Girl lied about being gang raped at Hofstra, The 5th man has been revealed, Taveras is an NTer

Originally Posted by Club29

whoa whoa whoa, One of the dukes is actually a goon on this board?

....i mean really, what are the odds of that?

well my boy who posts on here, his girl got smushed by smush parker , plus we had the whole ben baller thing this summer. this is nt where anythingspossible
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^that makes no sense though.. you don't want to encourage that.
what you want to encourage is preventing people from making false accustations in the first place.

QFT. Moral of the story, always film a gang bang.


from now on i'm gonna say "moral of the story, always film a gang bang". that applies to everything
Originally Posted by romedadude

She tried to wreck their life...they should wreck hers.

What's the point?

Her life is already wrecked to a degree.

The boys got vindicated... No need to be vindictive.
^ her being known as a !%!#@=potentially losing a 25 years of your life??? eff outa here with that

there needs to be a deterrent, so dumb broads won't call rape without thinking twice
I said her's is "already wrecked to a degree"

Never said anything about it equaling up to a quarter.

I'm not saying she deserves a pass either.

And I agree that there should be some sort of "penalty" for females who do things like this.

But for THEM to try and "get her back" or "ruin" her life..... what's the point?

To teach her a lesson?

Please, shorty is obviously in need of mental help/counseling.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I said her's is "already wrecked to a degree"

Never said anything about it equaling up to a quarter.

I'm not saying she deserves a pass either.

And I agree that there should be some sort of "penalty" for females who do things like this.

But for THEM to try and "get her back" or "ruin" her life..... what's the point?

To teach her a lesson?

Please, shorty is obviously in need of mental help/counseling.
honestly? self-satisfaction.

call me spiteful but if she did that to me, i would do everything in my power to destroy her forever, more than this may already have.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I said her's is "already wrecked to a degree"

Never said anything about it equaling up to a quarter.

I'm not saying she deserves a pass either.

And I agree that there should be some sort of "penalty" for females who do things like this.

But for THEM to try and "get her back" or "ruin" her life..... what's the point?

To teach her a lesson?

Please, shorty is obviously in need of mental help/counseling.
honestly? self-satisfaction.

call me spiteful but if she did that to me, i would do everything in my power to destroy her forever, more than this may already have.

My point exactly. SHUGES you're a good man, because if I was in the position of those 4 guys I would just think about all my dreams/aspirations that wereon the line. The audacity of that %%%$%.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by SHUGES

I said her's is "already wrecked to a degree"

Never said anything about it equaling up to a quarter.

I'm not saying she deserves a pass either.

And I agree that there should be some sort of "penalty" for females who do things like this.

But for THEM to try and "get her back" or "ruin" her life..... what's the point?

To teach her a lesson?

Please, shorty is obviously in need of mental help/counseling.
honestly? self-satisfaction.

call me spiteful but if she did that to me, i would do everything in my power to destroy her forever, more than this may already have.

I hear you... But that's part of what's wrong with the world today.

Why use "everything in your power" to focus on destroying someone after being granted a reprieve?

So much energy wasted when you're already FREE.

So what... now you wanna take the route that might lead you right back behind bars?? That would be stupid.

See, now a better idea... I would try and parlay the situation into some sort of opportunity for myself and others.

Start an organization that benefits or helps young men who get caught up in sexual assault cases (name it "The Fifth Man" or some !%%%

Or one that benefits young rape victims.

Son has the sympathy and support of so many people RIGHT NOW. Probably more than he ever will in his life.

You guys look at it as his life almost being ruined. But nah, you gotta look at it more like "wow, the doors that have been opened for him... and theopportunities presented are now endless".
SHUGES wrote:

See, now a better idea... I would try and parlay the situation into some sort of opportunity for myself and others.

Start an organization that benefits or helps young men who get caught up in sexual assault cases (name it "The Fifth Man" or some !%%%

Or one that benefits young rape victims.

Son has the sympathy and support of so many people RIGHT NOW. Probably more than he ever will in his life.

You guys look at it as his life almost being ruined. But nah, you gotta look at it more like "wow, the doors that have been opened for him... and the opportunities presented are now endless".

I hear what you're trying to say...but these guys names still got dragged through the mud. Not too many opportunities present themselves aftersomething like this. What are they gonna write a book? A made for TV movie?

I think you are 100 percent right about the organization though. But I mean that's a real tricky situation. We know there are countless numbers of girlswho really DO get raped. So starting an organization that basically exists just to discredit women who lie about being raped? I mean it's just a veryslippery slope.
Originally Posted by DubA169

SHUGES wrote:

See, now a better idea... I would try and parlay the situation into some sort of opportunity for myself and others.

Start an organization that benefits or helps young men who get caught up in sexual assault cases (name it "The Fifth Man" or some !%%%

Or one that benefits young rape victims.

Son has the sympathy and support of so many people RIGHT NOW. Probably more than he ever will in his life.

You guys look at it as his life almost being ruined. But nah, you gotta look at it more like "wow, the doors that have been opened for him... and the opportunities presented are now endless".
I hear what you're trying to say...but these guys names still got dragged through the mud. Not too many opportunities present themselves after something like this. What are they gonna write a book? A made for TV movie?
Sure, if they so choose... But that's what I'm saying. Their opportunities are endless.

One thing I've learned in life.... Older people with money and or connections are ALWAYS looking/willing to help younger people who are already trying todo good for themselves.

Originally Posted by DubA169

I think you are 100 percent right about the organization though. But I mean that's a real tricky situation. We know there are countless numbers of girls who really DO get raped. So starting an organization that basically exists just to discredit women who lie about being raped? I mean it's just a very slippery slope.
Nah, I meant start the org for youth who have already admitted guilt. I'm not even talking rape. But young men who are in high-school orwhatever and they groped some chick's booty or something. Try to help the ones who are headed down the wrong path and might end up in a situation like KTand his boys.

That's just one idea.

He/they have many other options as well....
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