FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

This one didn't hit for me. When the phone was lost I immediately suspected Sox. It's pretty obvious how excited he is to suspect literally anyone else....Why have the nephew know lyrics to the songs only someone with the phone would know? I get the surreal aspect of the show, but it seemed like a cheap trick to me.
This one didn't hit for me. When the phone was lost I immediately suspected Sox. It's pretty obvious how excited he is to suspect literally anyone else....Why have the nephew know lyrics to the songs only someone with the phone would know? I get the surreal aspect of the show, but it seemed like a cheap trick to me.
They had to be in on it together
Shaun King caught one early.

"Your money is literally no good here, card only" These goddamn food trucks with their card only BS. And they'll be the most suburban, Whitest people making food from cultures that aren't their own. Great episode, so many archetypes getting hit.
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I don’t understand the Atlanta/Dave comparison. They’re not similar shows outside of a main character being a rapper. I think both shows operate and cater to completely different crowds.
Shaun King caught one early.

"Your money is literally no good here, card only" These goddamn food trucks with their card only BS. And they'll be the most suburban, Whitest people making food from cultures that aren't their own. Great episode, so many archetypes getting hit.
Chick said she was a foodie but only wanted to talk about the business side of things, then just used Nigerian food as marketing to make whatever the hell she wanted to. I was waiting on her to bust out some boneless fish. :lol:
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