Girl lied about being gang raped at Hofstra, The 5th man has been revealed, Taveras is an NTer

i'm sorry but this whole thing pisses me off.

because this skank decided to have sex with 4-5 guys and then she thought to herself, "oh crap my boyfriend might get mad and people might think im askank so let me go say i was raped" 4 innocent people got their names dragged to the mud and almost lost 25 years of their freedom.

first off if you let 4-5 guys run a train on you theres no thinking your a skank you are a dirty nasty stinky grimey lowest of the low skankbucket.

second off, maybe im being a little bit harsh but i think this girl and anyone else who pulls what she pulled need to expierence really being raped so theyknow how it feels.

this broad needs to be held against her own will and violently and forcefully get penetrated in all of her holes and violated.

you wanna be selfish and potentially get 4 people locked up for 25 years just to save your name then your nothing but pathetic scum who deserves nothing butthe worst of the worst.

how the hell are they only "Considering pressing charges against her" lock this skank up and throw away the keys and hopefully she gets raped by thebig **** women inmates.
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^that makes no sense though.. you don't want to encourage that.
what you want to encourage is preventing people from making false accustations in the first place.

QFT. Moral of the story, always film a gang bang.
THANK GOD they filmed that $@%!.

omg...ii ain't even religious and i prayed thank you to a higher power last night for da 5th dude taping da incident...that could've been anyone one ofus to tell you da truth.
Story doesn't nearly upset me as it does others because this kinda stuff happens often enough...just without the publicity. But still doesn't make itright...chick should be arrested for creating a bogus story to begin with.
that !*@% upsets me dearly..a girl worried more about her "rep" then da lives on innocent people....twisted priorites b.
I hope she gets charged. Dudes could've done hard time for nothing. They should sue the police too if all they took was her word.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

that !*@% upsets me dearly..a girl worried more about her "rep" then da lives on innocent people....twisted priorites b.
Like someone said, whoever the 5th man is... son needs a street named after him in the hood or some $%%#. (Unofficially of course).

He never got bagged by the cops PLUS homie had the get-out-of-jail-free card too???

At the very least, he needs a hood slang named in his honor.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Like someone said, whoever the 5th man is... son needs a street named after him in the hood or some $%%#. (Unofficially of course).

He never got bagged by the cops PLUS homie had the get-out-of-jail-free card too???

At the very least, he needs a hood slang named in his honor.
Son a hood legend, ain't nobody come out cleaner than that dude ever. Prolly walked up in the precinct phone in hand like this
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Like someone said, whoever the 5th man is... son needs a street named after him in the hood or some $%%#. (Unofficially of course).

He never got bagged by the cops PLUS homie had the get-out-of-jail-free card too???

At the very least, he needs a hood slang named in his honor.
Son a hood legend, ain't nobody come out cleaner than that dude ever. Prolly walked up in the precinct phone in hand like this

thanks for the support guys, nobody believed us when they locked us up. we got lucky that "fifth man" didnt delete the video. hopefully his name isntleaked aswell, wouldnt want his name to be tarnished like me and the others.
Originally Posted by KevTav

thanks for the support guys, nobody believed us when they locked us up. we got lucky that "fifth man" didnt delete the video. hopefully his name isnt leaked aswell, wouldnt want his name to be tarnished like me and the others.
You the Cablevision dude right? (if it's really you)

Good !$** man.

Forevermore, if a dude gets into a bind with a shorty and his boy gets him out of some sticky situation (no pun intended), that boy will be known as "the5th man".

As in....

"damn son... this chick nearly caught me slipping. said she was pregnant and i was the pappy. but my boy came through like the 5th man and let me knowthat it was rex from up the block who might really be the pops. good looking!"


"yo i'm going to the club tonight. rolling with pete as my 5th man just in case i get into some !$** with some bird".

Originally Posted by KevTav

thanks for the support guys, nobody believed us when they locked us up. we got lucky that "fifth man" didnt delete the video. hopefully his name isnt leaked aswell, wouldnt want his name to be tarnished like me and the others.

Originally Posted by KevTav

thanks for the support guys, nobody believed us when they locked us up. we got lucky that "fifth man" didnt delete the video. hopefully his name isnt leaked aswell, wouldnt want his name to be tarnished like me and the others.
son can you give NT the play by play on what went down that night?
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