow out with some yeezys.

Enjoy the rest of your weekends homies!
Why are yall supporting bots? I thought it was against NT rules?

lol the troll is strong in this one.

But for those seriously wondering, because I can only buy Js for retail in London. If I have to pay a reseller it should be one that sends the shoe directly from the store to my house.
lol dunno why people cancel others orders

get a life lol

funny thing is the guy can call and explain he posted a screen shot and someone else cancelled it and they can still honor it
You definitely have some undiagnosed mental disorder if you're spending your time calling NDC to cancel someone's order.
not even salty when i really never had a chance.

But I do love this 10a release for the west coasters. Took a dump, cooked some sausage, pancakes, and eggs, and sat patiently while Nike teased me with being in line and thinking i had a chance.
I didn't even bother to wake up for this
10 hrs of sleep ftw
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yeah man, cancelling orders is just messed up. like really.. come on now. Hope that dude gets his pear.
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