FREE Palestine! END the Occupation! STOP the Bombings! EDIT: BEGIN THE BOYCOTTS! PLEASE READ

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by ceelo4

People die all the time. Protesting it on a sneaker forum won't change anything. Stop trying to force what you view as "important" on people who have no real ties to the country/people. You think they gave a F when 9/11 happened? Nope, and I didn't either. #+!# happens, live with it. 300 Dead is a minimal amount compared to the other "tragedies" that occur in the world.


Why care about anything at all then if it's not directly affecting you ?

Difference between this and 9/11 is one was by a terrorist group and the other is by an organized, recognized, well funded, and well supported legitimate government body.

Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life, you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.
Why would things have to directly affect you to care? Are you a sociopath?

How can you be so self centered?

I mean sure, me being a Muslim, I care a lot about this.

But that doesn't mean that I didn't care at all for Rwanda. That I didn't care at all for Syria, or for Darfur.

Individually, things won't change, but with enough support than absolutely things will change
Why do you deem me a sociopath because I don't care? There is no reason for me to care. People die all the time. Live with it, simple as that.
@ Palestine. They don't know when to quit. Ever since they startedfighting against the nation of Israel, they lost land. Israel would offer a deal, Palestinians wouldn't accept it, and would attack. Israel would ownthem, then offer another deal. A cycle.
Israel is being nice, if theyreally wanted to fight they'd wipe you of the face of the planet.
Take what you can get and settle.
Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by repinqueens

It's just so comical that a population of 15-18 million people is BLAMED FOR EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH

I love how other arab nations "support" palestine by not doing !$$+ just talk talk talk. Take them into your country if you feel their pain so much. The land was CRAP till the Jews fixed it up.

When I took my trip to Israel I noticed ONE GREEN SPOT surrounded by dirt...The green spot was israel and that's not a coincidence. What would be so great about palestinians gaining control over Israel. Somebody tell me one positive thing.
You sound like you accept the fact that Israel is an occupation, and you're argument for it is that the land is now better off under the rule of the Jews.

If it steal your shirt because it looks better on me than it does on you, is that justified?

Rather than to list all the answers to your question, this one word is encompassing of them all:


the world isn't a fair place. The same people crying about palestine would laugh at native americans trying to "take their land back"

Britain screwed up and Jews capitalized. Jews need a country of their own point blank. There are ONE BILLION MUSLIMS walking the planet. Muslms wanna complain that "nobody cares about them" well tough **** There are one billion of your brothers and sisters to fall back on. Every Jew is at least a little concerned about being wiped off the face of the earth. We needed land and did what we had to do to attain it. We ain;t going anywhere poppy.

I'm sure we can all agree both sides are wrong and they should just live in peace. But it won't happen. And it's hilarious when they want the golan heights back. How can you START A WAR, lose, and then complain.
Read that again and maybe you'll see how ridiculous you sound. Here, let me help you:

The world isn't a fair place
So you're admitting that the Israeli occupation is wrong and is an injustice.
The same people crying about palestine would laugh at native americans trying to "take their land back"
So you're calling humanitarians in favor of Palestine hypocritical? I completely disagree. Sure the Palestinian people care a hell of a lotmore about their land than the Native American land, but that's human nature.
Jews need a country of their own point blank

Oh okay so they need a country of their own now? I thought it was predestined in the Bible. So rather than a religious thing, it's just asecurity thing, ok I understand.
Muslms wanna complain that "nobody cares about them" well tough **** There are one billion of your brothers and sisters to fall back on.
Oh right, yeah, many of which are living in 3rd world conditions. Not to mention religious persecution all over the world.
We ain;t going anywhere poppy.
You speak on behalf of Israel I see.
I'm sure we can all agree both sides are wrong and they should just live in peace.
The only thing worth reading in your entire post. Edit everything else out, and just leave that.
"Palestine" will never win. They are like the monkey that keeps touching the wire even tho he gets shocked EVERYTIME.
Why do you deem me a sociopath because I don't care? There is no reason for me to care. People die all the time. Live with it, simple as that.
I don't understand.

I mean, I can't comprehend that. People are suffering and you really couldn't care less?
Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life, you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.
According to who, will no one be able to change anything? Your hopelessness is very sad.

I have no ties to this situation at all, I am a white, American, atheist male raised in New York who feels that he needs to learn everything about the subject,so maybe some day, someone will listen to me and make some type of change in the region. Hope is a wonderful thing, and thats why I study about this, its why Iwant to go for a masters, and its why I hope to get my P.hD, so maybe one day I, or others like me, can make some sort of change by educating others on thesubject.

the world isn't a fair place. The same people crying about palestine would laugh at native americans trying to "take their land back"

Britain screwed up and Jews capitalized. Jews need a country of their own point blank. There are ONE BILLION MUSLIMS walking the planet. Muslms wanna complain that "nobody cares about them" well tough **** There are one billion of your brothers and sisters to fall back on. Every Jew is at least a little concerned about being wiped off the face of the earth. We needed land and did what we had to do to attain it. We ain;t going anywhere poppy.

I'm sure we can all agree both sides are wrong and they should just live in peace. But it won't happen. And it's hilarious when they want the golan heights back. How can you START A WAR, lose, and then complain.
I seriously, for your own sake, hope that this is some type of sick joke.

This is not about Muslims, it is about a people who lived in their own country, or what would have soon been their own country, and were expelled by people who"needed a homeland." There are a great deal of Jewish people that they have to fall back on as well. There is no reason that Jews should be worriedabout being wiped off the face of the earth.

You can not take land that you "gain" in war. It is not your land. This has been decided by the world. The Geneva Conventions decided this, and toignore it is disgusting. Hitler did the same exact thing and thats why World War II started. World War II started because Germany invaded Poland and tried totake it for themselves, this is exactly what Israel has done.

The Israeli Army is called the IDF, which stands for Israeli Defense Force. DEFENSE FORCE... They dont attack, yet they keep having to defend themselves.
Yeah, they are definitely a defense force.


Damn, I feel bad laughing but you got me in tears over here, are you serious fam ?
Originally Posted by az005us

The Israeli Army is called the IDF, which stands for Israeli Defense Force. DEFENSE FORCE... They dont attack, yet they keep having to defend themselves.

Really bro?

I mean, really?
Originally Posted by az005us

The Israeli Army is called the IDF, which stands for Israeli Defense Force. DEFENSE FORCE... They dont attack, yet they keep having to defend themselves.
They don't attack?

Again, I ask you to look at Unit 101.

To quote Shakespear, Whats in a name?
Originally Posted by az005us

The Israeli Army is called the IDF, which stands for Israeli Defense Force. DEFENSE FORCE... They dont attack, yet they keep having to defend themselves.
So if Hamaas called themselves the Palestinian Defense Force then they would be cool in your book?

Ur intelligence level is too low to share your opinion on the matter.
I'm going to sit back and watch. The day Israel realizes that the ENTIRE world hates them is the day that they will begin to amend for the wrongs they havedone in the last 60 years.

Carry on.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life, you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.
According to who, will no one be able to change anything? Your hopelessness is very sad.

I have no ties to this situation at all, I am a white, American, atheist male raised in New York who feels that he needs to learn everything about the subject, so maybe some day, someone will listen to me and make some type of change in the region. Hope is a wonderful thing, and thats why I study about this, its why I want to go for a masters, and its why I hope to get my P.hD, so maybe one day I, or others like me, can make some sort of change by educating others on the subject.

the world isn't a fair place. The same people crying about palestine would laugh at native americans trying to "take their land back"

Britain screwed up and Jews capitalized. Jews need a country of their own point blank. There are ONE BILLION MUSLIMS walking the planet. Muslms wanna complain that "nobody cares about them" well tough **** There are one billion of your brothers and sisters to fall back on. Every Jew is at least a little concerned about being wiped off the face of the earth. We needed land and did what we had to do to attain it. We ain;t going anywhere poppy.

I'm sure we can all agree both sides are wrong and they should just live in peace. But it won't happen. And it's hilarious when they want the golan heights back. How can you START A WAR, lose, and then complain.
I seriously, for your own sake, hope that this is some type of sick joke.

This is not about Muslims, it is about a people who lived in their own country, or what would have soon been their own country, and were expelled by people who "needed a homeland." There are a great deal of Jewish people that they have to fall back on as well. There is no reason that Jews should be worried about being wiped off the face of the earth.

You can not take land that you "gain" in war. It is not your land. This has been decided by the world. The Geneva Conventions decided this, and to ignore it is disgusting. Hitler did the same exact thing and thats why World War II started. World War II started because Germany invaded Poland and tried to take it for themselves, this is exactly what Israel has done.

Glib and superficial
Egocentric and grandiose
Lack of remorse or guilt
Lack of empathy
Deceitful and manipulative
Shallow emotions is a quick overview of some symptoms of sociopathic behavior, you've clearly shown 3, maybe even 4.

first of all I didn't say the top part so i dunno where your're gettin this sociopath nonsense


you said

There are a great deal of Jewish people that they have to fall back on as well. There is no reason that Jews should be worried about being wiped off the faceof the earth.

so because there are like 50 other jews to "fall back on" that is the same as ONE BILLION PEOPLE PRACTICING THE SAME RELIGION

It's a security issue plain and simple... Is it 100 percent right? NO... but that's what it is and will be. We need it more plain and simple. We arefinancially sound and politically involved....and not going anywhere
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Too bad its all for naught...
that goes for everyone that puts all their stock in religion, no matter which one it is. nothing but ignorance...
Oh wait...

FREE Black Sudanese! ?
FREE Tibetans!?
FREE Chechens!?
FREE Basques!?
FREE Kurds!?
FREE Indigenous South Americans!?

Maybe I missed all those threads?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Oh wait...

FREE Black Sudanese! ?
FREE Tibetans!?
FREE Chechens!?
FREE Basques!?
FREE Kurds!?
FREE Indigenous South Americans!?

Maybe I missed all those threads?
maybe you should make them
300 dead Palestinians to 1 dead Jew sounds like 301 deaths too many, seems thread worthy to me
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Oh wait...

FREE Black Sudanese! ?
FREE Tibetans!?
FREE Chechens!?
FREE Basques!?
FREE Kurds!?
FREE Indigenous South Americans!?

Maybe I missed all those threads?
dont forget free willy.
Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Why expect people to care when its not directly affecting them? or you? What real ties do you have to the country other than maybe your heritage? This is life, you cannot and will not change anything. Its a waste of your time.
According to who, will no one be able to change anything? Your hopelessness is very sad.

I have no ties to this situation at all, I am a white, American, atheist male raised in New York who feels that he needs to learn everything about the subject, so maybe some day, someone will listen to me and make some type of change in the region. Hope is a wonderful thing, and thats why I study about this, its why I want to go for a masters, and its why I hope to get my P.hD, so maybe one day I, or others like me, can make some sort of change by educating others on the subject.

the world isn't a fair place. The same people crying about palestine would laugh at native americans trying to "take their land back"

Britain screwed up and Jews capitalized. Jews need a country of their own point blank. There are ONE BILLION MUSLIMS walking the planet. Muslms wanna complain that "nobody cares about them" well tough **** There are one billion of your brothers and sisters to fall back on. Every Jew is at least a little concerned about being wiped off the face of the earth. We needed land and did what we had to do to attain it. We ain;t going anywhere poppy.

I'm sure we can all agree both sides are wrong and they should just live in peace. But it won't happen. And it's hilarious when they want the golan heights back. How can you START A WAR, lose, and then complain.
I seriously, for your own sake, hope that this is some type of sick joke.

This is not about Muslims, it is about a people who lived in their own country, or what would have soon been their own country, and were expelled by people who "needed a homeland." There are a great deal of Jewish people that they have to fall back on as well. There is no reason that Jews should be worried about being wiped off the face of the earth.

You can not take land that you "gain" in war. It is not your land. This has been decided by the world. The Geneva Conventions decided this, and to ignore it is disgusting. Hitler did the same exact thing and thats why World War II started. World War II started because Germany invaded Poland and tried to take it for themselves, this is exactly what Israel has done.

Glib and superficial
Egocentric and grandiose
Lack of remorse or guilt
Lack of empathy
Deceitful and manipulative
Shallow emotions is a quick overview of some symptoms of sociopathic behavior, you've clearly shown 3, maybe even 4.

first of all I didn't say the top part so i dunno where your're gettin this sociopath nonsense


you said

There are a great deal of Jewish people that they have to fall back on as well. There is no reason that Jews should be worried about being wiped off the face of the earth.

so because there are like 50 other jews to "fall back on" that is the same as ONE BILLION PEOPLE PRACTICING THE SAME RELIGION

It's a security issue plain and simple... Is it 100 percent right? NO... but that's what it is and will be. We need it more plain and simple. We are financially sound and politically involved....and not going anywhere

Just to add.

Late 19th and early 20th century Jews in Europe thought that many of their problems had disappeared. That they were finally being accepted as"Europeans" and not just as Jews. Hell, just like today, many of them were secular or minimally religious.

Yes, it can happen again.
It can happen to any group of people.

I'm sure the Hutu's and Tutsi also thought it couldn't get that bad. It was the late 20th century after all.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Oh wait...

FREE Black Sudanese! ?
FREE Tibetans!?
FREE Chechens!?
FREE Basques!?
FREE Kurds!?
FREE Indigenous South Americans!?

Maybe I missed all those threads?
maybe you should make them
300 dead Palestinians to 1 dead Jew sounds like 301 deaths too many, seems thread worthy to me
Yes. Maybe the Israeli's should destroy all of their early warning systems and bomb shelters.
Then we can have a more even ratio. It sure would serve to mend things.

If there were 300 dead Israeli's the response would be far worse than it even is.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Oh wait...

FREE Black Sudanese! ?
FREE Tibetans!?
FREE Chechens!?
FREE Basques!?
FREE Kurds!?
FREE Indigenous South Americans!?

Maybe I missed all those threads?
maybe you should make them
300 dead Palestinians to 1 dead Jew sounds like 301 deaths too many, seems thread worthy to me
Yes. Maybe the Israeli's should destroy all of their early warning systems and bomb shelters.
Then we can have a more even ratio. It sure would serve to mend things.

If there were 300 dead Israeli's the response would be far worse than it even is.
I said 301 too many for a reason...
you seem to be biased
Ban me or whatever but f'k all these Abrahamic religions and their petty sibling rivalries.. It really is insane as f'k because if you've done yourstudying, they're all talking about the same damn God..
so because there are like 50 other jews to "fall back on" that is the same as ONE BILLION PEOPLE PRACTICING THE SAME RELIGION

It's a security issue plain and simple... Is it 100 percent right? NO... but that's what it is and will be. We need it more plain and simple. We are financially sound and politically involved....and not going anywhere
Wait what? 50 other Jews? I'm not understanding what you mean by this.

This is not a security issue, its an issue of people illegally occupying another peoples land.

Do you understand why there are terrorists, and terror attacks? There have been interviewes with those who Israeli's have been lucky enough to capturebefore the attacks, and when asked why, the attacker almost always cited an action by Israeli police or soldiers who humiliated them or a family member at acheckpoint, killed or raped a family member, or had their home raided in the middle of the night. The beligerant actions of Israeli police and soldiers is whatis causing the problem.

Yes. Maybe the Israeli's should destroy all of their early warning systems and bomb shelters.
Then we can have a more even ratio. It sure would serve to mend things.

If there were 300 dead Israeli's the response would be far worse than it even is.
Theres no early warning system for a terrorist attack, and theres no need for a bomb shelter. Honestly, the Palestinians do not have thetechnology to carry out an attack the likes that Israel has in the past, and continues to today.

Just to add.

Late 19th and early 20th century Jews in Europe thought that many of their problems had disappeared. That they were finally being accepted as "Europeans" and not just as Jews. Hell, just like today, many of them were secular or minimally religious.

Yes, it can happen again.
It can happen to any group of people.

I'm sure the Hutu's and Tutsi also thought it couldn't get that bad. It was the late 20th century after all.
That is why it is the great powers of the world to step in and stop these types of actions before scores of people are killed. There really is noreason to fear another Jewish mass murder, it is unfeasible that anyone would allow this to happen. Its disgusting that we allow it to happen elsewhere aswell.

Oh wait...

FREE Black Sudanese! ?
FREE Tibetans!?
FREE Chechens!?
FREE Basques!?
FREE Kurds!?
FREE Indigenous South Americans!?

Maybe I missed all those threads?
You most certainly did miss the Tibetan threads.

The others haven't surfaced yet for some reason. Maybe because nobody really cares yet, or that theres no American interest in the areas, which is sad.

Also, you forgot to mention Kashmir.
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