FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

One thing that this episode highlights is the HUGE racial discrimination that black people suffer and are made to live with as just “normal” occurrences.

Earn’s white friend from the Pilot isn’t even a “friend”. Just another white guy who gets off on saying the word ****** and thinks it’s ok because he’s dating a woman of color. He’s not even dating a black woman whose particularly proud of BEING black, so not only is he dating the “whitest” Black woman he can find, he’s totally clueless to why him using a certain racial epithet is a problem.

The white people in the window staring at Earn and Van as though they’d NEVER seen a black person a day in their lives, in TWO THOUSAND AND ****** EIGHTEEN. DURING what is presumed to be a popular annual tourist event. Black People are something foreign, to be gawked at, ogled, treated as zoo animals.

Van’s casual brushing off of the deep seated and institutionalized racism of her OWN partial heritage. She casually tells Earn that this particular celebration includes blackface, and that she herself was bothered by it until she was FORCED to conform and her coping mechanism was on some “I’m Serena Williams, I’m better than all you heathens” ****.

Van’s biracial friend (or sister?) being brought up in a world that indoctrinated her with the attitude that she had to “choose” white in order to feel that she has chosen better. In her world, choosing a black man means that she has chosen a man who will support neither her nor her future children.

The German guy that Van was casually flirting with. He felt that the fact that he could speak German with Van meant that he could disrespect Earn (by omission) and flirt with Van RIGHT in front of him. And then when Earn called him out he had the AUDACITY to act offended, a world of white Privilege and an indoctrinated sense of supremacy made him feel that Earn was essentially unimportant right in front of the woman he was obviously there with.
The Director of the episode herself says it's similar to Get Out

"But it’s probably not a coincidence that it bears a resemblance, especially stylistically and tonally, to Jordan Peele’s Oscar-winning film “Get Out.” Indie darling Amy Seimetzchatted with IndieWire about directing the episode, trying to capture Donald Glover’s version of the festival known as Fasnacht, and her odd connection to the story."

“By nature, it kind of lends itself to that,” said Seimetz about the similarities to “Get Out.” “For the writer [Taofik Kolade] who wrote it, that maybe was an inspiration, but you’d have to talk to him about it. But I definitely think [it’s similar in] the difference in culture, the fear — especially when they’re playing that game and they start yelling his name. I find chanting and very white men frat-y things very terrifying. It feels like it can suddenly turn really violent very quickly, even when they’re overly excited. So a little bit in that vein.”

She also deliberately shot the scenes in a way to amp up the paranoia factor."


Show going all over peoples head.
Y’all keep trying to justify Earn being a ****. Even if they ended up being the most liberal white people in the world and were respectful of him, Earn was still going to be in a mood because all he wanted to do was sleep with Van for the entire weekend.

You’re trying to use the racial undertones to justify his sour disposition. No matter what happened at the festival, he was going to be a **** to Van. All the subtle things just gave him justification in his mind and clearly in some of the viewers


City of Atlanta Police Department
March 21 at 8:19am ·
APD ON SHOPLIFTING: Atlanta Police officers in Zone 2 spend a great deal of time responding to shoplifting calls at the many retailers in the north Atlanta area.

These calls, which can be for something as simple as a stolen item of clothing, can tie up an officer for more than an hour by the time the officer responds, takes a report and transports the arrestee to jail.

Due to a recent uptick in crimes that present a greater safety risk in Zone 2 (stolen vehicles, theft from vehicles, and robberies), Chief Shields has decided to change the Department’s approach to responding to shoplifting calls for the foreseeable future.

Our goal is very clear, purposeful and straightforward: We must get a handle on criminals who are comfortable engaging in straight lawlessness.

Effective immediately, Zone 2 officers responsible for responding to 9-1-1 calls will not be dispatched to shoplifting calls in most cases.

If available, an overtime officer or an officer specifically assigned to handling larceny calls will be dispatched. If one of those officers is not available, the retailer will be encouraged to reach out to the Zone 2 precinct and file a police report by telephone. Additionally, retailers are encouraged to develop a security plan that is less dependent upon the Atlanta Police Department.

Chief Shields expects that the time that officers save not responding to shoplifting calls will be better spent patrolling, which is in keeping with her priority to focus on reducing violent crime throughout the city.

The Department has begun communicating this change in approach to retailers throughout the Zone. To be clear, we expect retailers to report these crimes and APD will be taking these reports. When available, an overtime or larceny-specific officer in the zone will respond, though it may not be immediate. We ask retailers to be patient as we attempt to re-focus our efforts on calls that present a greater risk to safety."
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Y’all capping way too hard for Earn. It’s pretty evident that Van is part German. This wasn’t some event she just found on Yelp to go try something different so the Get Out comparison is a reach. She was trying to expose ole boy to her culture.
And that **** was whack, a bit uncomfortable, and weird. Sometimes even if you open thats your reaction to a different culture.

This Irish chick I was ******* with took me to one of her local hangouts, an Irish bar, and well you know how that turned out. I don't do playful bar fights. It was already a struggle understanding their accents let alone when they're drunk.

But it is what it is. This ep is more how women are compared to men than the culture clash to me though.

Oohhh...all I heard was “don’t you look so cu...”. I thought Earn was just not cool with that like we tend to be.
Bruh you completely missed the context of that scene :lol:
Y’all keep trying to justify Earn being a ****. Even if they ended up being the most liberal white people in the world and were respectful of him, Earn was still going to be in a mood because all he wanted to do was sleep with Van for the entire weekend.

You’re trying to use the racial undertones to justify his sour disposition. No matter what happened at the festival, he was going to be a **** to Van. All the subtle things just gave him justification in his mind and clearly in some of the viewers
That's not what hallened and this a gross assumption not based on whst happened in the beginning of so or previous eps.

Its not Ern's fault Van is in to some whack weird racially offensive uncomfortable ****.
Two more things I noticed. In the beginning they focused on both them making love in their daughter's room and the baby seat in the car.... what's absent? THEIR BABY. In season one, that was the main glue that kept them together for the most part. They were very dysfunctional, but their daughter, Loddie, was always present in some fashion. We haven't seen her daughter AT ALL this season and even worse, it was only mentioned in passing in this episode to which Van took as an insult. She didn't want to be referred as "Loddie's mom" because she disliked the fact that she is being viewed as a "baby mama" and nothing more. So, the very thing that kept them bonded in the beginning is now absent which made their relationship broken.

The 2nd thing is how this contrast from a SIMILAR episode in season one where Earn was dragged into one of Van's social events with that interracial couple in which the husband was a white liberal that was overtly apologetic of the plight of the black man. Keep in mind in THAT episode, Earn and Van weren't even together. Van had to pick him up at another chick's house that he done smashed. And he had to pretend that they were together for the sake of Loddie. Earn's attitude at that party was NO DIFFERENT as it was in last night's episode. To the point that Earn even had to call that **** out as ******** for real which arguably costed Van her opportunity of employment. The funny thing was that Van at that time was turned on by his "**** this *****" stance and they ended up smashing at the end.
agreed. I thought last weeks episode was pretty good. Relationships are give and take. Can't just be all about one person and their dreams and goals and what they feel comfortable with. Dude wasn't even trying.
Yea he knew they were going to some German holiday type thing, gets there and in his feelings cuz he don’t like it ...wasn’t a surprise what he was getting into but he couldn’t eem try to be halfway wit it just like Shorty was saying ...she went to the strip club n wasn’t complaining he shoulda done the same , relationships are give and take

And if he thought the whole event was questionable from jump he shouldn’t have gone , Ern wasnt forced to do anything ...I hate when ppl choose to go/do something then act like it’s everybody else’s fault that their there or don’t enjoy it
Yeah was a surprise as I been shootin the club for like 3 years.

Not trippin though, she'd be a good mother whether we're together or not.
One thing too that's wild irritating with NT is everything needs to be one way or the other. If you realize the faults in either side you're "caping" depending on who the person saying that most closely relates to, when the whole point of this show is life doesn't happen like that.

This needs to be pinned to the top of every thread on NT
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