Galaxy Rookie's Now November 2012!!!!! Now its ndc

Are these gonna be a hypebeast item?

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  • I hope not

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The HOH that I won the rookies at called me this morning saying they didn't get their shipment so I couldn't buy them till Monday. Idk if they just telling me that so I can loose my spot if I don't pick them up today or something. But it seems kind of shady to me

Well I believe my method is proven considering the amount of releases I picked up from NDC :lol: But you summed it up for the most part but you do have some additional steps in there that I don't never use and would waste time imo or at least it would for me and I don't think luck has anything to do with it. It's more about skill for me knowing exactly were everything is on the screen when your directed to the next page helps a lot, knowing where your size is positioned in the size selection, knowing where the add to cart selection, and knowing where the check out button is all plays a part, and I don't care what anybody says up here INTERNET SPEED DOES MATTER because seconds matter in these types of releases and if you have a slower connection that redirects you from the twitter page to the Nike page or a slower processor that WILL lessen your chances. But internet speed will not get the shoes for you alone as stated before you have to have speed and practice. I even practice timing how fast I check out! But practice and speed is the true key.

every little thing helps

but practice the method and you will get thru
I wanted these but I didn't even try. I've given up on limited releases, just not worth the hassle to me.
Man at the end of the day damn there every sneaker sells on hype simple as that. If there wasn't hype everything would still be sitting in footlocker.

Resale prices are 50/50. Prices stay high because you have people that are willing to pay for thing they want and you have seller that aren't strapped for cash and can afford to seat on thousands worth of sneakers.

When things start going for cheap it is most likely because the seller spent his last on them or he is trying to get rid of them to buy the next hyped shoe.

21 mercer RSVP is wild. Sent a dm and called it quits after 2 hrs of not hearing back. Then get a dm back at midnight
people thinking they have a secret, proven method because they were successful on a few releases lmao!! It's not rocket science. The first thing you should do is find a good app that gives you an instant stream of your twitter feed.

there's also a youtube video out there of a guy that shows you a trick for the checkout. on one screen you have an item in your cart that is in the final step of the process, the checkout screen. Then on another screen you add the hyped item to the cart. As soon as you get it in the cart, you go to the other screen and immediately click submit order.

You're welcome if you didn't know about this already. Sick of all these little panzies in this thread. You can thank them for this post.

The people that mess with the URL and cop without using the twitter link..that will go away in due time if it hasn't already. Nike has been making changes and improvements and continue to do so. Still shocked and amused that Mercer doesn't have an automated system for their RSVP. That will also change very soon. Mercer is more crooked than a reebok outsole...

Says this:
It's amazing how such a failure of a model like the zoom rookie is suddenly in demand just because of a cheap galaxy print placed on the upper. ALL sneakerheads are hypebeasts. Every last one of them.....
Then says this:
why not make some quick cash off these dumbass sneakerhead hypebeasts? lol
But shows so much of this:

Probably because he didnt get this: (not my Pic)

Which i dont know why since he said the following two quotes above. :lol: :rofl: :lol:
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has anyone received shipping confirmation yet? I paid for the overnight shipping ($25.00) and still haven't received my shipping confirmation
has anyone received shipping confirmation yet? I paid for the overnight shipping ($25.00) and still haven't received my shipping confirmation

it's the weekend, man. Best case scenario is they'll ship Monday and you'll get them Tuesday.
Can't wait for my pair from NDC. Also got a pair from a connect, but he has to hold them for protocol he says 

Still the pair I got from NDC is much more satisfying.
I guarantee that all the people talkin down on the black pods wouldn't be sayin nothin if they would've been able to get their hands on a pair. Don't hate, congratulate...
it's the weekend, man. Best case scenario is they'll ship Monday and you'll get them Tuesday.
Which means that he basically paid $25 extra to get his shoes one day earlier than the people who got free shipping smh...for future reference, if you order on Saturday, just go with free shipping.
Yup. NDC never ships on release day, at least from my experience

Which means that he basically paid $25 extra to get his shoes one day earlier than the people who got free shipping smh...for future reference, if you order on Saturday, just go with free shipping.

It depends on where you live. I live in Cali and if I go with free shipping I don't get them until Friday. Thanksgiving messes it all up this week. Won't get them until 11/27/12 from my estimated delivery date.
The amount of salt in this thread is ridiculous! Crazy how the mood changes once KIDS don't get their way.
just came home from mercer, these things are :smokin , will post an on foot pic later
When I picked up my pairs from mercer before I was asking about inventory and the employee told me that they received more galaxy's then any store in the world. He repeated that statement
@ sdot: reading comprehension is your friend. my posts don't contradict each other at all and I did land a pair of rookies to flip. Little salty that I didn't land more but there are plenty of others to flip. The galaxy rookie is still an overhyped shoe with cheap unattractive galaxy screen print. And all sneakerheads are still hypebeasts to some level. If that equals a lot of salt to you...I think I it's pretty obvious who's doing the crying :wink:

you and that big mike guy should throw a pajama party. the guy won't stop sending me messages that are 2 pages long calling me bro and attaching pictures. It's so frickin hilarious when supposed grown men are so insecure and just can't live with themselves that they feel the need to TRY to justify themselves to strangers in a forum lol. COMEDY!!!! Mike, if you want me to read your messages you're going to have to limit them to a few sentences. I mean your stupidity is humorous but one can only have so much patience to read a book typed in caps from a toddler claiming to have supposed things...
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We should've did an NT meetup at Mercer to celebrate :lol: ...


ANYWAYS shout out to my homie McStrokin' he definitely held me down like balloon strings on this one!! :smokin
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S/O to all the NT heads who were able to cop :nthat:

i really wanted this CW but you can't get lucky all the time on NDC :\ :lol:
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