Originally Posted by BENBALLER

Henz, help me out with that. you ain't doin !@*$ but color coordinating shoe laces with your beenies
Ben, I was at The W on Friday night. The usual were in attendance famous people, celebs, nba players etc. It sucks to say this but the overall vibe of theevent was bad. My homie was one of the dj's for the night so we chilled and people watched for the most part. I KNEW something was gonna happen outta the 4days 944/The W was having this event. There were so many cops and security it was ridiculous.

By no means am I saying Suge didnt get what he deserved. But its sad that in 2009 you cant take "us" nowhere without a fight, shooting etc. Otherthan that my All Star Weekend was DOPE. Shout out to DJ's Fashen, Vice and Gusto for help making my All Star Weekend a good time.
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

Originally Posted by illphillip

I don't know what this thread turned into. But that ain't Akon's homeboy. That's his manager Jah.

Jah is MASSIVE. Suge or not, he don't play that +@+*. I heard Suge got to jawing and Jah put him down with the quickness.
I don't care if you were Kimbo or Mike Tyson, understand this, YOU WERE NOT DOING ANYTHING TO SUGE THEN. JAH OR NOT. you were getting killed that day or immediately if you even gritted your teeth at the death row camp. dig that. IT DON'T MATTER HOW BIG YOU ARE OR HOW DEEP YOU ROLLED. you were getting gaffled like you was a at a raffle. period point blank.

TODAY'S A DIFFERENT ERA and it's crazy for us veterans to see this happen. I just can't believe it. I used to see Suge pummel cats and no retaliation ever was even thought..... the few cats who did. like I said, accidently ended up dead all of a sudden, ties with the police, etc..... he was untouchable. I usually route for the underdog and the villain but Suge was not either, he was a crook, but smart enough to get outta that bs. he coulda chilled, but had to be in the spotlight.

we're in a different time these days.... think of where some of these rappers and such will be in 10 years or so?
I look at cats like Sean Kingston and I know dude and be like? shut your fat ******ed confused #+% up. Shows, album sales and points and apperances and endorsements and all the cuts and I'll give him THEEEEE most benefit of the doubt and NO WAY POSSIBLE is he even close to caking to what he portrays. he's fronting harder than any other person I can point to in the industry right now. Remember, I know cats who sold 5 separate platinum albums. and they're living good, they was getting it when money was waaaay better than it is now. they still tour and theyre tour money isn't what it is for some newer hotter cats. but that fat kid needs to sit down. he had 1 album that did well and there were so many hands in the pie it's sad. I just seen that video of him in the 04 gallardo he's in. cmon man. and he's got an entourage of cats who are starving skinny. it's so weird. seen all his new jewels and it got more cubicles than the movie office space. get him outta here. get colloginoh aka JR Rotem outta here too.

First of all Doggie, I don't know if this is supposed to be a spar or what. I'm not one of these little dudes in awe of you and I was over the age of 21 in 1995 for whatever that's supposed to mean.

You can say all you want about Kimbo and Tyson. Maybe in LA Suge was untouchable in your eyes. You say you'd get deaded if you stepped to Suge. OK. But some dudes don't fear and don't care. So again, maybe he had LA in line. But if you think OFFICIAL dudes coast to coast were cowering, you're crazy.

Remember, he didn't get snuffed in LA. He got it in Scottsdale. Dude was playing an away game. He should have known better. Even in '95, you had to play your position to a certain extent when you were OT.

Jah is no joke. Period. You can take that for what it is or not.
naw, not a spar bro, you took it THE COMPLETE WRONG WAY.
LA was waaaay too obivious, it's easy to be the man at home.
I'm saying in NYC, MIA, ATL, Bangkok, you was getting beat down regardless during that era. circa 1993 to 1997
man, I don't even wanna get into stories about some of these most feared dudes were shook ones part 17.... but
he would act wild in chicago and all over homey, away game or not, he had the COUNTRY shook
homey, I hate suge. you think I'mma post something about him if I liked him?
I'm talking made men was on his team cuz he was earning, etc. I remember him making a police officer jump and act as if he had cerebal palsy.

now a days, there are 13 years olds I know in SC or watts that would set it on him for $500
there are 1,000,000 Jah's out there. anybody can get beat down. my homey was 5 feet from the fight and said he got pics, I'm dying to see them.

I'm not doubting dudes skills. I'm just saying the mighty do fall.... hard
*%+*, I'm glad Jah or is his name Robert beat him down.

in short, had this been like 1995? and in scotsdale and this exact situation happened. RIP to everyone against him including 4 UFC champions in their prime. it was that real when we walked into a room. I don't even understand it. there are guys now that were co-workers of death row to this day who seek counseling cuz they got anxiety disorders etc. dude was not a good person. I remember the night pac died, Suge was walking with Tyson out of the ring into the dressing room areas and one of the dudes, it seriously mighta been pacquiao was watchin to give Tyson a high five and Suge straight armed him like he was franco harris. lol. man. did you guys ever read the entire story of what actually went down with Greg and Suge? cuz he finally sold the story.... haha
ben ur full of it.


Snoop dissed Suge and even called him a @@%+$ when he Suge was inh is prime..

Even Mobb Depp Dissed Suge and told him to come to NY

Suge was only good for LA

EvenDre left his #@# and said %#%! him

nothing ever happpen to them

And GReg is on TMZ.. Why is he scracthing his neck and body so much? Does he has crabs?

I HEARD suge knows you talking $+* about him................... be careful homie. wear your strap.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

if I seen a girl I thought was cute, Pac would walk right up to her, color never an issue with him and grab her arm and be like, "yo this is my mans ben balla! holla at my patna for a minute...." and they listened to him. lol

umm excuse me, but the $30,000 limit has been exceeded, can you please bring another card to cover the charges. understand a bottle of Crissy was like $225 then where as it's $800 now in a club/restaurant.

enphan, you know how you have your own vip waitress and hostess? we had our own vip mop service from all the alcohol me and Jonas poured out onto the floor like idiots.

You had 'pac as a pointman?

, you never cease to amaze me, ben.

@maxing out the card and requesting another be sent immediately

@vip mop service

all around....

Ben be having the most ridiculous experiences...like, the finest NT troll couldn't even make these stories up...

Pac was your wingman for the night?



You won a bet with Dame and held his roc piece for a couple weeks?



Ben lives in ducktale reality...

okay, i'm done now...

I agree! me and my manager is reading this right now and laughing our butts off at Ben ducktales post

Originally Posted by superbness

dude might be telling the truth. Ben did hang with Dre
is that Pierre dude hasnt been around since 'How To BeA Player'

@ him havin me hyped thinkin light skinned dudes were comin backin style
Originally Posted by superbness

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

if I seen a girl I thought was cute, Pac would walk right up to her, color never an issue with him and grab her arm and be like, "yo this is my mans ben balla! holla at my patna for a minute...." and they listened to him. lol

umm excuse me, but the $30,000 limit has been exceeded, can you please bring another card to cover the charges. understand a bottle of Crissy was like $225 then where as it's $800 now in a club/restaurant.

enphan, you know how you have your own vip waitress and hostess? we had our own vip mop service from all the alcohol me and Jonas poured out onto the floor like idiots.

You had 'pac as a pointman?

, you never cease to amaze me, ben.

@maxing out the card and requesting another be sent immediately

@vip mop service

all around....

Ben be having the most ridiculous experiences...like, the finest NT troll couldn't even make these stories up...

Pac was your wingman for the night?



You won a bet with Dame and held his roc piece for a couple weeks?



Ben lives in ducktale reality...

okay, i'm done now...

I agree! me and my manager is reading this right now and laughing our butts off at Ben ducktales post


Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by superbness

dude might be telling the truth. Ben did hang with Dre
is that Pierre dude hasnt been around since 'How To Be A Player'

@ him havin me hyped thinkin light skinned dudes were comin back in style
No disrespect to any of the parties included in this pic, but Dre got that EddieMack lean upon first glance.
Originally Posted by superbness

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

if I seen a girl I thought was cute, Pac would walk right up to her, color never an issue with him and grab her arm and be like, "yo this is my mans ben balla! holla at my patna for a minute...." and they listened to him. lol

umm excuse me, but the $30,000 limit has been exceeded, can you please bring another card to cover the charges. understand a bottle of Crissy was like $225 then where as it's $800 now in a club/restaurant.

enphan, you know how you have your own vip waitress and hostess? we had our own vip mop service from all the alcohol me and Jonas poured out onto the floor like idiots.

You had 'pac as a pointman?

, you never cease to amaze me, ben.

@maxing out the card and requesting another be sent immediately

@vip mop service

all around....

Ben be having the most ridiculous experiences...like, the finest NT troll couldn't even make these stories up...

Pac was your wingman for the night?



You won a bet with Dame and held his roc piece for a couple weeks?



Ben lives in ducktale reality...

okay, i'm done now...

I agree! me and my manager is reading this right now and laughing our butts off at Ben ducktales post


I swear some people just dont understand the english language. Certain posts just fly right over yall heads pause
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by superbness

dude might be telling the truth. Ben did hang with Dre
is that Pierre dude hasnt been around since 'How To Be A Player'

@ him havin me hyped thinkin light skinned dudes were comin back in style
No disrespect to any of the parties included in this pic, but Dre got that EddieMack lean upon first glance.
why does ben know everyone

is that dj drama?!!! MR THANKSGIVING?
Originally Posted by superbness

dude might be telling the truth. Ben did hang with Dre
This guy just went through like the 3 years of NT questioning Ben's credibility only to arrive to the same conclusion that homie is a legitinsider. We made that conclusion like over 2 years ago btw.
Okay we all know Ben knows celebs and are his stories believable yes because he is famous for the most part... is he human yes which means he lies somewhat...so the possibility of him fabricating stories to a certain extent could be true but for the most part we believe him because we don't have any othersources to rebuttal what he says. So you guys stop googling Ben Baller to see if you can find something to bring up to discredit the guy
Originally Posted by superbness

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BENBALLER

if I seen a girl I thought was cute, Pac would walk right up to her, color never an issue with him and grab her arm and be like, "yo this is my mans ben balla! holla at my patna for a minute...." and they listened to him. lol

umm excuse me, but the $30,000 limit has been exceeded, can you please bring another card to cover the charges. understand a bottle of Crissy was like $225 then where as it's $800 now in a club/restaurant.

enphan, you know how you have your own vip waitress and hostess? we had our own vip mop service from all the alcohol me and Jonas poured out onto the floor like idiots.

You had 'pac as a pointman?

, you never cease to amaze me, ben.

@maxing out the card and requesting another be sent immediately

@vip mop service

all around....

Ben be having the most ridiculous experiences...like, the finest NT troll couldn't even make these stories up...

Pac was your wingman for the night?



You won a bet with Dame and held his roc piece for a couple weeks?



Ben lives in ducktale reality...

okay, i'm done now...

I agree! me and my manager is reading this right now and laughing our butts off at Ben ducktales post

Whats so ducktalish about what ben wrote? Hes in the business so what he mentioned doesnt seem far fetched at all.
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