FRINGE -- Season 3 is done vol. What the !+%*@#! %#*%?

at that ending season finale next week.

No one can tell me Fringe isn't the best show on network television. I cannot wait to see this finale. Is that yet another alternate universe or did Peter just wreck 
 on the other side by stepping into the machine? I wonder how Folivia is gonna play into all this since she's still stuck in prison or holding or whatever. 

No one can tell me Fringe isn't the best show on network television. I cannot wait to see this finale. Is that yet another alternate universe or did Peter just wreck 
 on the other side by stepping into the machine? I wonder how Folivia is gonna play into all this since she's still stuck in prison or holding or whatever. 
That was perfect. That was amazing. I haven't gotten that hyped on sci-fi since Lost ended. I mean, it coulda ended right there and I woulda been fine.

The finale is gonna be insane. I need to watch the last couple eps again, to gather my thoughts.
That was perfect. That was amazing. I haven't gotten that hyped on sci-fi since Lost ended. I mean, it coulda ended right there and I woulda been fine.

The finale is gonna be insane. I need to watch the last couple eps again, to gather my thoughts.
Some interesting theories from a Fringe forum...........Now that i saw this, it makes perfect sense.
a 3rd alternate universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Arun 

Hey guys

I actually think that they were showing us a glimpse of the thrid universe. Think about it, they showed the World Trade Centre that had been re-built. In our universe they haven't re-built the WTC yet, in the second universe the attacks never happened on the WTC's and this is a glimpse of the Third Universe!

Your thoughts?
I don't think it's a third universe, I just think it's the first one in the future.
If you take a look at what it says at the site of the WTC, there's a "20 years on" memorial of the 9/11 attacks (See image)


And with it now being "Agent Bishop" and the Fringe Division logo on the coat, it would seem that they have had to create a fringe division at some point in the future of the Blue-verse. (Edit: Or as stated in another thread, it's a combination of the two universes, hence the destruction of the WTCs, and the existence of the Fringe Division)

What is interesting is that the Fringe Division at present would deal with vortexes etc. that have occurred due to the two universes colliding, my question is, if one universe does get destroyed, why is there still a need for a Fringe Division?


Another poster

I think that's it. The machine has the power to re-merge the universes, and we're getting a glimpse of the potential outcome. I think it is the Yellow Universe we've been theorizing about for so long, and I think the yellow Fringe insignia on the guy's uniform at the end was a clue to that.

Peter's confusion throughout the episode about where he was may have also been a clue that his initial zapping by the machine had given him a taste of the re-combination. I haven't given this a whole lot of thought. Just a quick impression I got from some of the odd things.


I didnt stop to think about the face that the WTC attacks never took place in the 2nd universe..........So why would there be a building dedicated to it?   

OR did both universes combine because the 2 machines were too close together as far as where it was located on liberty island?

Next week will either answer all questions, or just be the beginning of next season. (which is probably the beginning seeing it was picked up for another season).

I just hope its not so much of a cliffhanger than we will be mad the answers wont be given until next season. 
Some interesting theories from a Fringe forum...........Now that i saw this, it makes perfect sense.
a 3rd alternate universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Arun 

Hey guys

I actually think that they were showing us a glimpse of the thrid universe. Think about it, they showed the World Trade Centre that had been re-built. In our universe they haven't re-built the WTC yet, in the second universe the attacks never happened on the WTC's and this is a glimpse of the Third Universe!

Your thoughts?
I don't think it's a third universe, I just think it's the first one in the future.
If you take a look at what it says at the site of the WTC, there's a "20 years on" memorial of the 9/11 attacks (See image)


And with it now being "Agent Bishop" and the Fringe Division logo on the coat, it would seem that they have had to create a fringe division at some point in the future of the Blue-verse. (Edit: Or as stated in another thread, it's a combination of the two universes, hence the destruction of the WTCs, and the existence of the Fringe Division)

What is interesting is that the Fringe Division at present would deal with vortexes etc. that have occurred due to the two universes colliding, my question is, if one universe does get destroyed, why is there still a need for a Fringe Division?


Another poster

I think that's it. The machine has the power to re-merge the universes, and we're getting a glimpse of the potential outcome. I think it is the Yellow Universe we've been theorizing about for so long, and I think the yellow Fringe insignia on the guy's uniform at the end was a clue to that.

Peter's confusion throughout the episode about where he was may have also been a clue that his initial zapping by the machine had given him a taste of the re-combination. I haven't given this a whole lot of thought. Just a quick impression I got from some of the odd things.


I didnt stop to think about the face that the WTC attacks never took place in the 2nd universe..........So why would there be a building dedicated to it?   

OR did both universes combine because the 2 machines were too close together as far as where it was located on liberty island?

Next week will either answer all questions, or just be the beginning of next season. (which is probably the beginning seeing it was picked up for another season).

I just hope its not so much of a cliffhanger than we will be mad the answers wont be given until next season. 

I have been lurking on this website for quite awhile now......and didnt feel the need to speak until now.

These are purely my thoughts on what is happening now.


It seems as if we have forgotten about Olivia`s first glimpse into the alternate universe......which if i remember correctly, was a daytime version of what Peter was in this past episode.  If you go back and watch this episode, Olivia see`s burning buildings and obvious chaos (and more specifically, a burning world trade center) actually about to watch this episode again to make sure which one it was and confirm what i remember seeing. 

This seems like either a 3rd universe she visited at that time, OR the alternate universe that she saw AFTER the eventual use of the machine by Peter.


thoughts on the observers.

I think because the observers are able to go through time and are also able to take things with them.......THEY actually placed the machines parts where they could eventually be found.  

The machine may have been made at a future time and brought back to the past by the observers to be used at this very moment.  I think they made a mistake at one point in time and needed to find a way to correct it by making a machine and placing it where they knew people would not find it until instructed to do so.  This could also explain how Peter and Olivia`s images are in the plans for the machine

This would also explain why there would be multiple Sam Weiss`.....who was given the knowledge of all other versions of himself along with the knowledge attained through each version of himself. 

I also believe that because they can travel through time, the child observer they found is actually december...........which is why December happened to be walking down the street at the same time the child was being driven. (Either that or the child was being put in place of the observer was was killed in another previous episode)

Again, all speculation on my part........but things that would make sense if it happened to be true.

thanks for reading!!!!!!

What yall think?

I have been lurking on this website for quite awhile now......and didnt feel the need to speak until now.

These are purely my thoughts on what is happening now.


It seems as if we have forgotten about Olivia`s first glimpse into the alternate universe......which if i remember correctly, was a daytime version of what Peter was in this past episode.  If you go back and watch this episode, Olivia see`s burning buildings and obvious chaos (and more specifically, a burning world trade center) actually about to watch this episode again to make sure which one it was and confirm what i remember seeing. 

This seems like either a 3rd universe she visited at that time, OR the alternate universe that she saw AFTER the eventual use of the machine by Peter.


thoughts on the observers.

I think because the observers are able to go through time and are also able to take things with them.......THEY actually placed the machines parts where they could eventually be found.  

The machine may have been made at a future time and brought back to the past by the observers to be used at this very moment.  I think they made a mistake at one point in time and needed to find a way to correct it by making a machine and placing it where they knew people would not find it until instructed to do so.  This could also explain how Peter and Olivia`s images are in the plans for the machine

This would also explain why there would be multiple Sam Weiss`.....who was given the knowledge of all other versions of himself along with the knowledge attained through each version of himself. 

I also believe that because they can travel through time, the child observer they found is actually december...........which is why December happened to be walking down the street at the same time the child was being driven. (Either that or the child was being put in place of the observer was was killed in another previous episode)

Again, all speculation on my part........but things that would make sense if it happened to be true.

thanks for reading!!!!!!

What yall think?
I missed the first 15 minutes so I'm gonna rewatch the whole episode but I've said this before about other episodes but last nights episode brought back feelings of Alias and LOST. I'll post more later but I wonder what will happen to the baby, it has the blood of Peter and Altivia, granted that a baby with Peter and Olivia would be much more important
I missed the first 15 minutes so I'm gonna rewatch the whole episode but I've said this before about other episodes but last nights episode brought back feelings of Alias and LOST. I'll post more later but I wonder what will happen to the baby, it has the blood of Peter and Altivia, granted that a baby with Peter and Olivia would be much more important
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Some interesting theories from a Fringe forum...........Now that i saw this, it makes perfect sense.
a 3rd alternate universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Arun 

Hey guys

I actually think that they were showing us a glimpse of the thrid universe. Think about it, they showed the World Trade Centre that had been re-built. In our universe they haven't re-built the WTC yet, in the second universe the attacks never happened on the WTC's and this is a glimpse of the Third Universe!

Your thoughts?
I don't think it's a third universe, I just think it's the first one in the future.
If you take a look at what it says at the site of the WTC, there's a "20 years on" memorial of the 9/11 attacks (See image)


And with it now being "Agent Bishop" and the Fringe Division logo on the coat, it would seem that they have had to create a fringe division at some point in the future of the Blue-verse. (Edit: Or as stated in another thread, it's a combination of the two universes, hence the destruction of the WTCs, and the existence of the Fringe Division)

What is interesting is that the Fringe Division at present would deal with vortexes etc. that have occurred due to the two universes colliding, my question is, if one universe does get destroyed, why is there still a need for a Fringe Division?


Another poster

I think that's it. The machine has the power to re-merge the universes, and we're getting a glimpse of the potential outcome. I think it is the Yellow Universe we've been theorizing about for so long, and I think the yellow Fringe insignia on the guy's uniform at the end was a clue to that.

Peter's confusion throughout the episode about where he was may have also been a clue that his initial zapping by the machine had given him a taste of the re-combination. I haven't given this a whole lot of thought. Just a quick impression I got from some of the odd things.

I didnt stop to think about the face that the WTC attacks never took place in the 2nd universe..........So why would there be a building dedicated to it?   

OR did both universes combine because the 2 machines were too close together as far as where it was located on liberty island?

Next week will either answer all questions, or just be the beginning of next season. (which is probably the beginning seeing it was picked up for another season).

I just hope its not so much of a cliffhanger than we will be mad the answers wont be given until next season. 

i knew i wasn't trippin when i thought that was yet another universe. The World trade Center thing stuck out to me. 
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Some interesting theories from a Fringe forum...........Now that i saw this, it makes perfect sense.
a 3rd alternate universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Arun 

Hey guys

I actually think that they were showing us a glimpse of the thrid universe. Think about it, they showed the World Trade Centre that had been re-built. In our universe they haven't re-built the WTC yet, in the second universe the attacks never happened on the WTC's and this is a glimpse of the Third Universe!

Your thoughts?
I don't think it's a third universe, I just think it's the first one in the future.
If you take a look at what it says at the site of the WTC, there's a "20 years on" memorial of the 9/11 attacks (See image)


And with it now being "Agent Bishop" and the Fringe Division logo on the coat, it would seem that they have had to create a fringe division at some point in the future of the Blue-verse. (Edit: Or as stated in another thread, it's a combination of the two universes, hence the destruction of the WTCs, and the existence of the Fringe Division)

What is interesting is that the Fringe Division at present would deal with vortexes etc. that have occurred due to the two universes colliding, my question is, if one universe does get destroyed, why is there still a need for a Fringe Division?


Another poster

I think that's it. The machine has the power to re-merge the universes, and we're getting a glimpse of the potential outcome. I think it is the Yellow Universe we've been theorizing about for so long, and I think the yellow Fringe insignia on the guy's uniform at the end was a clue to that.

Peter's confusion throughout the episode about where he was may have also been a clue that his initial zapping by the machine had given him a taste of the re-combination. I haven't given this a whole lot of thought. Just a quick impression I got from some of the odd things.

I didnt stop to think about the face that the WTC attacks never took place in the 2nd universe..........So why would there be a building dedicated to it?   

OR did both universes combine because the 2 machines were too close together as far as where it was located on liberty island?

Next week will either answer all questions, or just be the beginning of next season. (which is probably the beginning seeing it was picked up for another season).

I just hope its not so much of a cliffhanger than we will be mad the answers wont be given until next season. 

i knew i wasn't trippin when i thought that was yet another universe. The World trade Center thing stuck out to me. 
This show is killin' it! I was wondering how they were gonna top the hype of revealing the alternate universe in season 1 and 2 
This show is killin' it! I was wondering how they were gonna top the hype of revealing the alternate universe in season 1 and 2 
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