Girl lied about being gang raped at Hofstra, The 5th man has been revealed, Taveras is an NTer

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^that makes no sense though.. you don't want to encourage that.
what you want to encourage is preventing people from making false accustations in the first place.

QFT. Moral of the story, always film a gang bang.
Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by jrp44

And she said, 'Oh, I just got raped,
said it all calm and !+#%

I wonder if she got trizzy'ed in the past too..see this is why we need slutfax on would be easier if you could just go in the database and just look em up..

you aint lyin.

"chill ma, lemme see the slutfax.."

"#!$# you is below blue book!.. lets get it!"
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^that makes no sense though.. you don't want to encourage that.
what you want to encourage is preventing people from making false accustations in the first place.

QFT. Moral of the story, always film a don't be in gang bang

the fifth man is not being given enough credit..
if the video hadn't surfaced.. the girl might have never backed off.. thats why I think she deserves punishment.
fifth man
escaped the cops n came thru with the proof
I hope every single one of them files a defamation charge against the skeezer...put a lien on everything she owns or ever will own.
These guys put themselves in a bad position. They got lucky they had photographic evidence otherwise they WOULD be doing time. This is a perfect example of whyyou have to be so careful about what you do and who you do it with. You may think you are just having a good time and the next thing you know your life isover.

7 I saw among the simple,
I noticed among the young men,
a youth who lacked judgment.

8 He was going down the street near her corner,
walking along in the direction of her house

9 at twilight, as the day was fading,
as the dark of night set in.

10 Then out came a woman to meet him,
dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.

24 Now then, my sons, listen to me;
pay attention to what I say.

25 Do not let your heart turn to her ways
or stray into her paths.

26 Many are the victims she has brought down;
her slain are a mighty throng.

27 Her house is a highway to the grave, [d]
leading down to the chambers of death.

Excerpt from Proverbs 7.
How in the hell can one of them actually be willing to forgive this pathetic *#%@! piece of garbage?? It honestly boggles my mind. As many have already pointedbout, these gentlemen will never be able to live this down, despite the fact that no crime was committed. Typed words cannot truly express how discusted andangry this story has made me.
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