Girl lied about being gang raped at Hofstra, The 5th man has been revealed, Taveras is an NTer

the biggest outrage is the prosecuter "deciding whether to press charges" against the skank.

lock the skank up and throw away the key.

post her address all over the place so she can get what she did thrown right back at her tenfold.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

the biggest outrage is the prosecuter "deciding whether to press charges" against the skank.

lock the skank up and throw away the key.

post her address all over the place so she can get what she did thrown right back at her tenfold.

No offense but when I read that I heard Perez Hilton
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

the biggest outrage is the prosecuter "deciding whether to press charges" against the skank.

lock the skank up and throw away the key.

post her address all over the place so she can get what she did thrown right back at her tenfold.

No offense but when I read that I heard Perez Hilton

lol na if i was perez i'd be dressing rather questionably and i would be getting punched in the face after calling other men a word that rhymes with hag.
Originally Posted by KevTav

thanks for the support guys, nobody believed us when they locked us up. we got lucky that "fifth man" didnt delete the video. hopefully his name isnt leaked aswell, wouldnt want his name to be tarnished like me and the others.

I don't get that, I just seen you and the "fifth man" in the new york post.
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by KevTav

thanks for the support guys, nobody believed us when they locked us up. we got lucky that "fifth man" didnt delete the video. hopefully his name isnt leaked aswell, wouldnt want his name to be tarnished like me and the others.

I don't get that, I just seen you and the "fifth man" in the new york post.

James Messerschmidt

CLEARED: Stalin Felipe (left) and his cousin Arvin Rivera talk about their ordeal yesterday. Felipe credits Rivera, who had filmed the bathroom orgy, with clearing his and his friends' names.

at the fifth man holding it down for Harry S. Truman.
Originally Posted by rodster831

i am very lost and to lazy to read all the pages.

cliff-notes please. or a pm with a short part of the story
dude, just watch the 2 minute video on the first page
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by ninjahood

that !*@% upsets me dearly..a girl worried more about her "rep" then da lives on innocent people....twisted priorites b.
someone should practice what they preach right monday?
c'mon ya worryin about me coppin kicks?
what i eat dont make no one +!%%

this smutt on da other had would have all these dudes burnin at da stake just so no one thought she was a skeezbucket.

yo KevTav, we all here salute you and hopefully you took your 5th man out for a good time, ya owe him ya lives.
It's saddening to think about all the other cases like this where they actually get sent to prison.
It is, but when I see a reply like this:

maybe im being a little bit harsh but i think this girl and anyone else who pulls what she pulled need to expierence really being raped so they know how it feels.

this broad needs to be held against her own will and violently and forcefully get penetrated in all of her holes and violated.
I'm reminded that it's much worse on the other side (the amount of women being raped w/o sending the man/men to prison). When you readmany of the replies where the men are given props for running a train and people are referring to the young woman as a +$+%%, you can see that the problemisn't just "crazy/scheming" women, but the double standard when it comes to sex.

...& just think, one day some guy is gonna wife this scum bucket. Life is funny...
Is it really all that different than the woman who chooses one of these guys (depending on the facts of the story) as her husband? In the sameway that I hope this girl gets, seeks, and benefits from help, I hope these guys have learned from this experience. I bet waiting 'til marriage or atleast someone you trust doesn't sound so crazy now.

I wonder if she got trizzy'ed in the past too..see this is why we need slutfax on would be easier if you could just go in the database and just look em up..I feel bad for her dude tho
Right. The fact that this 18-year-old girl they barely knew was willing to be tied up for sex with at least two guys while morewatched wasn't nearly enough info'.

Dirtylicious wrote:

^that makes no sense though.. you don't want to encourage that.
what you want to encourage is preventing people from making false accustations in the first place.
Exactly! Both men and women need to be more selective with who they have sex with.

How in the hell can one of them actually be willing to forgive this pathetic *#%@! piece of garbage??
Shouldn't that make you reconsider your opinion of this young woman if a guy who was harassed in jail and suffered publicly is willing toforgive? Maybe he recognizes that they were engaged in an activity that was above everyone's head.

They should sue the police too if all they took was her word.
My reply is from yesterday so I don't know what other details were released, but I too would like to know what evidence the police had and whytheir names and pictures were released to the public.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

I may be an immature stoner, but am i the only one that laughed a little at the name arvin?

i know an arvin-he goes by AJ. not saying it's not an odd name but they're are MUCH MUCH MUCH more hilarious names. being named gage- i have anappreciation for not run of the mill names i guess

Yo...I know Stalin and Arvin...they work in my gym @ Planet Fitness...

Arvin would help me with that 30 minute quick workout back when I first came...

Wow, when I go to the gym monday and my gym (FILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED with chicks) Its gonna be MAD AKWARD when they come back.

I thought i was buggin when i saw Stalin face on tv, i thought it was some other dude, but when i saw them both on the front page paper, i was
...they smashed this horrid s m u t. smh, Thank God they got freed.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Yo...I know Stalin and Arvin...they work in my gym @ Planet Fitness...

Arvin would help me with that 30 minute quick workout back when I first came...

Wow, when I go to the gym monday and my gym (FILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED with chicks) Its gonna be MAD AKWARD when they come back.

I thought i was buggin when i saw Stalin face on tv, i thought it was some other dude, but when i saw them both on the front page paper, i was
...they smashed this horrid s m u t. smh, Thank God they got freed.

These women who throw false allegations at guys SHOULD have to serve some sort of jail time IMO. If there was any sort of repercussion of this kind,maybe...just maybe, some of these women/girls would think twice before coming up with a web of lies. I'm glad her name is out there, but they should throwher mug on the front page of the NYP for doing this....this false rape claim needs to be on her record for the rest of her life...

If this 5th dude didn't have a videotape of the whole ordeal, this girl would go about living her life as a "supposed" victim while some of thesedudes spent more than 1/4 of their lives behind bars. I mean how can you live with yourself knowing you told a lie this big that ruined lives? I'm happythat the truth eventually came out, but you just gotta wonder about the countless other cases where the victim (the accused) ends up sitting in jail forsomething that may have been consensual.

*Edit...and in reading the NYP article, I hate how they quote people saying she was a good, quiet, and intelligent girl who was a child of African immigrants. Stop glorifying and painting a picture of her as a "sweet" kid....she's scum.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

*Edit...and in reading the NYP article, I hate how they quote people saying she was a good, quiet, and intelligent girl who was a child of African immigrants. Stop glorifying and painting a picture of her as a "sweet" kid....she's scum.

@ Start an organization that benefits or helps young men who getcaught up in sexual assault cases (name it "The Fifth Man" or some !%%%
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I'm glad her name is out there, but they should throw her mug on the front page of the NYP for doing this...
Actually, they did that already
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Yo...I know Stalin and Arvin...they work in my gym @ Planet Fitness...

Arvin would help me with that 30 minute quick workout back when I first came...

Wow, when I go to the gym monday and my gym (FILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED with chicks) Its gonna be MAD AKWARD when they come back.

I thought i was buggin when i saw Stalin face on tv, i thought it was some other dude, but when i saw them both on the front page paper, i was
...they smashed this horrid s m u t. smh, Thank God they got freed.
oh yeah, u go to da planet fitness next to that i think about it one of these dudes registered my membership
The thing about women is they lie to the point where they turn their lies into reality just to protect their reputation. Women are like little kids.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

The thing about women is they lie to the point where they turn their lies into reality just to protect their reputation.
thats straight up being selfish/hoeish....4 dudes would've been a wrap for if it wasn't for a well placed camera phone
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