Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

darthska darthska

Yo, Ska!

This “dog” dude talkingbout “Your NT post history proves otherwise.” Picking fights with me when all I ever was was respectful to him. Make it make sense!
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The banter these last pages

When shade gets thrown at ska
The funny part? I know absolutely nothing about this show. I remember you mentioned me in a post here one time and I became subscribed to it lmao. So thanks Cali.

Very proud of Ska and his staff member talents. He is a very intelligent man. The nerds don’t know what they’re talking about. Any “shade” thrown at him is completely unjustified.

Also very happy with my best buddy in the whole wide world, the dog of law. He wasn’t trying to start an argument at all. He is a peaceful, smooth talking gentleman. I’m glad I was nice to him all the time. Because he appreciates nice people.
They used to release episodes on HBO the night before OnDemand, or was that the POWER UNIVERSE?
Can’t remember, Power Universe left me with the belief that if I say or think something, it’s real.
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