Free $25 loan from - only 6,600 invites remain worldwide.

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
In July of 2008, NikeTalk allocated over $6,800 to create a lending fund on, a website that allows individuals to finance microloans to entrepreneurs in need around the world.  
Since then, we've issued nine loans for a total of over $13,000 - cycling the entire fund in the process.  
Each time, we've allowed you to vote to determine which of Kiva's entrepreneurs would receive support from our community lending account.  

We've also created our own Kiva lending team, which has issued over 50 loans of its own.  

If you're new to Kiva, you now have the opportunity to sign up and enjoy a free $25 trial by following this invitation link:

We'll begin issuing new loans soon, and, just as before, you'll have the chance to select the recipients.  In the meantime, I hope you'll consider taking advantage of the $25 free trial opportunity and join our NikeTalk lending team.  

Only 6,600 trials remain at the moment, so, if you're interested, there's no time to waste.  Kiva really is a great way to DIRECTLY help people around the world lift themselves and their families out of poverty, and, since most loans are fully repaid, it's something you can do again and again.  It's difficult indeed to find better value for your money - and that's never been more true now that Kiva's offering a $25 trial. 
Thanks, Meth. I signed up, received the free $25 loan, and now I'm wondering, whom do I give it to? Do we, NT, have any specific people in mind?
Thanks, Meth. I signed up, received the free $25 loan, and now I'm wondering, whom do I give it to? Do we, NT, have any specific people in mind?

I'd love to kick off a new round of user voting, but with all the extra traffic the trial offers will create, that might be impractical.  I remember once we tried to hold a vote around the time Oprah mentioned Kiva on her show.  Every candidate's loan was fulfilled by other user's before our polls even closed.  With all the traffic this trial offer is creating, it's likely the same thing would occur if we tried to hold a vote now.  

As for the recipient of YOUR first loan, the great thing about Kiva is that you can really tailor it to your interests.  They lend to entrepreneurs in 61 different countries - and, recently, they've even added field partners in the United States.  So, I'm sure you can find someplace close to your heart if you're moved by location.  The variety of business types you can support is also pretty diverse.  Personally, I like to lend to fruit & vegetable sellers for ethical and environmental reasons. 

Microloans are particularly good at extending access to credit to female entrepreneurs, who have traditionally been excluded by formal lending institutions.  

Ultimately, though, it's up to the individual and Kiva really does present a unique opportunity to directly impact someone's life.  I'm glad to see that some of my fellow members are interested in taking advantage of the opportunity.

i donated to the YUKU servers. jk. Signing-up right now.

Don't worry about Yuku.  I have a relief plan to help ease their burden.  If they can't figure out a way to shape up soon, we'll see to it that they lose at least 10% of their total network traffic ourselves.   That oughtta lighten the load a bit. 
I gave mine to Oleg Gizhytskyi.

''Oleg, his wife and daughter Victoria live in the Gladkovka village, Kherson region. Oleg is involved in growing early vegetables in greenhouses. He has been in this business for six years. He has 100,000 hryvnia invested into his business. His net monthly profit is about 6,000 hryvnia. Oleg plans to invest the 20,000 hryvnia Kiva loan into developing his farming business. He plans to buy seeds with 1,500 hryvnia, plastic with 6,500 hryvnia, fertilizers with 5,000 hryvnia and wood with 7,000 hryvnia''
It keeps telling me I have to pay and I have no $25 credit.

Are you using this link?  

You just need to use somebody's invite to sign up, whether it's ours or someone else's.  

There are still 6,587 invites left. 

I gave mine to Oleg Gizhytskyi. 

''Oleg, his wife and daughter Victoria live in the Gladkovka village, Kherson region. Oleg is involved in growing early vegetables in greenhouses. He has been in this business for six years. He has 100,000 hryvnia invested into his business. His net monthly profit is about 6,000 hryvnia. Oleg plans to invest the 20,000 hryvnia Kiva loan into developing his farming business. He plans to buy seeds with 1,500 hryvnia, plastic with 6,500 hryvnia, fertilizers with 5,000 hryvnia and wood with 7,000 hryvnia''

Very cool.  

It's definitely empowering to review all of these loan applications and personally help those you feel some connection with.  It eliminates many of the barriers that lead people to wonder about where their money will go and how it will help others.  It's right there in front of you - and it's easy to see how the resources you can afford to spare can make a big difference in someone's life.
Don't worry about Yuku. I have a relief plan to help ease their burden. If they can't figure out a way to shape up soon, we'll see to it that they lose at least 10% of their total network traffic ourselves. That oughtta lighten the load a bit.

Originally Posted by Method Man

It keeps telling me I have to pay and I have no $25 credit.
Are you using this link?  

You just need to use somebody's invite to sign up, whether it's ours or someone else's.  

There are still 6,587 invites left. 

My group "Niketalk" is showing up, but I also am not showing a $25 credit in my account.  My available Kiva credit is $0.00
I donated to Oleg as well. 
Thank you for presenting us with this opportunity Meth. I can't express how thankful I am that someone like you runs this site. We all know that it could very well be like that other site, but instead you help us get involved in so many great causes and are constantly putting the revenue that this site into amazing charities.

NT World
Hey Meth - do you mind PMing or msg me your email? I want to ask you a few questions about charities as it seem like you're a very knowledgeable person in the field.  I have a startup philanthropic biz idea in the works and would love to hear your thoughts.  Thanks
Just used my trial to complete this fund, i wish the stories were better.
being mexican i wanted to donate to mexican groups, but all of them seemed to be about herbalife, and catalog product businesses.
arent most of those pyramid schemes?
Don't worry about Yuku.  I have a relief plan to help ease their burden.  If they can't figure out a way to shape up soon, we'll see to it that they lose at least 10% of their total network traffic ourselves.   That oughtta lighten the load a bit. 

Just used my trial to complete this fund, i wish the stories were better.

being mexican i wanted to donate to mexican groups, but all of them seemed to be about herbalife, and catalog product businesses. 

arent most of those pyramid schemes?

We've been making loans through Kiva for years, and this is the first I've seen of pyramid schemes.  It sounds like this particular field partner has questionable standards.  I'd consider contacting Kiva about it and let them know exactly how you feel.  If this is something that diminishes your opinion of Kiva as a whole, then they should take a closer look at whether or not it's in their best interests to continue to work with this field partner, as opposed to another microlender operating within the same general area.  

The nice thing about Kiva is that it gives the individual far greater control than is possible through a traditional charity.  You're not donating to a general fund, to be used at the organization's discretion (though you can donate to support Kiva itself.)  Rather, you get to choose EXACTLY who receives your money - and for what purpose.  Every field partner is disclosed, as is that field partner's record.  You can take a look at their loan history and find out what their record is.  What percentage of their loans are fully repaid?  How many end in default?  If you're worried about losing your money, taking the extra step to research the field partner is well worth it.  

If you'd rather support borrowers who have a better or, at least, more self-sufficient business plan, then you certainly have that capability.  That's the extra degree of control Kiva offers that most organizations can't or don't.  

I hope you find someone you're more enthusiastic about supporting - and I would encourage you to share your thoughts about this with Kiva as well.  

My group "Niketalk" is showing up, but I also am not showing a $25 credit in my account.  My available Kiva credit is $0.00

If you were one of the first to see this post, it's possible you didn't click the correct link, with the invitation.  Before I edited the post, I accidentally pasted the team page link where the invite link was supposed to go.  I'd hoped that I caught it in time, but I apologize if you missed out on the credit.  It may be possible to create a new account using the invite link now, as there are still about 6,500 left at the moment. 

Hey Meth - do you mind PMing or msg me your email? I want to ask you a few questions about charities as it seem like you're a very knowledgeable person in the field.  I have a startup philanthropic biz idea in the works and would love to hear your thoughts.  Thanks

Sure, just send me a PM.  In many cases, I can respond within 48 hours. 

Thank you for presenting us with this opportunity Meth. I can't express how thankful I am that someone like you runs this site. We all know that it could very well be like that other site, but instead you help us get involved in so many great causes and are constantly putting the revenue that this site into amazing charities.

NT World 

Thanks for the kind words.  I'm glad you appreciate what differentiates NikeTalk as a COMMUNITY from some of the other websites out there.   We know that people come to NikeTalk for a wide variety of reasons, but the fact that we're all here represents a tremendous opportunity.  It's our greatest hope that we can use it to work together for good, to inspire the best in each other and all those with whom we come in contact. 
Great stuff.  Made my contribution to Gladys Chitti.
Glady's is a 28-year-old married woman. Her husband's name is Klaus. Gladys operates a kindergarten school. She's worked in this business for 4 years. Her primary customers are children from the neighboring community. Glady's other source of income is a beauty salon business. Her highest monthly expense is food. She owns a house that has both electricity and piped water. Gladys will use the Kes 30,000 loan to purchase furniture such as chairs and books. Glady's aspires to expand her school to accommodate more children in the future. She joined Yehu to access capital.
Hey Method Man, this is awesome. I attend Stony Brook and help founded a micro-finance club that works with KIVA to help entrepreneurs in third world countries. I didn't know niketalk donated to KIVA. Nice and hope niketalk can continue to donate and allocate it's money to potential entrepreneurs for years to come. Maybe we can collaborate one day haha.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Just used my trial to complete this fund, i wish the stories were better.
being mexican i wanted to donate to mexican groups, but all of them seemed to be about herbalife, and catalog product businesses.
arent most of those pyramid schemes?

I just signed up and donated myself. I found this lady in Mexico that runs a general store so I donated the $25 to her. Her name is is Silvia Alicia. look her up.
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