George Zimmerman Agrees to Celebrity Boxing Match — Will Fight A Black Person

Seriously I'm dissappointed in the "goons" of Florida..this clown is STILL alive, roaming as he pleases :smh:

And "celebrity"? Disgraceful. You killed a CHILD and you become a celebrity, wtf is next? Child molester UFC?

This **** is ridiculous.
America, the good ol' land of opportunity. The fact this piece of dookie is getting camera time after everything that has transpired is borderline ******ed. This is exactly how the majority of America keeps getting fooled by this tactic of keeping everyone simpleminded with entertainment and pursuing the issues that affect our daily day-to-day well-being. Sickening how this scum is using his "celeb-status" as a promoting tool to cake off of.

However, if someone wants to open a fund to get the most vicious fighter (only person I can think of right now Kimbo Slice but I have no idea if he's still out there beating the **** out of people in backyards) out there to fight this Zimmerman fool 1D, I'd definitely contribute. This guy and his entourage needs to be erased. If he does die in the fight, his family won't have anyone to blame but him for the challenge. Maybe his family can then take the promoter to court. :smile: :smile:

The fact that I'm taking my time talking about this is exactly what they hoped for. Consider me a sheep. :smh: Watching him get pummeled isn't going to fix anything or give Trayvon Martin back to his family. Zimmerman just needs to be eliminated so he doesn't captivate society anymore with his nonsense. Consider it a small price to pay for the benefit of society in the long run.
Guess I never noticed, but chubby Zimmerman looked so delightful and hapless. Current Zimmerman looks like he was kicking it with Aaron Hernandez. Hmm.
Lol win or lose in said fight.....dude is winning smh oh america the land of the second chance.
You sure it was just a rumor?  I heard about it from some pretty in-the-know folks, and then saw this video...
You sure it was just a rumor?  I heard about it from some pretty in-the-know folks, and then saw this video...

Crazy tho, he(Rosemo) got shot and killed like 4 days after this video

Guess THE GAME won

Laid out on the sidewalk

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This is so disgusting. How much money is Zimmerman making off this? He shouldn't be able to keep not one red cent.

It's disgusting that someone would even put this together and let Zimmerman profiteer off of this. I hope the promoter is a sleazeball paper gangster who finds a way to not pay Zimmerman. And that Zimmerman's opponent is juiced up on the worlds strongest steroids.
You mean this Broner?

or this Broner?

Maidana a G.
He's getting what he wants from people.

Attention. Just ignore.
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Anybody even entertaining the idea of fighting him is falling for exactly what he wants.
This dude is not dumb, he is trying to market himself to the scum that think he did nothing wrong and they will continue to show support to this lame. I wish Game (anybody for that matter)would just ignore him. He is obviously doing this to agitate people and is definately feeling himself toooooo much...
Edit: Man DMX needs to lay off them drugs for real...
I respect george for this. No one is going to touch him and George is a martial expert. Im sure he will knock whoever fights him out. George aint got no worries
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