Fresh Water AM95s have hit Foot Locker... PICS

just got back from the mall from coppin my griffeys. fresh waters are still there sitting cause they got a restock. i will cop these on the next 50, noproblems.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid


i call it how i see & the shirt is wack, period. then, come to find out the shoes actually don't match just like i said originally.
you still dont get it. it doesnt matter if the shoes match or not. i was responding to drsfinest about a flannel type shirt so i showed him one ihad that MIGHT work. i just ordered the kicks i love am95s you act like i had the shirt just sitting for these kicks. i dont even take the sneaker game seriouslike that i browse retro from time to time scan the titles to see if something catches my attention.

bein cool with managers at stores and all that stuff was cool back in the dunk sb days when we resold for money, i could care less about that now and my stateis small so i still know all these store managers and such anyway.

your just some broke hater in bmore honestly. go flip a bird
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Copped, yall stop complaining this is as close as you're gonna get. If you want them buy them, if not !!%%.

And this is why Nike keeps putting out poor quality retroes

I have a pair of Neon's from 99, and there is no comparison in quality. These joints will probably start falling apart after 3 years.
Originally Posted by Magic1978

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Copped, yall stop complaining this is as close as you're gonna get. If you want them buy them, if not !!%%.

And this is why Nike keeps putting out poor quality retroes

I have a pair of Neon's from 99, and there is no comparison in quality. These joints will probably start falling apart after 3 years.
well they will probably start bringing out new retros in 3 years at this rate... so pick up another.
I'm still not sure about these, guess i'd rather have the griff's.....
I like em. I just can't pull the trigger on a pair of 95's yet. I'll eventually get em. My area aint gon sell out anytime soon; they don't havea Jumpman on em
Heys guys, is it just me or are the Freshwaters a little smaller than its size? Im a usual size 9.5, but they a little tight and small.

anyone else having this problem?
Wore mine today and love them. I agree quality could be a bit better but they still look so dope to me. Oranges and reds are definitely copped! Mint greenshave to see in person but im leanin more towards no...
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

CharmCityKid wrote:


i call it how i see & the shirt is wack, period. then, come to find out the shoes actually don't match just like i said originally.
you still dont get it. it doesnt matter if the shoes match or not. i was responding to drsfinest about a flannel type shirt so i showed him one i
had that MIGHT work. i just ordered the kicks i love am95s you act like i had the shirt just sitting for these kicks. i dont even take the sneaker game serious
like that i browse retro from time to time scan the titles to see if something catches my attention.

bein cool with managers at stores and all that stuff was cool back in the dunk sb days when we resold for money, i could care less about that now and my state
is small so i still know all these store managers and such anyway.

your just some broke hater in bmore honestly. go flip a bird


u'z a str8 up lame, boy.
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