Friend zone? Has anyone overcame this?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

move on...


Team: I Need A New Team

You SHOULD already be on the team....Holla at ya boy! We got them sigs for the low low..... or you could go with the "Iheart Free The Chief" idea
..... the hell is a male friendzone? @%+$ outta here! The male friendzone is just a fancy-schmancy waiting room. That's it. Just wait yourturn. And IF you're hitable, you'll get hit in due time.
Originally Posted by Free The Chief

..... the hell is a male friendzone? @%+$ outta here! The male friendzone is just a fancy-schmancy waiting room. That's it. Just wait your turn. And IF you're hitable, you'll get hit in due time.
Thats true.
I agree with what a lot of the people here said, that eventually moving out of the friendzone is whack anyway and yall should just move on ASAP
I have, but it's rarely worth the amount of effort, and then you loose them as a friend when your done smashing too
Nah man you don't have to move on. There's always a way, know that. First off if theres any physical attraction whatsoever, it won't be hard atall. Attraction ain't a choice, its subconscious. I've done it a few times before, and the way I did it was:

First. Stop being her teddy bear(letting her tell you about other guys, letting her cry on your shoulder...make it known that you aren't that kind of guyto her, be straight up and up front...say something like "You have your girl friends to whine to" and just in general stop letting her $$#+! to youin search of comfort...YOU AINT THAT DUDE)

Second. You guys should hang out together, very going to the gym together or having her help you shop for something like clothes, cologne, orshoes.

Third. While on this casual "date", you should touch her lots...Touch her in places like lower back, arms, forearms...and as things become moresexual, touch her hips, thighs, and grab her hand...Touching a girl will get her sexually attracted whether she wants to or not...

Fourth. Show her other dimensions of yourself...I mean, if when you guys hang out you're just a funny guy who cracks jokes at everything, thats fine butwhy would a girl want to get involved with a dude thats just a jokester all day. Show her your serious side too. Let her get to know you, just as you get toknow her more. Not basic $$@@ like "Where were you born" but deep conversation such as her beliefs/morals and makes for great convo.

I dont feel like writing more, but if any of you guys have questions go ahead and PM me
I always end up in the friend zone and I've never successfully emerged from it. It just like a black hole, once you're in range of the pull, you'llnever escape.
im in that sirtuation right now..but im not going to give up thers always hope..dont think its over man just hang in ther..remeber be ther for her no that u care and that ur fine in the friend zone they said the best friends make the best girlfriends!
keep yo head up man just wait itout it will turn out for the best
I’m not gon hold you; I’ve never been in the friend zone because I’m so great, but I had a friend who was in it or disgustingly close so me being the thoughtful person I am pantsed him in front of his aspiring love interest. Please know that he took no part in the plan I concocted (on the fly) alone.

It was brutal man, she telling us about some other dude while he’s engaging n’ die inside. Pathetic right? Anyway, I pantsed him and that ******* weirdo didn’t have on no type underwear. What type of person goes commando? I literally wear underwear under my swimming trunks. Like wtf?

Well I gotta admit. I was quite surprised to see a hairy olive *** in front of me. My only intention was for his aspiring love interest to see his draws so it could somehow save the sexual interest she was obviously losing for him, but as some of you may know, the lord works in mysterious ways. This time said mysterious way the lord worked was her seeing his plate of sausage and 2 sunny side up eggs, if u know what I mean. And ya know, I helped that ****er out. I really did. I really really did. I saw the rekindled flame in that actually very good looking young lady’s eyes like she was standing in front of a fire or some ****. And do you know how that Changa repays me??? Well cherry faced Changa w/ his damn pants around his ankles and his **** out turns around and tries to pounce on me. The nerve of him right?

What if my reflexes weren’t good? That’s a wild important question because the lord our savior hashabalalaballah knows that I would’ve been distraught knowing that I was trying to help the guy attacking me with his **** on me. Not cool. That type of stuff burns men down and raises shooters from the ashes.

Anyway, I’m getting bored w/ this story. So they ended up slapping skins because I made her remember that she wanted him underwear panties ain’t welcome. That was legitimately confirmed. Thank you, yeah yeah. I’m charismatic, exuberant, and all that other good stuff. I know. De nada Changa.The end.
Can’t believe this thread is from 07 and just got grave digged lol… but ill add to the topic…This happen to me many years ago… there was this chick I liked a lot and wanted to be my gf… but she was like nah not trying to get into anything… so we would just be “friends with benefits”… it was cool for a while but it got old quick… she went on vacay for like a month… when she came back I was like yo im done with all this… she was shocked saying would you rather have me as a friend or nothing at all…. I said the latter and that was that… she would call me every now and then but would just catch up on the phone for 5-10 minutes… I don’t really talk to her now but just friends with her on facebook and that’s it…
Truth be told I've never been in the friendzone. I've "tried" to friendzone women but that **** drives them wild. I'm always treating women that I don't have any interest in beyond casual conversation, like a 2nd grader who thinks that girls have cooties. Make immature doo-doo jokes and laughing at awkward situations thinking I have a cool friend. We mess around and get somewhere private and then they come out of nowhere on some "I like you type ****" and it's like what?! :lol: I've got stories for days. Some I've smashed just for the thrill and some I just had to keep at a distance cause the eagerness on their part was a red flag for craziness. I will say as a man if you're in the friendzone with any woman you have interest in use it as motivation to work on yourself. Women are jealous creatures by nature. If she doesn't want you its because no one else does. The minute another woman notices you and SHE notices that, she'll want you too.
Truth be told I've never been in the friendzone. I've "tried" to friendzone women but that **** drives them wild. I'm always treating women that I don't have any interest in beyond casual conversation, like a 2nd grader who thinks that girls have cooties. Make immature doo-doo jokes and laughing at awkward situations thinking I have a cool friend. We mess around and get somewhere private and then they come out of nowhere on some "I like you type ****" and it's like what?! :lol: I've got stories for days. Some I've smashed just for the thrill and some I just had to keep at a distance cause the eagerness on their part was a red flag for craziness. I will say as a man if you're in the friendzone with any woman you have interest in use it as motivation to work on yourself. Women are jealous creatures by nature. If she doesn't want you its because no one else does. The minute another woman notices you and SHE notices that, she'll want you too.

#majorkey #🔑
I can’t be friend zoned. If I’m romantically interested in a woman, I’ll make that clear. If she doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, I’ll just fall back. I’ll be nice to them or say hello, but I’m not going to be your text buddy or shoulder to cry on in the hopes that someday your feelings change. If anything I’ve found the opposite works. In some cases when I fell back, the women ended up reaching back out to me anyway. If they didn’t, it wasn’t meant to be. Dating is so much easier when the other person really likes you. There are way too many women out here to be constantly trying to win a woman over who doesn’t even want you.
Hell yeah... My HS crush was my friend since sophomore year and is still my friend...

Please believe I was in those guts 10 years after we graduated HS... And probably gonna be in her guts at the end of the month...
Truth be told I've never been in the friendzone. I've "tried" to friendzone women but that **** drives them wild. I'm always treating women that I don't have any interest in beyond casual conversation, like a 2nd grader who thinks that girls have cooties. Make immature doo-doo jokes and laughing at awkward situations thinking I have a cool friend. We mess around and get somewhere private and then they come out of nowhere on some "I like you type ****" and it's like what?! :lol: I've got stories for days. Some I've smashed just for the thrill and some I just had to keep at a distance cause the eagerness on their part was a red flag for craziness. I will say as a man if you're in the friendzone with any woman you have interest in use it as motivation to work on yourself. Women are jealous creatures by nature. If she doesn't want you its because no one else does. The minute another woman notices you and SHE notices that, she'll want you too.
This chick at work likes me, we went out for one dinner she texted me later that she hadn't had a great time like that with a guy in a long time .. then she tells me a couple days later that I'm not her type and I have no shot at her... Lol, then she texted me on her day off randomly. All of this because I ain't really showing too much interest even though I told her I wanted to beat . The less eager you seem to want it the more willing they will be to give it to you ..
This chick at work likes me, we went out for one dinner she texted me later that she hadn't had a great time like that with a guy in a long time .. then she tells me a couple days later that I'm not her type and I have no shot at her... Lol, then she texted me on her day off randomly. All of this because I ain't really showing too much interest even though I told her I wanted to beat . The less eager you seem to want it the more willing they will be to give it to you ..

Quoted for emphasis. Keeping an air of mystery is the most valuable tool a man can use at his disposable. It even goes into relationship territory. The one who cares the least always wins...
I'm sure I told this story on here somewhere but... Met this chick online, we met and hung out, then she friend zoned me. Never happened before. I thought she was out her mind. I was fly af, but " not her type " . My goal was to make her mine. Her grill was meh but body was amazing. I was offended that she though I ain't meet her standards., So I wanted to see if I could change that.

I kept hanging with her and just being my super arrogant (at that time) self and treating her like she's dumb ( cus I thought she was for not wanting all dis) Then some weeks, I get the " I can help how I feel " text one night. Im like what? I ain't know WTF she was talking bout. Texting back tryna get clarification. I call her and she studdering, " I .. I .. I think we should see how far we can go with each other". I'm like why Then she start spilling her guts n all.

We ended up being together for two years. I deaded her like a cold blooded killer out the blue. Ruined her life. Not proud of it. But, yeah. I over came the friend zone.
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