Funny kid story that happened today.

Jun 14, 2008
This happened today. So I was relaxing at home when my sister's friend's 2 14 year old boys come running up to me. They're jumping up and down allexcited anticipating in what they're gonna tell me. So this is the Convo:
Kids:"Yo man, we just came up on some good **** today! We walked into the Liquor and put this inside his backpack!"
Me: "What is it?"
Kids: "We stole beer man! We think it's that Ishh you like"
(They're little bad &%$ kids drink smoke etc.)
Me:" Let me see it "
Them: "We stole the biggest bottle we can get, it's like 42 oz."
at this point I was thinking, Whoa must be something good. Better than beer.
These two dudes proceed to pull out Mineral water

I was like "Man this isn't beer or Liquor. It's just Mineral water"
One of them goes ahead and asks me "Can you get drunk off of it?"

I was just rolling after that.

The next story is short. So when my sister bought a six pack for her and myself a week ago, the 2 kids decide to steal 4 beers. So we decide to ask the kidsand they come up to us and say " Whoa man, now we know why you guys drink those Heinekens, they're STRONG"

My last story is when we were taking these 2 kids back home. We were driving and then they tell us "We're in a quince and it sucks" I ask themwhy. They say " We used to be in a way better one and our teacher was hot" I was like "Yea? How did she look?" one of the kids tells me"She looked real young, she was a TEENAGER, I think she was 22"

Awww man these kids have me in tears when they don't even try
Did you really think coming in here telling us stories about some lil dudes that will probably bang your sister in the near future was a good idea? Did youclick new topic like "I gots to tell'em this one". Then you had the audacity to tell not one, not two, but three lame stories....did you thinkyou were Stephen King giving us Cats Eye? Did you think this was Nick at Nite and you were Bill Cosby hosting Kids say the Darndest things? I hope youweren't expecting this thread to be embraced like a newborn child.....because in actuality this thread is more like your second wife's 27 year oldunemployed son that lives at home and play WoW. Mineral Water! Oh I get it. It doesn't get you drunk. Man watch out Dane Cook we got a sleeper.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Did you really think coming in here telling us stories about some lil dudes that will probably bang your sister in the near future was a good idea? Did you click new topic like "I gots to tell'em this one". Then you had the audacity to tell not one, not two, but three lame stories....did you think you were Stephen King giving us Cats Eye? Did you think this was Nick at Nite and you were Bill Cosby hosting Kids say the Darndest things? I hope you weren't expecting this thread to be embraced like a newborn child.....because in actuality this thread is more like your second wife's 27 year old unemployed son that lives at home and play WoW. Mineral Water! Oh I get it. It doesn't get you drunk. Man watch out Dane Cook we got a sleeper.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking he thought we would think when he was thinking about making this thread?

The hell were you thinking...

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Did you really think coming in here telling us stories about some lil dudes that will probably bang your sister in the near future was a good idea? Did you click new topic like "I gots to tell'em this one". Then you had the audacity to tell not one, not two, but three lame stories....did you think you were Stephen King giving us Cats Eye? Did you think this was Nick at Nite and you were Bill Cosby hosting Kids say the Darndest things? I hope you weren't expecting this thread to be embraced like a newborn child.....because in actuality this thread is more like your second wife's 27 year old unemployed son that lives at home and play WoW. Mineral Water! Oh I get it. It doesn't get you drunk. Man watch out Dane Cook we got a sleeper.

Man, Truth gets busy
I just watched the Little Motel music video... I thought this thread would cheer me up, based on the title. OP, you fail. You fail so hard, that I feel evenmore sad than before. You sir, are a #!*$.
Not trying to be all high and mighty here, but why don't you take the kids and teach them a little, they obviously look up to you. Maybe Im just gettingold but I dont think 14 yr olds should drink. Im just sayin
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