Funny kid story that happened today.

14 year old kids thinking water is alcohol?


sounds like crap to me, but still made me

I know you was thinking they had scored you a fifth. Based on their math and reading skills now, they will be robbing folks in a couple of years. Watch yourback OP
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Did you really think coming in here telling us stories about some lil dudes that will probably bang your sister in the near future was a good idea? Did you click new topic like "I gots to tell'em this one". Then you had the audacity to tell not one, not two, but three lame stories....did you think you were Stephen King giving us Cats Eye? Did you think this was Nick at Nite and you were Bill Cosby hosting Kids say the Darndest things? I hope you weren't expecting this thread to be embraced like a newborn child.....because in actuality this thread is more like your second wife's 27 year old unemployed son that lives at home and play WoW. Mineral Water! Oh I get it. It doesn't get you drunk. Man watch out Dane Cook we got a sleeper.

Haha you're a trip.
So you're sister who can buy beer (at least 21) hangs out with kids that are 14? Something doesn't add up.
I got a better one. I met this guy that just found out about the apples that could taste like anything you wanted them to.
So he goes to the farmer and says "hey man are you still selling those apples that can taste like anything you want them to?"
The farmer says "Yea try some" So he hands him one and the guy takes a bite and says "wow this taste like peach cobler" The farmer
says turn it around. Then the guy takes a bite and says "now it taste like blueberry pie" Then he hands him another and the guy takes a bite."This one tastes like a vanillia milkshake." The farmer says turn it around. "wow now it tastes like a chocolate milkshake." Then the guy
says "Hey man I was wondering if you could make one taste like a vagina" The farmer says "Yea thats the first thing I did when I found
out these apples were magic, here take this one." The guy takes a bite and says "!%@ this tastes like *%@#." Then the farmer said "Yeah soturn it around."

The moral of the story is we all know stupid stories. Keep them to yourself
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