Game 1: 4/18 1030EST (5) Rockets vs. (4) Blazers on ESPN

yea this one game is nothing. houjston literally played a PERFECT game and every starter played above their heads. brooks is a 40% shooter so he's notgonna be on fire every game. most games, lowry is usually the better player. it's good he played superb tonight and we got this one.

artest ain't gonna shoot 57%. yao and scola aren't going to go perfect.

the thing is, portland just doesn't match up well. bad matchup for them.

houston is winning tghis in 5.
I honestly wouldn't be upset if Houston won this series. Houston has been going at it for 6 straight years now correct? Going against a Portland team thatonly has a few players with playoff experience. The Houston playoff curse has to end sooner or later...I would rather it be later though lol.

Funny thing is Joel was talking all tough before the game about how he wanted Yao for himself, then the first two plays of the game Joel gets schooled. SMH

I hope we get together and make this a series worth watching. Win or lose, I just want to compete. Tonight, we did not compete and that was the toughest partto watch for me.
Got damn, i knew the Rockets were gonna steal a game in Portland, but i didn't think they were gonna beat the breaks off their +%%%$ like they did tonight.The Blazers and their fans got a lil bit too cocky, for a team that hasn't been in the Playoffs since '03 and hasn't won anything significant since1977. These $$%#$+* had the audacity to throw a parade.................for their team making the playoffs............JUST MAKING THEPOSTSEASON.
Who the effdoes that, seriously.

They needed the Rockets to bring their +%%%$ back to earth and humble them a bit. They're a good team, but as they now see, experience matters. Rocketshave plenty of it, while the Blazers dont. They looked scared #+*#$%!# out there minus Roy and Oden.

It was gonna be either rockets in 6 if they take 1 of the first 2 games in Portland or Blazers in 7, thats how i saw this match up going, but $%!* if the Roxget game 2, Break out them Brooms. Blazers arent winning in Houston
Originally Posted by HANNIBEL SMITH

These $$%#$+* had the audacity to throw a parade.................for their team making the playoffs............JUST MAKING THE POSTSEASON.
Who the eff does that, seriously.
You already answered that...
a team that hasn't been in the Playoffs since '03
The Rockets know they can beat Portland with their eyes closed. Just see how they played tonight. They had a firesome edge to their play.
series is far from over...the rockets played a perfect game
Originally Posted by dabossofbosses

ok first off last year without yao ming did the rockets have artest? Did they even really have rafer alston? No he was hurt too was aaron brooks half as good as he is now? NO and shane batier played but he was also hurt. so to say the rockets are better off without tmac is crazy if the rockets had a healthy tmac right now every one knows they would be the second scariest team in the west right now and would have made it out the first round against portland we just ran into a better jazz team last year plus we were without yao no wafer no alston no artest half of batier. So please kill all that noise about tmac was holding the rockets back because tmac did lead the rockets to 22 straight wins without yao or artest. So i welcome tmac back next year and hopefully we can keep artest somehow and get out of the first round with him.
qft. this team will be scary if tmac can get back. he is the closer
Originally Posted by WJuN15

The Rockets know they can beat Portland with their eyes closed. Just see how they played tonight. They had a firesome edge to their play.
series is far from over...the rockets played a perfect game.

Exactly! Don't act like the rockets are going to play 4 games that perfectly, plus the added help from the officiating. I know it didn't decide thegame so don't jump me for that, but especially in the 1st quarter Houston and Yao seemed to get the easy foul call when it seemed as if Portland wasgetting roughed up with no look from the refs. That didn't help because it seemed to keep the Blazers from driving to the hoop. That aside, Houston playeda damn near perfect offensive game. Portland still didn't do a bad job on O, but #$@+, the Rockets just couldn't seem to miss. They got the corwd outof it early in the game and that helped a lot. This series is not over, if Portland can come out, play better and win game 2, we could be in for a long series.Don't expect a cake walk and to get all cocky saying you could beat them with your eyes closed.

As to making fun of the city of Portland getting behind their team and showing civic pride and fan support... I feel sorry for all you in Houston that willnever support your teams the way the Blazers get support here. Its too bad you guys don't have the same bond with your team as we do. We have been throughsome very rough times since '03 and finally had a team to get behind. People said we would never get back to where we are, or at least this soon. We alsoare a small city with only one major professional sports franchise. We like to be able to show the team that we support what they have done and what they aredoing. So go on and laugh at us and make fun of a team getting actual support, because you are only laughing at the lack of civic pride your city has. It mustbe fun rooting for teams like the Rockets, Astros and Texans that are so "clutch" all of the time. Regardless of what happens in these playoffs, Ican't wait for next season. It is going to be a fun ride for a few years from here on out.
^ regardless of what happens in these playoffs, i can't wait for next season...

why? the series isnt over yet. good win for the rockets. Yao Ming did his thing.

go t-mac!
Originally Posted by DMan14

Originally Posted by dabossofbosses

ok first off last year without yao ming did the rockets have artest? Did they even really have rafer alston? No he was hurt too was aaron brooks half as good as he is now? NO and shane batier played but he was also hurt. so to say the rockets are better off without tmac is crazy if the rockets had a healthy tmac right now every one knows they would be the second scariest team in the west right now and would have made it out the first round against portland we just ran into a better jazz team last year plus we were without yao no wafer no alston no artest half of batier. So please kill all that noise about tmac was holding the rockets back because tmac did lead the rockets to 22 straight wins without yao or artest. So i welcome tmac back next year and hopefully we can keep artest somehow and get out of the first round with him.
qft. this team will be scary if tmac can get back. he is the closer
it pisses me off when ppl say tmac held the team back. held them back to a 55-27 record last yr? taking the jazz to 6 games without yao AND rafer?

tracy just wasn't healthy and thus was a shell of himself this year. when he returns next yr and at least do 18-5-5, this team will go to another level.

and it sucks the year houston plays an easy team in portland, tmac is injured. portland simply isn't good enough.
Originally Posted by JONFARR

Originally Posted by WJuN15

The Rockets know they can beat Portland with their eyes closed. Just see how they played tonight. They had a firesome edge to their play.
series is far from over...the rockets played a perfect game.

Exactly! Don't act like the rockets are going to play 4 games that perfectly, plus the added help from the officiating. I know it didn't decide the game so don't jump me for that, but especially in the 1st quarter Houston and Yao seemed to get the easy foul call when it seemed as if Portland was getting roughed up with no look from the refs. That didn't help because it seemed to keep the Blazers from driving to the hoop. That aside, Houston played a damn near perfect offensive game. Portland still didn't do a bad job on O, but #$@+, the Rockets just couldn't seem to miss. They got the corwd out of it early in the game and that helped a lot. This series is not over, if Portland can come out, play better and win game 2, we could be in for a long series. Don't expect a cake walk and to get all cocky saying you could beat them with your eyes closed.

As to making fun of the city of Portland getting behind their team and showing civic pride and fan support... I feel sorry for all you in Houston that will never support your teams the way the Blazers get support here. Its too bad you guys don't have the same bond with your team as we do. We have been through some very rough times since '03 and finally had a team to get behind. People said we would never get back to where we are, or at least this soon. We also are a small city with only one major professional sports franchise. We like to be able to show the team that we support what they have done and what they are doing. So go on and laugh at us and make fun of a team getting actual support, because you are only laughing at the lack of civic pride your city has. It must be fun rooting for teams like the Rockets, Astros and Texans that are so "clutch" all of the time. Regardless of what happens in these playoffs, I can't wait for next season. It is going to be a fun ride for a few years from here on out.

yea they played a perfect game and whup the blazers BADLY. if houston played a perfect game and the game was much closer, you have a point. butthe game was over after the first quarter.
you rocket fans are getting way to cocky. pesonally, im just a yao ming fan, (im chinese, go figure) and you guys would be scary with t-mac back. if he evercomes back. microfracture surgery at this age is no joke.
like someone above said, scola and yao aren't going to make almost all their shots again, which was the main reason why this team got such a big lead inthe first place. i expect the blazers to tie this up next game, and steal a game in houston so they could even up the series. this series is going to 7. goodluck to both teams though!
Originally Posted by BangDak

you rocket fans are getting way to cocky. pesonally, im just a yao ming fan, (im chinese, go figure) and you guys would be scary with t-mac back. if he ever comes back. microfracture surgery at this age is no joke.
like someone above said, scola and yao aren't going to make almost all their shots again, which was the main reason why this team got such a big lead in the first place. i expect the blazers to tie this up next game, and steal a game in houston so they could even up the series. this series is going to 7. good luck to both teams though!
i have no doubt portland will bounce back and could win game 2. houston is not going to shoot lights out like that again in the playoffs probably.but the thing is, houston's D matches up well with portland and portland will struggle offensively like they did in game 1 repeatedly in this series. andif they can't score consistently, they're not going to beat houston. and it's NOT going to go 7.

it'll help portland if they try to FRONT YAO though. nate mcmillan was really stupid for not even trying to do that. everybody knows you front yao, youslow him down.

tmac's microfracture surgery is the "lightest" of surgeries as you can get in microfracture. it's on a non-bearing weight of his knee sounless he doesn't rehab at all, he should be back just fine.
dam, this thread blew up.

nice win for the rockets, and if we go up 2-0, im taking my broom to game 3.
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

dam, this thread blew up.

nice win for the rockets, and if we go up 2-0, im taking my broom to game 3.

helping with the clean up for game 4?
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by BangDak

you rocket fans are getting way to cocky. pesonally, im just a yao ming fan, (im chinese, go figure) and you guys would be scary with t-mac back. if he ever comes back. microfracture surgery at this age is no joke.
like someone above said, scola and yao aren't going to make almost all their shots again, which was the main reason why this team got such a big lead in the first place. i expect the blazers to tie this up next game, and steal a game in houston so they could even up the series. this series is going to 7. good luck to both teams though!
i have no doubt portland will bounce back and could win game 2. houston is not going to shoot lights out like that again in the playoffs probably. but the thing is, houston's D matches up well with portland and portland will struggle offensively like they did in game 1 repeatedly in this series. and if they can't score consistently, they're not going to beat houston. and it's NOT going to go 7.

it'll help portland if they try to FRONT YAO though. nate mcmillan was really stupid for not even trying to do that. everybody knows you front yao, you slow him down.

tmac's microfracture surgery is the "lightest" of surgeries as you can get in microfracture. it's on a non-bearing weight of his knee so unless he doesn't rehab at all, he should be back just fine.

rarely do the blazers struggle offensively. no doubt, houston's D is great, but eh. i expect the blazers to put alot more effort in the next few games sothey can tie up the series.
im not too sure about the extent/severity of the injury, but if you're correct, tmacs got around a few years left in him. a healthy tmac+artest resignedwould be

and again, to the few posts above me, you rocket fans are getting OVERconfident. it's good to be confident an all, but damn. a sweep?
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

^ regardless of what happens in these playoffs, i can't wait for next season...

why? the series isnt over yet. good win for the rockets. Yao Ming did his thing.

go t-mac!
Do you know what the word "regardless" means?
Originally Posted by ShaunJon

IMO if we win Tuesday, its a wrap. I just don't see the Blazers beating us at home

The Blazers wont have a chance if they're down 0-2 going to Houston, with no playoff experience, and more pressure than any other point of the season.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by ShaunJon

IMO if we win Tuesday, its a wrap. I just don't see the Blazers beating us at home

The Blazers wont have a chance if they're down 0-2 going to Houston, with no playoff experience, and more pressure than any other point of the season.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by ShaunJon

IMO if we win Tuesday, its a wrap. I just don't see the Blazers beating us at home

The Blazers wont have a chance if they're down 0-2 going to Houston, with no playoff experience, and more pressure than any other point of the season.

It'll be the longest postseason everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I just want to compete come Tuesday, I can't handle another beat down lol.
--I think the Blazers will bounce back and tie the series. I just think they had MAAAAD butterflies.
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