George Bush Appreciation//Unappreciation Vol. It's been a blast

bruce negro wrote:

Ok, honestly, you can't hold the argument down. He obviously meant the way Bush dealt with the hurricane, not simply the fact that it occurred. He didn't say that YOU supported No Child Left Behind, he's just saying that that is one of Bush's many failed policies. And on the subject of Foreign Relations, you can still be a tough guy and know foreign leader's names ok? Stop arguing so vehemently, even if people's reasons for becoming so informed in the days of Barack Obama are slightly flawed, at least they're informed now.

But that's what I've been trying to say. My thing is, people can keep themselves informed as they choose, but what happens if thenext presidential candidates are as big of attention grabbers?

I for one am not a fan on the way the Bush Administration handled Katrina. Certainly I, a guy whose little brother in New Orleans is still on the missingpersons list since the hurricane hit, am not advocating the man. All I am saying is that certain things that he's been blamed for should not be pinnedentirely on him alone.
All the hating...

WE all know GB was not good at what he did, but he is still the most humorous of all presidents.

as far as his president career goes, you can't really blame everything on the man. He was faced with tough times *(911) crazy pressure, on top of thattheir are people controlling him like a puppet (he is a dummy).

Stop dwelling at the past and move one, New president - New day.
MvP07 wrote:
as far as his president career goes, you can't really blame everything on the man.

Essentially, that's all I've been trying to say.
Originally Posted by MvP07

All the hating...

WE all know GB was not good at what he did, but he is still the most humorous of all presidents.

as far as his president career goes, you can't really blame everything on the man. He was faced with tough times *(911) crazy pressure, on top of that their are people controlling him like a puppet (he is a dummy).

Stop dwelling at the past and move one, New president - New day.


That being said the past influences the present. Barack has a great amount of cleaning up to do.

An unscientific poll of 109 professional historians this year found that 61 percent rated President Bush as the worst president in American history.
A couple of others judged him second-worst, after James Buchanan, whose incompetence set the stage for the Civil War. More than 98 percent of the historians in the poll, conducted through the History News Network, viewed Mr. Bush's presidency as a failure.

Mr. Bush's presidency imploded not because of any personal corruption or venality, but largely because he wrenched the United States out of the international community. His cowboy diplomacy "defriended" the United States. He turned a superpower into a rogue country. Instead of isolating North Korea and Iran, he isolated us - and undermined his own ability to achieve his aims.

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A Blast? Far from it, this cornball screwed up the country atthe country's expense. His idiocy alone makes me hate this man. I'm glad this dude will be out of office come January.
Yes,that man helped me pass about 6 grades.
And dude was just a character.
Cant find that in alot of people.
Its really to early to judge his presidency. Truman had high disapproval rates when he left office. Let me start with what I appreciate about him

1. Basically we won the Iraq War as of right now. The premise was wrong for going to war but Iraq would have always been a thorn in the side of the US.

2. We haven't been attacked again since 9/11/01 but I think he could have prevented it from happening in the first place.


1. How the Economy has gone under his Adminstration. It seems like the general economic power of the average consumer has gone down since he taken over. Somepeople say the President doesnt control that but all I know is we hit these recessions when Republicans are in office. 1992 and 2008.

2. The handling of Hurricane Katrina. The disaster that was Katrina should never happen in a civilized country period. It took 4 days to get supplies to peoplein the middle of a major metropaltian area.

3. The supsension of the Genava convention. Those laws where put in effect to protect American soliders and they cant just be thrown out the window.
George W. Bush was an overwhelmingly mediocre and uninspiring president. He really should have been a footnote in history, but extraordinary events forced himto step up as the leader of the free world, a position he hardly ever performed adequately. If I've learned anything these past eight years, a man thatwould be great to have a drink with is less likely than not to become a good president.

Also, I think he killed comedy. A comedian was not necessary to embellish the actions of President Bush. They really just spoke for themselves.

Oh well, the GOP has four years to get back in shape. In four years, Democrats came up with Obama. By 2012, I'm sure the Republicans will come up with acandidate that will make half the country think he's closer to God than Jesus himself.
a lot of great things like department of homeland security and other agencies were created to further protect us from terrorist attacks are appreciated....howmany of you are buying up a bunch of guns right now?
Originally Posted by iBlink

I guarantee you that a majority of the dudes who rant and rave about how President Bush has effed up the country are only doing so because it's the "thing" to do. There's no true substance to their distaste for the man.
1. Started a pre-emptive war with faulty intelligence
2. Failed to persue Bin-Laden into Pakistan because his obsession with Iraq
3. Single-handedly turned most of our foreign allies against us
4. Invaded a country with the worst plan in the history of war or man .. Colin Powell even washed his hands of being part of this blunder
5. Tried to appoint his cleaning-lady as a US Supreme court justice
6. Outed a CIA agent
7. fired US Attorneys all over the country because for no apparent reason
8. Hired a former horse-salesman to run FEMA
9. The whole hurricane Katrina disaster
10. Continued to muddle for years through Iraq costing thousands of US and iraqi civilian lives
11. Let Afghanistan drift into the wind , costing more US lives
12. Did i mention he OUTED A CIA AGENT
13. Allowed his Defense secretary to conduct illegal torture of prisoners at Abu-Graib
14. Attempted to "privatize " social security
15. Took 4 years equip soldiers in iraq with sufficient vehicles apposed to humvees , instead pouring $6.5 billion in new money into nuclear weapons ..costing , again , US lives
16. Endorsed corporate outsourcing

just to name a few

but , yeah , it he wasn't so bad i guess

I'm with Chester , @$%@ this man

he should be tried for murder , convicted and executed imo
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