Getting Stupid Drunk Unappreciation


Oct 22, 2004
Last night I got hammered, way too hammered. Lost my damn wallet and now going through the process of cancelling cards and getting new ones sucks. Such a damnpain in the @%$.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

I hate the throwing up part.
co-sign...happens EVERY time too... smh
last saturday I got dumb drunk at this party, ended up smashin this girl in the bathroom and started a bunch of drama

I left with my brother and his girlfriend and on the way home got pulled over, we were all drunk, and under 21. Had to spend the night downtown

Being stupid drunk is very UNappreciated
Yea it sucks. And now my phone won't turn on.

I always tell myself I'm just gonna stick to smoking every time I get drunk like this
some of yall need to step your liver/pacing yourself game up.
ive gottten white boy wasted alot but then u learn how to pace urself.
i dont like the feeling of throwing up, but after (and the next day i usually wake up with no hangover and good to go)
Originally Posted by miamin2

Yea it sucks. And now my phone won't turn on.

I always tell myself I'm just gonna stick to smoking every time I get drunk like this
HAHAHAHAHA you need to come to terms with that and stop lying to yourself. I been tellin myself that for well over 10 years, but as much as Ilove to
I cant put the bottle down. Its just a different type of fun.
on new years i was drinking mad reckless because i thought my tolerance game was up. by the end of the night i was yakking on my friends couch lol
Originally Posted by Halftime718

I never do stupid @@+! like this no matter how drunk.
You havent been drunk enough thats all (not that being stupid drunk is a good thing)

It happens to the best of us. No matter how much control or tolerance you have, if you keep consuming eventually you will hit that zone. Its been a long !*#time since I hit the zone, probably a few years back at my 26th bday. According to my girl I tried to ram my head through the glass window at the bar, triedto take other peoples cars as the valet pulled them up, kicked over newspaper stands and trashcans, and ried to knockdown street signs (unsuccessfully). Wokeup the next day feeling slightly hungover but not too bad, then I realized I was buck naked. I rolled over and asked my girl what happened and if we got crazylast night since I was naked and she basically said "F no, go look at the bathroom, I aint cleanin that $*%+ up, get to work"
cool story bro. JK. for new years I went to one of my GF's best friends house to celebrate. I was taking shot after shot after shot followed by beer pong.I was the only person heavily drinking at this joint so everyones attention was focused on the lone drunk guy around. I ended up puking all over hertoilet seat and I ruined one of her white towels by trying to clean up some of my vom. I don't really remember anything from that night but I can imaginethat I won't be welcomed back anytime soon. Long story short GETTING STUPID DRUNK FTL
I'll never understand people losing their *!$% when they're drunk. No matter how drunk i get, i've never lost any belongings...and i've beenpretty drunk.

Originally Posted by awwsome

Ganja > Alcohol.
being stupid drunk is the best, but having to deal with the repercussions the next day is not appreciated
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