Gator snatches 2 y/o at Disney Resort #FLLiving

Jaws been ******* up americans for years. It's not a documentary. The beach is safe 

Shark attacks are very rare and rarely fatal. It's like being scared of lightning or dying in a plane crash.

Unless you're in Australia. Everything is dangerous there. Wouldn't put my trash on the curb without the yoppa by my side.
Alright reading more, if they were playing in the water then it was stupid. Poor kid. If only i could afford a bmw =/
Yeea..went to saint thomas and was in the ocean...first the fish were timy then medium size then out the water homie...
Floridian checking in born and raised. Reminds me of this lake i use to live by when it use to flood all those gators would be in the streets eating the stray dogs
My 4 year old not even allowed to let my hand go inside indoor water parks. Me and my girl was at paradise island in the bahamas and didn't go past the point where the water was at your calf and that's clear water. Point being I'm scared as hell what's inside bodies of water, I'm in their territory so I don't take no chances.

Yea, man. The ocean is unforgiving. Never know about what's lurking in there, no matter how clear, or how strong the current/undertow is.
Why yall trippin on them killin maybe a dozen gators? Yall realize how much of a problem and nuisance dem thangs is?

It ate a kid man, a kid. I would be dome shootin and cuttin alligators open if it was my kid.
Why yall trippin on them killin maybe a dozen gators? Yall realize how much of a problem and nuisance dem thangs is?

It ate a kid man, a kid. I would be dome shootin and cuttin alligators open if it was my kid.
I'm sure the alligators are saying the same thing about us humans
Why yall trippin on them killin maybe a dozen gators? Yall realize how much of a problem and nuisance dem thangs is?

It ate a kid man, a kid. I would be dome shootin and cuttin alligators open if it was my kid.
This. I wouldn't care if 100+ gators are opened up...find the toddler's remains and let the family have closure for God's sake.
Why yall trippin on them killin maybe a dozen gators? Yall realize how much of a problem and nuisance dem thangs is?

It ate a kid man, a kid. I would be dome shootin and cuttin alligators open if it was my kid.
They were there first though.

You sound a little Columbusy with that type of a statement man.

We kill their habitats with housing/businesses, then we say there are too many of them?

Come on Waves
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