I'll probably try that mystery box as well, why not for only $20.

I was going to go all out on Black Friday (PS4 + new TV) but I decided to go on vacation during the holidays, so that box could be a cool consolation prize :nerd:

going to bed now, by the time I wake up this will be closed so email now or forever hold your peace

there will be a new questionnaire being sent out to everyone Tomorrow. I got everyones first one. I will send you the new questions and the old
(PLEASE... put the answers underneath the questions when I do send it. )

Here we go fellas!!!!!
Email [email protected]
Put in your NT name, you're real name, mailing address., email address
I will then send you a questionnaire to answer.

I know we have a lot of people interested but at the same time I dont know exactly how many. so for right now I'm going to cap this at 12 people.
If we get more than i'll extend out if necessary.

Gift Maximum will be $50 Shipped (if it cost more that's ok too!)
Gift Minimum will be $20 shipped

(I decided on this after seeing other secret santa threads, saw someone got a keychain last year........thats just wrong)

Now this has definitely been one of the best communities I've been apart of on NT.
I feel we can all trust each other here, but I think we should put a deposit in in case someone fizzles out. and whoever he fizzles out on we can compensate.
(This really shouldn't be necessary but it is fair)
If you guys are against it let me know.

Must ship out your presents by Dec 10th

Just because we're in the funko board doesn't mean you only have to get/give pops. it can be a number of things.
This is a big Fandom here so a lot of things will be good and acceptable.

More details will come out later as to how we'll randomize the people.

I'm closing this on Friday at midnight 11/6

If I dont get an email by then , you can't be in.
No exceptions,
Gotta keep rules tight in order to have stability.
nice pickups on those stan lees even though i wouldnt even cop for myself... and that gamestop cop sounds like a good deal on black friday...i might just go ahead and jump on that deal myself
I got my US Agent and Stan Lee in yesterday from HT. They keep giving me coupons to use making it hard for me to say that's it :lol:
And my Marty McFly order was upgraded and instead of getting it on Friday, it'll be here Tuesday!
My fun order got upgraded shipping and will get to me on Tuesday too. I wonder how many got that upgraded shipping, seemed like a good number did.
got my refund back from Toy wars for the shadow ku storm shadow. lola and colson and beast.

Now I have $50 bucks just sitting in my paypal yearning to get spent. :nerd:

Also to the Secret Santa participants, new email coming to you Sunday or Monday.
also I'll be inviting everyone to elfster.

A quick Gripe what grinds my gears....
I spoiler ed this in case no one wants to read a rant need to just me venting
These dudes with these rare pieces worth 300+ dollars. selling.. I understand getting in the market when you have a high valued item
but the Pettiness of still having the audacity to sell and still tap on Shipping as if you're not already making 300% of what you paid for it..It's laughable...
saw one dude selling a rare huckleberry hound for $350. + shipping + insurance... like really homie, you've had the piece for like 4 years.. you paid maybe 200 for it.. and you're still squeezing for dollars.
just say how much you want for it shipped.. it cost >$4 to ship 1 pop even if you have case protector and wrapped up in buble armor. insurance is maybe 3% of whatever you value it at..
Again, get your money I understand that but anywhere in the US is going to be less than $6/7 with insurance..
just put it all in your price... move on.

I haven't had a piece so expensive.. but I cant imagine selling, making all that extra cash for it. and still being like throw in another 5/6 bucks for shipping.....:smh:

sorry gripe over. (I only mention this because same dude made a whole post about why he thought it was ridiculous no one wants to spend $350 on his huckleberry finn and thinks its a fair price to sale it for. mad no one was offering anything close to what he wants for it..)
It's huckleberry hound homie, though he's an old school character was an amazing cartoon back in the day.. the people who truly admired him (that even collect pops) either already have him or still don't value him at that much. (YOGI STILL THE GOAT OF HB CARTOONS)

Don't be mad that people don't want to spend 300+ for a pop when there are TONS of other HB and old school pops they probably want also..
dude seemed offended....:smh:
Need carnage and anti-venom...never ordering from hot again. Ordered 3 pops from them and they all came destroyed
My fun order got upgraded shipping and will get to me on Tuesday too. I wonder how many got that upgraded shipping, seemed like a good number did.
I got the same email.....
That ad makes it seem like only 1 of those 5 will be in there and the other 4 pops u get will be random
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That ad makes it seem like only 1 of those 5 will be in there and the other 4 pops u get will be random

I think that's exactly what it is. Each box gets you one of those five exclusives, with the chance of the gold one, and four additional random pops.

I really want Superman, Batman, and Batgirl. I could use that Brotherhood of Steel too.

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