Girl wants 3 little tattoos, but gets 56

Ol' girl is +%+@*%*#***+ !! Tattoo artist was just doing what was asked. Initially, she probably came in with the intention of having 3 stars and when theartist drew something up, she liked it and said it's cool. Anyways, from what I else I have read she is asking for something around $17000 for the laserremoval...
Originally Posted by mjbetch

i couldnt read that -_- too hard to understand. haha how did she not know what was going on?

Seriously.. 56 takes a lot more time than 3.... She didn't suspect anything?
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

I didn't read through all the pages, but did anyone else notice how he made the stars into the shape of a '3'? I mean, there is a nice size chunk of bare skin on her cheek where the bottom part of the '3' would be. It also looks like after he got done with the big '3', he went and did the initial tiny stars she wanted by her ear.
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