Girl wants 3 little tattoos, but gets 56

how the hell could she sleep during the tattoo session
So now she falls asleep while getting tattooed ON HER FACE, man who is this chick trying to fool

They should have had a camera in the tattoo parlor

Jules Clocher, a Belgian psychologist, said: 'The trauma this girl must be feeling is indescribable. She feels like a circus freak - and no wonder, because she looks like one.'

This story has to be would you NOT know you are getting 53 extra tattoos? Not 1, but 53!!!! Something don't add up.
That's funny, I guess he thought she wanted stars in the shape of the number 3. I have no idea how she did not feel them all going on.
Haha...honestly though, how do you not realize you're getting more than "3 little tattoos" after that long/pain/range of the needle lol
How do you not get up out of the chair after 4 or 5 stars? She ended up with half an Ultimate Warrior mask.
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