Girl losing interests

Originally Posted by GWUN TWO

Girls are emotional people, and the way they act is ALWAYS affected by how they feel.

The best thing to do is to break it off there isn't any interest anymore. But before you do that, you have to look at yourself and think if you haven't done anything to affect the relationship. Are you the same person you were when she first met you? Do you put 100% of your effort into the relationship? Are there small things she wants you to do but you just ignore it?

Ive been through this same stage in most of my relationships and its a natural part of any healthy relationship. Even my current relationship, my girl was acting really disinterested and cold towards me for a little over a month before. Of course my first instinct was to act the same way towards her because I thought it was some sort of mind game bs. But I realized I haven't been putting in as much effort into trying to please her and win her over, like I was doing during the beginning of the relationship. Now whenever I see her I try to have as much fun as possible and try to use my game on her like I used to. The following results were pretty instant and the relationship is now doing great again. Don't take my words the wrong way and become her +@#@!, but try to act like how you were when you first met her and tried to win her over.

haha I was in the same garbage you were in, but I never fixed the problem. She just ended up leaving me because I don't show her affection. I was always out doing my own thing or with my boys and she felt I put my homeboys before her. I didn't look at it like that though. I figured hey I've been with this girl for 6 years once she has a stable career I would put a ring on her finger, but that never happened haha. Oh well learned a lot of things from it and it will make me a better person.
Originally Posted by GWUN TWO

Girls are emotional people, and the way they act is ALWAYS affected by how they feel.

The best thing to do is to break it off there isn't any interest anymore. But before you do that, you have to look at yourself and think if you haven't done anything to affect the relationship. Are you the same person you were when she first met you? Do you put 100% of your effort into the relationship? Are there small things she wants you to do but you just ignore it?

Ive been through this same stage in most of my relationships and its a natural part of any healthy relationship. Even my current relationship, my girl was acting really disinterested and cold towards me for a little over a month before. Of course my first instinct was to act the same way towards her because I thought it was some sort of mind game bs. But I realized I haven't been putting in as much effort into trying to please her and win her over, like I was doing during the beginning of the relationship. Now whenever I see her I try to have as much fun as possible and try to use my game on her like I used to. The following results were pretty instant and the relationship is now doing great again. Don't take my words the wrong way and become her +@#@!, but try to act like how you were when you first met her and tried to win her over.

haha I was in the same garbage you were in, but I never fixed the problem. She just ended up leaving me because I don't show her affection. I was always out doing my own thing or with my boys and she felt I put my homeboys before her. I didn't look at it like that though. I figured hey I've been with this girl for 6 years once she has a stable career I would put a ring on her finger, but that never happened haha. Oh well learned a lot of things from it and it will make me a better person.
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Originally Posted by suge67

Fam, dont waste your time and emotions wondering about what she will or wont do.  Move on.  Like your boy DMX said, "If you love something, let it go, if it
comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."
Wow.. For some reason that hit me hard....

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Originally Posted by suge67

Fam, dont waste your time and emotions wondering about what she will or wont do.  Move on.  Like your boy DMX said, "If you love something, let it go, if it
comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."
Wow.. For some reason that hit me hard....

FACT= in life you will like people FACT= in life people you like will not like you FACT= people come and go and ultimately if someone wants you they let you know FACT= when women sense they have you they loose interetst FACT= this post was made while I was high
FACT= in life you will like people FACT= in life people you like will not like you FACT= people come and go and ultimately if someone wants you they let you know FACT= when women sense they have you they loose interetst FACT= this post was made while I was high
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by trey ohh five

Leave her alone, never call or text her, and sleep with a ton of random women and make sure she finds out somehow. Doing this she'll flock back to your nuts like a boomerang.
This but not really RANDOM women. More like women that she would find out about. Women/girls love attention. Don't pay even an ounce of attention to her and never call/text her again. If she tries to start texting you again just reply with little texts that you know would piss her off like "k" and "yeah" when "yeah" wouldn't really have anything to do with the conversation. The one word texts sets those !%%# off. You gotta make yourself in control of the situation. Vagina, Beyonce and the "likes" on Facebook are just a few of the forces that have created the false entitlement of power these days to women. That and you simps that call/text them first during the day and send multiple texts in a row if they don't answer within the first like minute you send it. Make them sweat that +@#$ out. It'll make them want you more cuz then it shows you don't need them at all. They NEED you to need them to feed to their attention addiction.
I til this day dont understand that behavior. That *@%$ makes you look so bad. Why do it?
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by trey ohh five

Leave her alone, never call or text her, and sleep with a ton of random women and make sure she finds out somehow. Doing this she'll flock back to your nuts like a boomerang.
This but not really RANDOM women. More like women that she would find out about. Women/girls love attention. Don't pay even an ounce of attention to her and never call/text her again. If she tries to start texting you again just reply with little texts that you know would piss her off like "k" and "yeah" when "yeah" wouldn't really have anything to do with the conversation. The one word texts sets those !%%# off. You gotta make yourself in control of the situation. Vagina, Beyonce and the "likes" on Facebook are just a few of the forces that have created the false entitlement of power these days to women. That and you simps that call/text them first during the day and send multiple texts in a row if they don't answer within the first like minute you send it. Make them sweat that +@#$ out. It'll make them want you more cuz then it shows you don't need them at all. They NEED you to need them to feed to their attention addiction.
I til this day dont understand that behavior. That *@%$ makes you look so bad. Why do it?
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

it sucks but I dont think there is any way to get a girls interest back, just have to part ways, sometimes they come back, sometimes they dont
Right.  And if she does come back:

Master Zik wrote:
Skeet in her mouth when she sleeps and then keep it moving.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

it sucks but I dont think there is any way to get a girls interest back, just have to part ways, sometimes they come back, sometimes they dont
Right.  And if she does come back:

Master Zik wrote:
Skeet in her mouth when she sleeps and then keep it moving.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

I haven't tried to make contact in a week so far lol maybe I should just say ima move to another city n see what she does...

Nah op trust me I've been there just ignore and endure. She'll know youre bs and youll look even worse. I been there and I know it sucks, but you gotta do it
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

I haven't tried to make contact in a week so far lol maybe I should just say ima move to another city n see what she does...

Nah op trust me I've been there just ignore and endure. She'll know youre bs and youll look even worse. I been there and I know it sucks, but you gotta do it
This is wack, summers bout to be up too, wanted to atleast go do something fun before school starts oh well, how long yall thinks the limit for her to hit me up by not noticing I haven't done so?
This is wack, summers bout to be up too, wanted to atleast go do something fun before school starts oh well, how long yall thinks the limit for her to hit me up by not noticing I haven't done so?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

FACT= in life you will like people FACT= in life people you like will not like you FACT= people come and go and ultimately if someone wants you they let you know FACT= when women sense they have you they loose interetst FACT= this post was made while I was high

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

FACT= in life you will like people FACT= in life people you like will not like you FACT= people come and go and ultimately if someone wants you they let you know FACT= when women sense they have you they loose interetst FACT= this post was made while I was high

Originally Posted by Lunchbox

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

FACT= in life you will like people FACT= in life people you like will not like you FACT= people come and go and ultimately if someone wants you they let you know FACT= when women sense they have you they loose interetst FACT= this post was made while I was high

post of the week.

Spoiler [+]

Originally Posted by Lunchbox

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

FACT= in life you will like people FACT= in life people you like will not like you FACT= people come and go and ultimately if someone wants you they let you know FACT= when women sense they have you they loose interetst FACT= this post was made while I was high

post of the week.

Spoiler [+]

Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

This is wack, summers bout to be up too, wanted to atleast go do something fun before school starts oh well, how long yall thinks the limit for her to hit me up by not noticing I haven't done so?
Let it go man, stop thinking about how she feels.  If she didn't hit you up, take the hint.
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