FREE Palestine! END the Occupation! STOP the Bombings! EDIT: BEGIN THE BOYCOTTS! PLEASE READ

I was joking about the anti semitism guys, that is something the ADL would say about your gathering.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

How is it that people have the audacity to ask why Hamas was elected, and then talk about how no one is talking about how awful Arafat was.

That election was the reaction to 10 years of nothing being done by Arafat, and 10 years of resistance from Hamas. These people saw Hamas actually attempting to DO something for them, and not stealing their money.

That is the only way they could do something, through a fair election.

Lets say the Palestinians bombed the Israelis and killed/injured roughly the same amount of people before any of these attacks. Would u say that those are acts of terrorism? No, because in the end of the day you will be supporting Palestine. no matter what. Thats just a fact. A majority of Muslims will support Palestine, doesnt matter what they do and a majority Jews will support Israel, doesnt matter what they do. Thats just how it is. So there is nothing i will say that will change your views on this and vice versa.

Btw, i'll look into Unit 101
Thats simply not true. There are a great deal of Jews outside Israel that do not support it. They realize the evils of Zionism and try to expose them. This has everything to do with Zionism, and the use of the Bible as the word of law and how things must be, which is completely, COMPLETELY, insane.

Thank you.
This thread is absolutely ridiculous.

I mean surely the thread starter wanted to spark a debate on the topic, but I doubt in any manner it was supposed to turn out like this.

Frankly it doesn't matter who you support at this point. Right and wrong does not matter anymore.

What matters is the death toll.

And I think we can all agree that it is an unfair battle.

I think we can contribute global terrorism at least partially to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

I think we can contribute the lack of education and development in that region to the conflict. Yes the same lack of education and development that fuelsignorance.

And I think you're stupid if you disagree.
imo, if u really care then move to the middle east and fight for your cause.

but if u live in the u.s and are a citizen of this great country, then worry about what u can do to make this country better.
Lets say the Palestinians bombed the Israelis and killed/injured roughly the same amount of people before any of these attacks. Would u say that those are acts of terrorism? No, because in the end of the day you will be supporting Palestine. no matter what. Thats just a fact. A majority of Muslims will support Palestine, doesnt matter what they do and a majority Jews will support Israel, doesnt matter what they do. Thats just how it is. So there is nothing i will say that will change your views on this and vice versa.

Btw, i'll look into Unit 101
Thats simply not true. There are a great deal of Jews outside Israel that do not support it. They realize the evils of Zionism and try to expose them. This has everything to do with Zionism, and the use of the Bible as the word of law and how things must be, which is completely, COMPLETELY, insane.
Proof of statement above:
Originally Posted by asilva23

imo, if u really care then move to the middle east and fight for your cause.

but if u live in the u.s and are a citizen of this great country, then worry about what u can do to make this country better.
So you are a nationalist.

You feel that any humanitarian efforts across the world are unwarranted unless it is in the national interest of our country?
Yea that is why i chose my words carefully. If you read correctly you will see that i said "A majority". I did not say ALL. And please tel me y youdidnt bold "A majority of muslims will support Palestine"? A majority is 51% or greater if i am not mistaken.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by asilva23

imo, if u really care then move to the middle east and fight for your cause.

but if u live in the u.s and are a citizen of this great country, then worry about what u can do to make this country better.
So you are a nationalist.

You feel that any humanitarian efforts across the world are unwarranted unless it is in the national interest of our country?

He's no nationalist he's an ignoranus....

Last time America took a back seat in a conflict that they could have made a difference in countless lives were lost....

Rwandan genocide...

Also, America made Israel the power they are now, they are the direct cause of this abuse of power....

Anyways, I'm not even supposed to be in this thread anymore, time to make my exit...
Originally Posted by Praise The X I
I'm about to cry after seeing this.

1 Israeli dead to almost 300 Palestinians.Hundreds more injured.

With no supplies, no support from other countries, no nothing.

And people wonder why they are calling for martyrdom?


Nothing has been said to Israel man. Absolutely nothing.

And people are going to talk about how Arabs are crying?

How this attack was warranted?

What else are they to do?

Arabs are crying man, they are.

They are crying for their brothers, their sisters, their cousins who are dead or dying.

Pray for Palestine my Muslim brothers.

Pray for them. Cry for them.

Cry for them like you would if you weren't thousands of miles away.
Mo Matik wrote:
Originally Posted by Praise The X I
I'm about to cry after seeing this.

1 Israeli dead to almost 300 Palestinians.Hundreds more injured.

With no supplies, no support from other countries, no nothing.

And people wonder why they are calling for martyrdom?


Nothing has been said to Israel man. Absolutely nothing.

And people are going to talk about how Arabs are crying?

How this attack was warranted?

What else are they to do?

Arabs are crying man, they are.

They are crying for their brothers, their sisters, their cousins who are dead or dying.

Pray for Palestine my Muslim brothers.

Pray for them. Cry for them.

Cry for them like you would if you weren't thousands of miles away.


The problem is its a lose lose situation. If they give it back to palestine the jews will be crying that their land is occupied. Its not an easy fix.
People die all the time. Protesting it on a sneaker forum won't change anything. Stop trying to force what you view as "important" on people whohave no real ties to the country/people. You think they gave a F when 9/11 happened? Nope, and I didn't either. #+!# happens, live with it. 300 Dead is aminimal amount compared to the other "tragedies" that occur in the world.
It's just so comical that a population of 15-18 million people is BLAMED FOR EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH

I love how other arab nations "support" palestine by not doing !$$+ just talk talk talk. Take them into your country if you feel their pain so much.The land was CRAP till the Jews fixed it up.

When I took my trip to Israel I noticed ONE GREEN SPOT surrounded by dirt...The green spot was israel and that's not a coincidence. What would be so greatabout palestinians gaining control over Israel. Somebody tell me one positive thing.
Originally Posted by repinqueens

It's just so comical that a population of 15-18 million people is BLAMED FOR EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH

I love how other arab nations "support" palestine by not doing !$$+ just talk talk talk. Take them into your country if you feel their pain so much. The land was CRAP till the Jews fixed it up.

When I took my trip to Israel I noticed ONE GREEN SPOT surrounded by dirt...The green spot was israel and that's not a coincidence. What would be so great about palestinians gaining control over Israel. Somebody tell me one positive thing.

Why is that you babbling fool? Why?

Did it ever occur to you that is a direct result of Americas funding for Israel? Trillions of dollars...

Originally Posted by ceelo4

People die all the time. Protesting it on a sneaker forum won't change anything. Stop trying to force what you view as "important" on people who have no real ties to the country/people. You think they gave a F when 9/11 happened? Nope, and I didn't either. #+!# happens, live with it. 300 Dead is a minimal amount compared to the other "tragedies" that occur in the world.


Why care about anything at all then if it's not directly affecting you ?

Difference between this and 9/11 is one was by a terrorist group and the other is by an organized, recognized, well funded, and well supported legitimategovernment body.
Originally Posted by repinqueens

It's just so comical that a population of 15-18 million people is BLAMED FOR EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH

I love how other arab nations "support" palestine by not doing !$$+ just talk talk talk. Take them into your country if you feel their pain so much. The land was CRAP till the Jews fixed it up.

When I took my trip to Israel I noticed ONE GREEN SPOT surrounded by dirt...The green spot was israel and that's not a coincidence. What would be so great about palestinians gaining control over Israel. Somebody tell me one positive thing.
You sound like you accept the fact that Israel is an occupation, and you're argument for it is that the land is now better off under the ruleof the Jews.

If it steal your shirt because it looks better on me than it does on you, is that justified?

Rather than to list all the answers to your question, this one word is encompassing of them all:

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by ceelo4

People die all the time. Protesting it on a sneaker forum won't change anything. Stop trying to force what you view as "important" on people who have no real ties to the country/people. You think they gave a F when 9/11 happened? Nope, and I didn't either. #+!# happens, live with it. 300 Dead is a minimal amount compared to the other "tragedies" that occur in the world.


Why care about anything at all then if it's not directly affecting you ?

Difference between this and 9/11 is one was by a terrorist group and the other is by an organized, recognized, well funded, and well supported legitimate government body.

Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life,you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by ceelo4

People die all the time. Protesting it on a sneaker forum won't change anything. Stop trying to force what you view as "important" on people who have no real ties to the country/people. You think they gave a F when 9/11 happened? Nope, and I didn't either. #+!# happens, live with it. 300 Dead is a minimal amount compared to the other "tragedies" that occur in the world.


Why care about anything at all then if it's not directly affecting you ?

Difference between this and 9/11 is one was by a terrorist group and the other is by an organized, recognized, well funded, and well supported legitimate government body.

Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life, you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.

This is the most ******ed attitude I have ever seen. Like I said before, why care about anything then ? Genocide ? Who cares! Holocaust ? Who cares ! As longas it doesn't affect me right ?

Fun facts:

Hamas shelled part of Israel. Israel viciously retaliated. The US urged Hamas to cease shelling.

Georgia shelled South Ossetia. Russia viciously retaliated. The US urged Russia to cease military action against Georgia.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by repinqueens

It's just so comical that a population of 15-18 million people is BLAMED FOR EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH

I love how other arab nations "support" palestine by not doing !$$+ just talk talk talk. Take them into your country if you feel their pain so much. The land was CRAP till the Jews fixed it up.

When I took my trip to Israel I noticed ONE GREEN SPOT surrounded by dirt...The green spot was israel and that's not a coincidence. What would be so great about palestinians gaining control over Israel. Somebody tell me one positive thing.
You sound like you accept the fact that Israel is an occupation, and you're argument for it is that the land is now better off under the rule of the Jews.

If it steal your shirt because it looks better on me than it does on you, is that justified?

Rather than to list all the answers to your question, this one word is encompassing of them all:


the world isn't a fair place. The same people crying about palestine would laugh at native americans trying to "take their land back"

Britain screwed up and Jews capitalized. Jews need a country of their own point blank. There are ONE BILLION MUSLIMS walking the planet. Muslms wanna complainthat "nobody cares about them" well tough **** There are one billion of your brothers and sisters to fall back on. Every Jew is at least a littleconcerned about being wiped off the face of the earth. We needed land and did what we had to do to attain it. We ain;t going anywhere poppy.

I'm sure we can all agree both sides are wrong and they should just live in peace. But it won't happen. And it's hilarious when they want the golanheights back. How can you START A WAR, lose, and then complain.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by ceelo4

People die all the time. Protesting it on a sneaker forum won't change anything. Stop trying to force what you view as "important" on people who have no real ties to the country/people. You think they gave a F when 9/11 happened? Nope, and I didn't either. #+!# happens, live with it. 300 Dead is a minimal amount compared to the other "tragedies" that occur in the world.


Why care about anything at all then if it's not directly affecting you ?

Difference between this and 9/11 is one was by a terrorist group and the other is by an organized, recognized, well funded, and well supported legitimate government body.

Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life, you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.
Why would things have to directly affect you to care? Are you a sociopath?

How can you be so self centered?

I mean sure, me being a Muslim, I care a lot about this.

But that doesn't mean that I didn't care at all for Rwanda. That I didn't care at all for Syria, or for Darfur.

Individually, things won't change, but with enough support than absolutely things will change.
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