^Nah the site shut down early this morn when it comes to providing it.

Luckily mom dukes went hard and printed out a good amount to hold me down till the 19th
I went hard today. Moms was telling me the restrictions they making some KFCs in BK got only from 12pm-1pm. Others got this managers choice on thesides so you get w/e they say.
@ the Cole slaw I got but wentback hard in the evening and they was running out of sides so I was stockin up on wedges

They hit me with the is it okay if you get something else?(original/crispy, boneless wings) I was like as long as it's free ma.
kfc in my area sad no more kfcs in the area were no longer accepting the coupons. i was like
we waited in drive through for 15 minuets for nothing. then she offered amailed cupon in 1-2 weeks. i was heated, worked just fine yesterday and were mass produced at school today
damn i know that they are doing the rain check thing now but you still need an original coupon... smh at me for not jumping on this sooner
i wonder what the workers do to the food knowing they have to serve all these ppl and making them work all day,

i'll pass, the nearest kfc by my place isnt the cleanest
Well if you in jamaica, the kfc on hillside and van wyck and hillside and 176 said they not doing it anymore. Last night me and 3 of my friends raped themthough, 8 pieces, 4 large sides and 4 biscuits free, too good to be true :-(
saw this on another site

[h1]KFC's Refusal to Give Away Grilled Chicken Sparks Sit-In?[/h1]Yesterday Oprah Winfrey thought she'd be nice and arrange for free KFC grilled chicken for everybody. Big mistake. The demand for free fowl has been so overwhelming that many people are having a dickens of a time getting their chickens because the website can't handle all the coupon downloads. This morning Grub Street compiled some of the more "heart wrenching" comments from thwarted KFC consumers on Oprah's site, such as "I'M MELTING CAN'T GET THE COUPONS PLEASE IS THERE ANOTHER WAY OF GETTING THEM ???? HUNGRY FOR THE CHIICKEN" and "Nice gesture since I am unemployed and a free dinner would have been nice. I could not download the coupon."
And now this harrowing report from the scene of a KFC on 42nd Street between Madison and Park has landed in our inbox:
I went over to our nearest KFC a few minutes ago...and chaos ensued. Despite the very visible grilled chicken behind the register, the manager told everyone with coupons to leave and that the promotion was over for the day. The people there are currently holding a sit-in and refusing to leave until they get their free chicken...or the cops are called. Racial epithets were being spewed, people who actually wanted to pay for chicken were facing a potential beatdown, and the manager ran from the screaming horde. Oprah, what have ye wrought?

More than a dozen calls placed to the KFC in question have been met with an ominous busy signal. We can only assume a riot squad is currently cracking skulls to save that last defenseless grilled chicken from the freeloading mob. Developing...


The scene outside a crowded KFC just moments ago, where a manager had barred entry to the establishment, leaving what appears to be a dejected Wally Shawn stuck outside muttering, "Inconceivable."

UPDATE: The photo seen here was just sent to us from our source, who returned to the KFC in question but was unable to get inside to assess the situation. We're told that "unfortunately the manager is now standing in the entrance and all of the patrons are inside since it's post-lunch rush." We can only assume it's a bloodbath in there. Still developing...
she should of made it a one or two day coupon anyway, how the hell you gonna give free chicken until the 19th?
Originally Posted by DMan14

i wonder what the workers do to the food knowing they have to serve all these ppl and making them work all day,

i'll pass, the nearest kfc by my place isnt the cleanest
one worker said it makes the day go by a lot faster, and i agree with that having worked in the restaurant environment.

i just called a kfc around here, and they said they are still honoring the coupons, so i'm gonna check them out here in a few...

will report back.
So the KFC by my school has decided to stop the promorion because they cannot "meet the demand"

That's what happens when you're the only KFC in a 2 town raidus with 2 college campuses in the vacinity.
I seen a commercial with the president saying they're giving out
rain checks because they weren't prepared for such a high demand.

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

um was that suppose to be funny?

- Yep

- When I read that news piece, those pics were the first thing I thought of. Sometimes you swing and's all in the game

"I'm a big girl," Shannon Edwards told CNN affiliate WBAL-TV in Baltimore, Maryland, on Thursday after she was turned away from a KFC. "I like to eat. So I'm kind of disappointed I have to go to McDonald's now."

Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

"I'm a big girl," Shannon Edwards told CNN affiliate WBAL-TV in Baltimore, Maryland, on Thursday after she was turned away from a KFC. "I like to eat. So I'm kind of disappointed I have to go to McDonald's now."


My dukes and I went to one in Ramsey NJ today.

Saw the sign on the door got the rain check (except we were told we could bring it back or send it ourselves). since we have like four tickets each, my Mom waslike f them, I am making copies and filling out everyone's name in the house on them and getting our damn coupons.

Funny how KFC can actually be good since it is free. I still think it is one of the worst fast food joints around.
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