FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

Wouldn't even think the show gets that deep.

That's his intention though

Just catching up on posts here, I remembered Zazie Beetz was actually half German then I saw someone post her IG post.

If anyone read that article they did on Glover in the New Yorker, they mentioned this episode being similar to Get Out, Glover was interviewed while they were shooting this episode.

Also, Earn ain't learn a damn thing going to any functions that Vanessa wants to go to, that Juneteenth episode would have been enough for me
Yea he knew they were going to some German holiday type thing, gets there and in his feelings cuz he don’t like it ...wasn’t a surprise what he was getting into but he couldn’t eem try to be halfway wit it just like Shorty was saying ...she went to the strip club n wasn’t complaining he shoulda done the same , relationships are give and take

And if he thought the whole event was questionable from jump he shouldn’t have gone , Ern wasnt forced to do anything ...I hate when ppl choose to go/do something then act like it’s everybody else’s fault that their there or don’t enjoy it

This is what it comes down to IMO. He knew what he was walking into and should’ve just sucked it up. Had he not went no one would be mad at him but to go and then bring the mood down the whole time was corny. It’s so irritating when someone does that especially when you’re trying to keep your eye on them to help them fit in and feel comfortable.


As a dude who has dated chicks from other races and mixed chicks, this episode hit home.

I'm always down to experience their culture, enjoy the food and all that good stuff b/c I'd expect the same.

But the lady needs to know better than to drag me into something that she knows that racist **** goes on, its straight disrespectful.....and racist. And if something unexpectedly racist goes down, she better know I'm leaving, with or without her.

The fact that Van told him about the blackface before the party started and expected it to not be a problem says everything about their relationship.
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Yeah, Van seems to now be oblivious how racist that **** is since she herself said over time she got use to it.

I don't think she gets how ****** up that is.
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I don’t think it’s that deep. Ern was just as uncomfortable at Juneteenth and they walked away from that just fine. Van’s friend flat out telling her she’s just a BM and needs accept it as well as looking down on her was the last straw and Van couldn’t shake it off. Her whole mentality shifted at that moment and Ern wasn’t ready when she came at him wit all that, that’s why he kept saying it feels like a trap.
Van probably grew up with them touching her hair and hearing racial jokes all the time and she don't think it's that bad. It's normal to her. :smh:
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Too much blame on Van, all Ern had to do was get up and say I love you and I’m gonna make this work but instead his confused beta $&@ sat there and said the typical BAN response when pressed. Don’t bail him out, he went out like a scared one.
The only thing going over people's head is the fact that this episode narrative has multiple views and a lot of y'all can only see one view. The ****** view, Earn's view.

Yea there was a lot of racist **** going on but that's not even what the episode was about. The episode was about Van and Earn's relationship, but just like Earn, some of y'all got so caught up with what was going on outside the circle, you ****** over who was in the circle. Earn was so pissed at the actions of others he mightve said anything at the end just because he was upset about her bringing him there. Was what was going there right? Naw, but neither is a heterosexual woman in an establishment that objectifies women for males entertainment, but that's different, right? They getting money, tho? "Sexism is aight, but racism.....oh hell naw!" ****** only about equality when it benefits them(which mean you're not really about equality).
There's more than or view.

But as said before, it doesn't have to be just this one way or this other the way yall want it to be :lol:

You can relate or see through more than one view and agree or understand with it.

Just cuz Ern may have been wrong in certain situations doesn't mean he was 100% wrong the entire ep. Same way Van may have been right in certain situations doesn't mean she was right the entire time and was the one that was wronged in this ep.

I will say though a lot of yall are too accepting of racism though. Seems something you're too willing to swallow for the sake of a relationship.

And no there's no double standard with racism and sexism. Ern was trying to stunt all night and Van was down to along. When he decided on the strip club she decided to stay, even played and asked for money to tip pitiful strippers. She didnt have to do any of that.

That says way more about her character if she really felt demeaned by the sexism of the establishment but just went along. Its even worse cuz Ern was so desperate to stunt at that point it was no longer a deal where he went out with his lady, he invited Al and co. to come through so they can watch him stunt. She definitely could've left but chose not to.

Van played along in her situation while Ern said **** that when he was put in his.

The truth is Van either felt a way about how her sister and friends saw her, let other ppl get in her ear with their opinions or she just came to a realization about her life and realization and tried to trap Ern with an ultimatum to get some progress.

As far as a strip clubs in general, there's a firm argument its way more about female empowerment than sexism. Why you think dudes are said to be tricking?
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The way I was raised if you're not DOING anything about something, you're accepting it. Getting angry =/= doing something. If you're not going to make a stand for a change in an event you don't go to, in a town you don't live in, why let it interfere with your relationship? Racism doing what it does, systematically destroying black families. The only thing better than being right is being happy. Pick your battles.
All Ern did when he noticed the whole thing was funny style was stop playing along.

Played a dumb game he didn't know how to play and then didn't want to dance. Thats it. Van kept trying to rope him back in and after few conversations with other ppl her entire attitude changed and Ern's attitude facilitated that and didn't help.

Ern simply tried to separate himself from the situation with little interaction. Thats what he did. He wasn't about clubs to educate or bark on a bunch of Germans. Ern knows ****** know that he drink juice and **** so its not like there was anything for him to do in that situation that would bring about any change. He's not about that life.

His relationship is what brought him to that place in the first place.
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I think too much is being made about how much the racism factored into what happened by the end of the episode.

They had some issues already. The conflict at the Oktoberfest just forced them to confront it. Like it's completely ok for Ern to voice his displeasure about being there...but if they never even go...the conversation they had at the end of the episode would have still needed to happen.
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