You right, I'm the last one to complain about box condition because I take a lot of them out, but like I said, for my grails, I need the box to be in good condition. And after trading and selling to get the Doom, you telling me you wouldn't be a little upset that USPS played soccer with the package? [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Naw I completely understand being peeved... Especially with the price you paid... I hope you get a refund... And that you find a cheaper Doom next week :lol:...

But honestly, if I were paying HUNDREDS for a Pop, I'd specifically ask for packaging that goes above and beyond the needs... Like a 3ft X 3ft box full of peanuts and bubble wrap...

I mean, it protected an egg I dropped from 4 stories up in 7th grade science... It should protect a Pop :lol:...
Yeah man it's just out of principle. I just spent 500+ on a pair of shoes and the seller failed to tell me that the box was destroyed. I know it isn't the same thing but you're damn right I'm getting a refund, that was the seller's job to disclose that or in dude up tops case, the seller needed to package correctly
Sent him a message on IG, I don't have Facebook so I can never get the deals in all these Facebook groups. A paint flaw wouldn't bother me if it wasn't horrible. But I'm out of luck on that one.

Just create a FB page just for PoPs. I created a page under my wife name, minimal information, and select few NT and POP collector friends.

Missing out on a lot of deals bro.
If I wouldn't have given my now wife a ton of reasons to question me having a Facebook years ago when we were dating I would, but even the deals aren't worth the hell I would be in if I had it. Rather pay 500 for Tony compared to the wrath of my lovely wife.

The guy on IG is looking for a dug w/cone luckily I got one from toytokyo last week so hopefully he and I can work a deal out. Only have $25 in dug so that should save me a little money on the deal.
If I wouldn't have given my now wife a ton of reasons to question me having a Facebook years ago when we were dating I would, but even the deals aren't worth the hell I would be in if I had it. Rather pay 500 for Tony compared to the wrath of my lovely wife.

The guy on IG is looking for a dug w/cone luckily I got one from toytokyo last week so hopefully he and I can work a deal out. Only have $25 in dug so that should save me a little money on the deal.


I hope it works out for you bro.

I want 10% :lol:

Finder fee for 3 weeks of hunting and posting
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My MCC box just arrived, and needless to say, I am so disappointed.  

I would've been happy with an Aunt May or J. Jonah Jameson Pop, instead of the one that was included.  A new villain would've also been nice.

Thinking about cancelling, at least just for the next box as I have no interest in Dr. Strange.
I unfortunately pay for the full year. (Idk why when im one of the last shipments and no incentive)
Yeah MCC getting the boot, there is no need to pay every month for a mediocre pop when we can wait till it drops and then decide if we want it, since they are all readily available anyways....they should make them a 1 TIME run and that's it.
My MCC box just arrived, and needless to say, I am so disappointed.  
I would've been happy with an Aunt May or J. Jonah Jameson Pop, instead of the one that was included.  A new villain would've also been nice.

That's what I was hoping for as well. Or at the very least a spiderman in a completely different suit
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