Ghostface Killah Responds to Action Bronson's comments, Bronson Apologizes

everybody compares action bronson to ghostface just off sounds alone - im sure bronson is tired of hearing that by now and just slipped up. If Ghostface's wish of "keeping his name out of their mouths" happens then he will be forgotten very, VERY quickly.

Bronson is the reason Ghostface is still relevant and thats real. - with that being said I need atleast 5 diss tracks before this wackass beef is over and done. With quality production
Top 2 or 3 members in the biggest hip hop group of all time is not relevant?????

Big Bronson fan but to say he's keeping Ghost relevant is silly. Ghost is a legend and no matter what he does he is relevant. Haven't even heard most of his newer **** but you don't say "he needs something". Thats when it became too far. Saying he doesn't rap like this still sounds bad but his voice does not sound like AB anymore. You could say AB bit his style but their subject matter is completely different. I understand the checking but Ghost looks a little silly doing all this at 45. Could've done a little less and got the point across.

Hope nothing actually comes of this. Looks like Bronson should've just kept those original tweets up and backtracked completely.
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Yall keep remembering Ghost for what he WAS.

Nobody's saying he wasn't legit, he's an all time great that's set in stone but he's not as good a rapper as Bronson RIGHT THIS MOMENT.

The moral of the story is old dude looks lame as hell, he told on himself, Bronson isn't going to miss a beat because of this so what was the point?

Like you're telling on yourself :lol:
Action is nice and has come into his own, but from the minute he got in the game, his calling card was that he sounded like Ghost. It's what originally got him noticed and what drew listeners in.

AB is my age, from around my area and I know a lot of peeps who grew up with him. I'm not the biggest AB fan, but he has done the game a solid. He has done Queens a sold and done NY a solid. He and Meyhem Lauren bring back that feel the NYC feel to rap that has been missing for a long time. 

That being said, he sounds too much like Ghost and rhymes to much like Ghost and Rae. AB is a true head. He knows the pioneers. He knows Ghost and Rae's catalogs and knows the influence they had on his life and style. He over spoke. He knows the game and the rules to this. I understand that he wants to create some distance from Ghost, but unless he really wanted to come at Ghost, that isn't the way to do it. 

Truthfully, he needs to buy Ghost a new Wonder Woman bracket for cosigning him up until this point. Especially since Ghost said it back it way back in '95. 
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LOL my man GF just cut a wrestling promo! I'm a fan of both...AB was wrong IMO
The only reason people checked for Bronson here originally was because the thread title said "the white Ghostface"

It's not just the voice that's the same, Bronson hijacked the obscure reference/crazy scenario thing from him too. And I'm an Action fan.
And Ghost can sell out a bigger international crowd than Bronson to this day if y'all wanna talk relevance. Matter of fact, a year or 2 ago Bronson had a 12PM slot at a festival Ghost headlined at 9PM I was at.
Wonder if NT will actually own up to how corny this was...doubt it cause its from a Wu Tang member/artist from the 90's

They won't.

If this was Drake or Tyge threatening to send their goons out for murder over deleted tweets via a tough talking vlog with background music dudes would be roasting em and rightfully so, but somehow a 45yr old who's actually supposed to be a real street dude does it and gets a pass?

Backwards to me, seems to me if Ghost was who he says he is and was as G as some seem to believe, he would have known better, truthfully it should have cats questioning how real dude actually is.
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I've seen that crouched old head stance too many times. If they was in the same vicinity Ghost would've start clapping his hands together, gave him the frustrated/confused look off, the fake walkaway okey doke, and then tried to T off and sneak that man. Facts.

And did he script and rehearse this? The Harold Melvin transition at 1:22 was too smooth to be freestyle

Ghostface and AB basically feed off of eachother since the early 2010's
If Drake or Tyga made a vid like this they'd get clowned because nobody takes them serious like that. They ain't got the scrotal fortitude to be threatening anybody.

And I'm sure no one believes Ghost is gonna have AB clipped, but he damn sure ain't gonna be throwing jabs and hiding behind sublims, he really will approach that man if he sees him, and AB knows it too, that's why he's apologizing.
Wonder if NT will actually own up to how corny this was...doubt it cause its from a Wu Tang member/artist from the 90's

Oh it's corny, but when you will actually do it and have a reputation you have more leeway.

They won't.

If this was Drake or Tyge threatening to send their goons out for murder over deleted tweets via a tough talking vlog with background music dudes would be roasting em and rightfully so, but somehow a 45yr old who's actually supposed to be a real street dude does it and gets a pass?

Backwards to me, seems to me if Ghost was who he says he is and was as G as some seem to believe, he would have known better, truthfully it should have cats questioning how real dude actually is.

See below

If Drake or Tyga made a vid like this they'd get clowned because nobody takes them serious like that. They ain't got the scrotal fortitude to be threatening anybody.

And I'm sure no one believes Ghost is gonna have AB clipped, but he damn sure ain't gonna be throwing jabs and hiding behind sublims, he really will approach that man if he sees him, and AB knows it too, that's why he's apologizing.

Riding for a tribute band rapper?

Do yall dudes cape for Your Old Droogs too?

Bruh made a video doing almost every lame thing a rapper could do short of getting his chain snatched and dudes are cosigning it?

-Internet thugging
-crying over some twitter ****
-dry snitching
-scored the video himself with timed up background music

and dude gets a pass because he was a tough guy dust head 20yrs ago?

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All that gun talk, call him out for the fade and leave it at that. Don't have your lil homies do it either, catch the one on one and keep it moving.
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