FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

No and I think its ***** up people think that. That inability to let things go and move on. :smh: That whole episode was about Al unwarranted insecurities. You really think they’re gonna get Liam Neeson to apologize to black folks, then in the same episode have a brother **** over his own(skin and kin)? C’mon man.
Don’t see what’s ****** up about it. It’s a logical thought with how Earn answered.
Don’t see what’s ****** up about it. It’s a logical thought with how Earn answered.
I think it was just befuddlement. You find the man laid out on the street, shaking like a muh fuh. He comes to and the first thing he does is ask about his momma and then about his masters. If you’ve listen to any rap in the past few decades, you know not to sign a 360 and to own your masters. Al probably knows this just like we do, that’s why the question was so off putting.
I think it was just befuddlement. You find the man laid out on the street, shaking like a muh fuh. He comes to and the first thing he does is ask about his momma and then about his masters. If you’ve listen to any rap in the past few decades, you know not to sign a 360 and to own your masters. Al probably knows this just like we do, that’s why the question was so off putting.
Cool. But it could still be true about Earn lying about it. Not saying he is, but it's still possible.
Earn hesitated when he responded because he was thrown by the inquiry.

You can tell from Al's confusion earlier in the episode when Lorraine floated that question to him, and even how him and Earn talked about the details of his performances in prior episodes if I'm remembering correctly (he just asked if the bag touched down) that he's pretty hands-off about the business side.
I think earn probably assumed he was going get asked about phone and wallet or if anything embarrassing blew up

Usual shh after a wild one
Well they set the scene with Al blowing money as soon as he got it, plus tricking on Darius so I'm sure Earn was just surprised at this newfound concern for his affairs.

Not to mention it seems like a decent amount of time has passed as well.

So I can understand Earn's confusion with those inquiries now seemingly out of nowhere.

Not to mention I wouldn't be surprised if Earn tried to have these conversations with Al once contracts were signed and Al not engaging. Pure speculation on my part.
It just now hit me that Clarke County is where UGA is at, and the character is a well-spoken, seemingly college-educated square with rap talent.
Is that actor actually mixed?

This black test for the scholarship :rofl:

Kevin Samuels wild for going along with this one.

I don’t know why but I got some strong Chappelle Show vibes from the entire ep.
Oh wow this ***** definitely aint black. Made his own flamethrower to use as revenge?

The nigerian being just as salty and both realizing the other ain't black enough :rofl:

Gets shot and gets his scholarship. Aaron goes to prison and got out "blacker" than he's ever been :lol:

Lots of levels to this.
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If Liam would take the time to play himself in the cancel room I don't think anyone with a decent sense of humor would pass on something like this once they read the script or once they hear the pitch.

This season was worth the wait.

They found an ambiguous dude name Tyriq Withers :lol:

Yeeeea I this was my least favorite episode and I generally love the one off joints…But I coulda did without this one. Didnt hit for me.

Also I too thought for a second, “what if Earn is lying?” when it came to the masters…but like others have mentioned I think we are too deep towards the end to pull that angle. I feel that Van, Paper, Darius, Earn are all legit friends and have eachothers best interests at all times.
That trini 2 de bone episode might be one of my favorite episodes of the show.

**** was SPOT ON. I would take an entire new show based off these spin-offs in a heart beat.

This. Well Idk man lol :lol: I got way too many favorites but this is one for sure. The spicy mango curry line had me cryin. Definitely my favorite of the season for sure.
Glover should create a new series with these side story episodes.

A cross between Chappelle Show and Twilight Zone. :lol:

Yea Id rather have a set day separate from ATLANTA for Glover to get these episodes off. I truly enjoy em, but man I also wanna see Paper bois career lol
Why would earn lie tho?
He’s always had paperbois best interest at heart.

Same reason they want Darius and Van to have had sex. It also fits with the narrative of him being a bad manager they had a few episodes ago.

They prefer predictable/consistent storylines and drama/messiness.

And yall ignoring the fact that all of this works because it's random and a bunch of one off episodes. Multiple episodes of these side stories would not hit the same.
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