George Bush Appreciation//Unappreciation Vol. It's been a blast

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

iBlink wrote:
ReliantJ wrote:
Bad choice of title words

Meh... I've made worse. I guarantee you that a majority of the dudes who rant and rave about how President Bush has effed up the country are only doing so because it's the "thing" to do. There's no true substance to their distaste for the man.
That's quite a bold statement to make considering you probably haven't met anyone off of this site personally and therefore have no clue as to the validity and substance behind the thoughts and feelings which have been expressed.

I'll take my chances and stick with my original opinion; most people hate on President Bush because it's the thing to do.

Besides the war, a majority of Americans have not paid much attention to the man's presidency... no matter how you try to flip it.
Blink, you and I rarely agree, but hats off to you for all that you've said. Bush, IMO wasn't that bad of a president...

and if anybody wants to play the blame game about 9/11 look at Clinton, he had an opportunity to take out bin Laden and didn't...
bush wasn't that bad of a president? you sound like an idiot. and downplaying the war as if that's not a valid enough reason for not liking him

you dudes need to get a clue

may god have mercy on this mans soul, he will need it.
Originally Posted by da703trailblaza

Blink, you and I rarely agree, but hats off to you for all that you've said. Bush, IMO wasn't that bad of a president...

and if anybody wants to play the blame game about 9/11 look at Clinton, he had an opportunity to take out bin Laden and didn't...


I agree with blink, most people hate him in general have no actuality as to why they do.

Katrina is blamed on him (wrongfully so)

His social programs have saved kids, and other individuals who never would have been.

I dislike him for too many reasons to name, but he wasn't THAT bad.
Appreciated.....Bush was hilarious. Life was too easy before dude. He helped American citizens build character. Also the Bush administration will hopefully belooked back at in history textbooks of how not to run a country.
Originally Posted by PayLessShoes

bush wasn't that bad of a president? you sound like an idiot. and downplaying the war as if that's not a valid enough reason for not liking him

you dudes need to get a clue

may god have mercy on this mans soul, he will need it.

That's what I was pushing for. I guess it's...
"Mission accomplished"
-President Bush
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

iBlink wrote:
ReliantJ wrote:
Bad choice of title words

Meh... I've made worse. I guarantee you that a majority of the dudes who rant and rave about how President Bush has effed up the country are only doing so because it's the "thing" to do. There's no true substance to their distaste for the man.
That's quite a bold statement to make considering you probably haven't met anyone off of this site personally and therefore have no clue as to the validity and substance behind the thoughts and feelings which have been expressed.

most people hate on President Bush because it's the thing to do.
Besides the war, a majority of Americans have not paid much attention to the man's presidency

That's an arrogant, insulting and disrespectful way to label a couple hundred million Americancitizens based solely on assumptions of their blind dimwittedness.
Anyone hear Caliendos joke on Fox NFL Pregame this morning?

What do the Lions and George W. Bush have in common?

They were both 0 for 8!

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

That's an arrogant, insulting and disrespectful way to label a couple hundred million American citizens based solely on assumptions of their blind dimwittedness.
The truth is often hard to swallow. I'm dealing in reality dude and the fact of the matter is that a lot of Americans were not concerned withpolitics pre President-elect Obama.

You call it what you want, but at the end of the day, you and I both know the deal. Go around your area and ask people two simple questions:

1) What are your qualms with the Bush administration?
2) Why?

Besides the war, most people couldn't give a decent answer.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

That's an arrogant, insulting and disrespectful way to label a couple hundred million American citizens based solely on assumptions of their blind dimwittedness.
The truth is often hard to swallow. I'm dealing in reality dude and the fact of the matter is that a lot of Americans were not concerned with politics pre President-elect Obama.

You call it what you want, but at the end of the day, you and I both know the deal. Go around your area and ask people two simple questions:

1) What are your qualms with the Bush administration?
2) Why?

Besides the war, most people couldn't give a decent answer.

Katrina, Tax Breaks For the rich, Leave No child left behind, Foreign relations.

You say beside the war as if that isn't reason enough.

I mean, who else could have spurred on such a huge distaste for Republican politicians, causing predominantly Republican areas to vote Democratic and cause aDemocratic takeover in the Executive and Legislative branches? And now Barack's most likely going to be able to appoint three to four if not five more newjustices!
for cheating in the election eight years ago.
"It's your money! You paid for it!"

Pure comedy.

I've always contended that he's an okay guy, just not a great president. And even after these 8 years, I still feel that way.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

That's an arrogant, insulting and disrespectful way to label a couple hundred million American citizens based solely on assumptions of their blind dimwittedness.
The truth is often hard to swallow. I'm dealing in reality dude and the fact of the matter is that a lot of Americans were not concerned with politics pre President-elect Obama.

You call it what you want, but at the end of the day, you and I both know the deal. Go around your area and ask people two simple questions:

1) What are your qualms with the Bush administration?
2) Why?

Besides the war, most people couldn't give a decent answer.
Your posts reek of pomposity... as if you're the only one living in the real world - the real "gatekeeper of knowledge" as usmoronic "sheeple" live in our dream world, void of the capacity to fully understand the real truth.
PaidNHalf wrote:
Katrina, Tax Breaks For the rich, Leave No child left behind, Foreign relations.

You say beside the war as if that isn't reason enough.

1) The man cannot control the weather. When you say Katrina, be specific as to what aspect you're referring to.

2) Granted, his plans have called for the middle class to pay more, but you have to realize that rich people will always find a way to get around paying asmuch taxes.

3) I've already said I was against NCLB. It dumbs down the education of our children.

4) What aspects of foreign relations? The man is the President of the US, he has to uphold the country's place in the world as a leader, not a a place fullof *******.

Some of you are undoubtedly getting the impression that I'm a Bush supporter. If you're seen me post before, you'd know I'm more left thananything else. My thing is that you can't simply pin the blame on one man.
saved childrens lives?
OH! you mean no child left behind? that worked wonders

his appointed anti- corruption chief...yeah you guessed it was CORRUPT!

He's tireless spending for the war yet soilders were not properly armed or suited for the task in iraq (documented) and he asks for 18 billion dollars, yet17 is unaccounted for? Thats just one instance.

Habeus Corpus

Alberto Gonzales

And you're right he can't be directly blamed for the war in iraq since he essentially began the war and then walked out of the room and made otherpeople handle it horribly since he has no foreign policy experience prior to his first term.

oh but i dont know anything about George W Bush
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Your posts reek of pomposity... as if you're the only one living in the real world - the real "gatekeeper of knowledge" as us moronic "sheeple" live in our dream world, void of the capacity to fully understand the real truth.
No, no, no; that's not the message I'm trying to convey and I genuinely apologize if that's the impression I'm giving off.

I'm not some "know it all" who is trying to downplay the intelligence of the American people. But what I've found is that issues ofimportance are not as heavy on the minds of people as they ought to be. Americans have the ability to better themselves and gain knowledge, yet some peoplefail to make use of it.
Originally Posted by iBlink

PaidNHalf wrote:
Katrina, Tax Breaks For the rich, Leave No child left behind, Foreign relations.

You say beside the war as if that isn't reason enough.

1) The man cannot control the weather. When you say Katrina, be specific as to what aspect you're referring to.

2) Granted, his plans have called for the middle class to pay more, but you have to realize that rich people will always find a way to get around paying as much taxes.

3) I've already said I was against NCLB. It dumbs down the education of our children.

4) What aspects of foreign relations? The man is the President of the US, he has to uphold the country's place in the world as a leader, not a a place full of *******.

Some of you are undoubtedly getting the impression that I'm a Bush supporter. If you're seen me post before, you'd know I'm more left than anything else. My thing is that you can't simply pin the blame on one man.

Ok, honestly, you can't hold the argument down. He obviously meant the way Bush dealt with the hurricane, not simply the fact that itoccurred. He didn't say that YOU supported No Child Left Behind, he's just saying that that is one of Bush's many failed policies. And on thesubject of Foreign Relations, you can still be a tough guy and know foreign leader's names ok? Stop arguing so vehemently, even if people's reasons forbecoming so informed in the days of Barack Obama are slightly flawed, at least they're informed now.
ReliantJ wrote:
iBlink wrote:

4) What aspects of foreign relations? The man is the President of the US, he has to uphold the country's place in the world as a leader, not a a place full of *******.

How do foreign relations correlate with "place full of *******"?

I was assuming he was referring to President Bush's dealing with other nations. Granted, the man is a bit brash in his decision making process, butit's not exactly like the US is in the position to come of as weak. We've already suffered from one terrorist attack - imo it was due to our leniencyon other countries - so coming off as even more lenient in our continued dealing with other countries could possibly lead to others.

But that's just me assuming that he was talking about a specific aspect of foreign relations.
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