GEARS OF WAR 3, release: Sep 20, 2011, BETA: Apr 18 (Bulletstorm Epic), Apr 25 - May 15 (ever. else)

my favorite thing to do in the game is rip your arm off, beat you with it for like 30 seconds as the last execution so you and your whole team watch it. Meanwhile, my teammates are hitting your corpse with melee or nades.
i like kickin the chickens on Oldtown 
Originally Posted by bigj505

they need to do something about the kicking when jumping over an item. i mean dude jumps a box, kicks me and stuns me, then finishes me with the shotty while i have to sit there and watch helplessly? bs
you can one shot them before they even get to you...or take the less risky way and just hop over before they do
Originally Posted by xblaze23

my favorite thing to do in the game is rip your arm off, beat you with it for like 30 seconds as the last execution so you and your whole team watch it. Meanwhile, my teammates are hitting your corpse with melee or nades.

true. it seems like i was on the other side of the board and STILL was able to get some in before the match ended.

Originally Posted by OneForceAir

Originally Posted by bigj505

they need to do something about the kicking when jumping over an item. i mean dude jumps a box, kicks me and stuns me, then finishes me with the shotty while i have to sit there and watch helplessly? bs

I agree with you bruh.

x3 happened to me about 3 times already today. Forgot about it,
My friend goes absolutely crazy in this game, out of like 220 matches played he's only lost 10.
I don't like the kicking over cover either
The multiplayer beta has been real solid so far. Only a few complaints:
-I do not like the new weapon pick up system
-Like someone said before, the contact when someone jumps over a barrier or something to knock you over pisses me off
Other than that, it seems pretty good. The sawed off shotty is stupid powerful, you go up against a wall and catch someone coming towards you
i need to learn how to knock objects over for cover and how to tag enemies Battlefield style.

i love the beta so far tho. was luke warm when i had to play alone since my friends didnt have bulletstorm but once they jumped on, it was all fun times.

im learning how to effectively use the sawed off and retro lancer and also learned how to haul !%@ out of there before getting killed when i miss the sawed off shot.

to tag enemies aim down on them and click the left analog stick.

i don't know why you dudes complaining, mantle kicking is

always catch dudes thinkin they're safe behind cover.
Multiplayer is the exact same meal with a little different seasoning.

I'll be buying for the Co-op story mode but the multiplayer is the same old stuff. Yawn.
Mantle kick is like the sawed off shot gun, it's cool until you get caught with it. Anyone know how you rip someone's arm off and smack them with it?
Originally Posted by SoleBoogie


to tag enemies aim down on them and click the left analog stick.

i don't know why you dudes complaining, mantle kicking is

always catch dudes thinkin they're safe behind cover.
ahhh ok. should make a real difference if i remember to do so
Originally Posted by Millzhouse719

Mantle kick is like the sawed off shot gun, it's cool until you get caught with it. Anyone know how you rip someone's arm off and smack them with it?

have a smoke/snub out and hold y...have to be locust
After about 50 online multiplayer games, I can safely say that this is going to be the best Gears game of the 3. I can't remember the last time when I had this much fun with a videogame. The closest thing that comes is when COD4 was at its peak, but I think I would have to way back to GTA San Andreas and all the way back to Goldeneye for multiplayer.

This game isn't (although it can be) about aiming skills and crazy no look headshots. I think those who expected that will still enjoy Gears 1 more and will start hating on this game because of it. This game is about being smart. You can go a looong way by using JUST the retro lancer, trust me. The "spotting" mechanism, a GREAT addition, makes this into a phenomenal tactical team oriented game. They tried to do that with Gears 2, but making the game slower was far from a good solution.

I can't wait for the full retail game:

Biggest campaign yet (as EPIC claim)
Horde mode
Beast mode

Most fun Gears multiplayer yet
+ maybe another mode
Dedicated servers
Insane amount of unlockables

September can't come soon enough, even though it's usually one of my least favorite months of the year.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl
all the small additions like telling you when the spawns have switched, smoke grenades not stunning you but actually putting up a wall of smoke make it really fun

Only thing I want changed is for Epic to take out K/D ratio's for objective based games I hate people that play it like TDM and contribute nothing to the actual objective. Their still not running dedicated servers right? I haven't experienced any lag at all, which is amazing
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by JUNIOR STRIKES

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

So I can just preorder, get the beta code and cancel the preorder later right?

my gamestop said its non refundable. plus its 5 bucks, are we 12

I preordered the game online, got the code and canceled right after. They sent me an email saying that I couldn't get a refund, I emailed them back saying I would refuse the package from UPS/Fedex and at that point they canceled my order. Didn't even have to waste 5 bucks on it. Not sure if this is a day one buy for me anyway, might wait for a deal on it.

Im not too big on gears multi player, but the single player and co-op should be on point for me
add me gt in sig

i dont like the saw'd off it has no range but turns em into pieces

the lancer has too much recoil too

thats all ive played with tho, be on later tonight
I'm new to Gears. First question, do you walk around with your Primary or Shotty out? Also, what primary weapon do you guys use?

Anyone trying to play some TDM tonight?
EDIT - 500th Post 
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I'm new to Gears. First question, do you walk around with your Primary or Shotty out? Also, what primary weapon do you guys use?

Anyone trying to play some TDM tonight?
EDIT - 500th Post 

My primary is the gnasher b... But if its a close range battle i stay wit the shotty, long rang the lancer.
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