Gas Price Hike

Took me a while to finish the car because of work/school but finished it. I still gotta add a few things here and there



my brother's 1969 z28



Unfortunately the Vette and Rivv both take premium , but the Malibu takes 87. I have noticed gas prices going down in the Chicago area. I have been able to get 93 at shell for 3.89. I'm really considering selling the rivv to cousin and buying a practical four door for work and kids.
Here in North Jersey, Right across the river from NYC

Before Sandy 3.29
Right now 4.25 and it's cash only

the lines are ridiculous I saw a line extending all the way along the lincoln tunnel up to hoboken yesterday morning there must have been about 200 cars more or less
Gas in NYC is beyond ridiculous, thats why my *** takes the friendly Subway most of the time. That and parking isnt the easiest thing to find. 

Being back home makes me realize how much I do not a car, more less two. I need my BMW to sell, so I can put that money up for when I move.

Saw regular the other day for 4.89, but that may be higher than normal, 4.29 seems more reasonable. 
Can anyone explain the difference in gas price across neighborhoods? I have long felt that prices were higher in the commuinities filled with poor minorities. I left my home on the southeast side of Chicago where gas was $4.19 for premium (the gas was 20 cents higher 9 blocks down, closer to lake shore drive, chicago expressway). I went southwest and paid $3.79 for premium from shell. Same county=same taxes, same city=same taxes...what else should influence such a difference, especially when shell is a "top tier" retailer?
told yall it was going to 5 a gal....

been looking for gas since SATURDAY in Brooklyn.. a few spots have but lines are too long.. i been metrocardin this week and will do so until GAS COMES BACK TO THE HOOD....

6 dollars a gal by next summer
Took me a while to finish the car because of work/school but finished it. I still gotta add a few things here and there



my brother's 1969 z28



Unfortunately the Vette and Rivv both take premium , but the Malibu takes 87. I have noticed gas prices going down in the Chicago area. I have been able to get 93 at shell for 3.89. I'm really considering selling the rivv to cousin and buying a practical four door for work and kids.

Premium for $3.89 in chicago? **** where?
I honestly havent kept track of prices in forever. You are going to buy it regardless, so who cares? Just curious.
Just filled up for 3.65 here in Fairfield....

prices going down....

....Hope they continue to drop
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