Girlfriend Got raped... Need to Vent.. Updated Information at pg1

All of this.

Just to add: a REAL rape victim would probably go to the cops before ANYTHING. Rape is no joke, and noone wants their rapist to just get away with no consequences. If its really what happened, then I pray that she gets through it. But, one thing that helps is seeing their rapist put to justice.

long distance relationships are tricky man (too much tempation).Stay up though famb.

EDIT: Also ,ask yourself why would she be passed out if she was barely buzzed. A lie can be easily detected by the liar mixing their original story up. Keep asking her questions later on that you already know she answered, and see if they are somewhat different.

thats not true...many women want the problem to just go away and don't want to deal with having to tell the story multiple times or being the center of attention for doctors and cops...

they dont want the "this is her fault" "if she didn't....then this wouldn't have happened"

there's no way to say what a real victim would do cuz they all react differently...

i still don't believe OPs girl tho

i know a lot of women that have been raped more than once and they never went to the police. the worst ones are where they get beaten and raped. like WTH is going on where people gotta do that to get yambs.

i went to a party in maryland last year where one of my friends almost got raped. they 2 dudes and one of the dudes girl dragged her down to a room and try to set something up where they would be having a foursome. luckily a fight broke out and she ran the hell out of there.
homie , word to killa cam ...."get wise kid , open ya eyelids"
see that last abortion, that was my kid.

that's right but that I aint following

if she get pregnant again

it'll be from swallowing

Sorry...that album was a classic though. 

OP, wait for her to call with all facts. Don't hop a flight. Don't leave her. Don't accuse her of anything. Tell her to be honest with you and the cops, if they're eventually brought in this situation. If she admits to drunk sex break up with her. If she says rape and doesn't want to press charges use your best judgement. 
IDK about yall and the if yall are single or in relationships but if my girl called me and told me she was raped. I would believe her instantly. I sympathize to OP and hope justice is served. My girl was recently beatin and robbed for her phone by some napoleon chump *** *****. I understand the feeling of being helpless.
The hesitation to report is shady. Very suspect.

Ya'll do know that most people are hesitant to report rape because it's very embarrassing and traumatic? They have to re-tell a horror story over and over, make that story public and have a bunch of lames like you guys question whether it's real or whether she deserved it. Word to the guys saying she should've been more careful. A girl can't even get drunk at her sisters' party without being raped? :smh:

OP, you shouldn't jump to conclusions but you need to convince her to take legal action. If she really was raped, that is no joke. There's no reason for her to tell you this "lie," so accusing her of lying is a little crazy. She could still be lying but she wouldn't take legal action and tell her whole family about it just to make herself feel better about cheating on you.
Don't listen to the people in here saying she simply cheated. Here's why I don't think it really makes sense to jump to that conclusion.

1. Had she simply cheated, do you think she would have called? I mean they are in a long distance relationship, it's not like OP would know if she had cheated at all.

2. I understand the wanting to do your own investigating thing. If she knows the guy, she is probably fairly reluctant to just accuse him of something that will change his life forever.

3. If she wasn't really all that drunk, there is a chance that she was slipped something like GHB that would cause her not to remember anything. This happens quite often where the woman hadn't been really drinking that much but still blacks out.

I'm sorry, OP, that you are having all of these emotions. For now, I think the best thing would be to listen to your girlfriend. She's doing her due diligence to determine what happened.
Ya'll do know that most people are hesitant to report rape because it's very embarrassing and traumatic? They have to re-tell a horror story over and over, make that story public and have a bunch of lames like you guys question whether it's real or whether she deserved it. Word to the guys saying she should've been more careful. A girl can't even get drunk at her sisters' party without being raped? :smh:

OP, you shouldn't jump to conclusions but you need to convince her to take legal action. If she really was raped, that is no joke. There's no reason for her to tell you this "lie," so accusing her of lying is a little crazy. She could still be lying but she wouldn't take legal action and tell her whole family about it just to make herself feel better about cheating on you.

I agree with what you're saying to a great extent, please don't get me wrong, but I feel like women are held to a double standard when it comes to rape in the "casual, social, party-type" environment. People should not let their inebriation be an excuse to become so vulnerable, no matter what gender they are. If you don't know if you're being rape or not, you already messed up.

I definitely may have jumped the gun with my initial statement because I don't know many of the facts, but you gotta know what you're doing.
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Don't listen to the people in here saying she simply cheated. Here's why I don't think it really makes sense to jump to that conclusion.

1. Had she simply cheated, do you think she would have called? I mean they are in a long distance relationship, it's not like OP would know if she had cheated at all.

Unless OP knew some people at the party.


she smashed the homie

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NT is funny as hell sometimes, dudes turn into pathologists and experts in all types of ****..

OP you shouldn't of made this thread until you had concrete SOLID evidence that this crime was committed this is a serious accusation and also a very traumatic situation for your girl.(if it did happen)

i dont think she would would appreciate you putting this ish on NT of all places, for people to debate her credibility and to read ish like "she asked for it"  

 i would keep this between us and also be with her in that time of need, we don't know her so who are we to question to her credibility. 
thats real spit...especially the bolded part...

good luck tho op, hope things work out for yall man...
Who cares if he put it on NT?  He's asking advice and getting different perspectives.  Thats helping him deal with the situation. Thats helping HIM.  Who cares about what she would think considering nobody knows OP's girl and she not a NT member.....that type of thinking doesn't even make sense.
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I agree with what you're saying to a great extent, please don't get me wrong, but I feel like women are held to a double standard when it comes to rape in the "casual, social, party-type" environment. People should not let their inebriation be an excuse to become so vulnerable, no matter what gender they are. If you don't know if you're being rape or not, you already messed up.

I definitely may have jumped the gun with my initial statement because I don't know many of the facts, but you gotta know what you're doing.

Of course people should protect themselves at all times but it's always, ALWAYS brought up with rape in a condescending way. For the most part, it's only done with women who report rape.

If you're walking down the street and you get mugged. When you report it, no one's gonna be like "Well, why were you walking down the street? Why weren't you more careful by taking a car? Why didn't you take a friend? Story seems sketchy..."

Or if you get drunk and someone who's stronger than you beats you up and sends you to the hospital. Is it your fault for being normal and getting drunk? Why didn't you protect yourself? Did you start the fight? Is that what you want to hear after being attacked?

Can't women just live normally without "asking for rape?"

I just get tired of the stupid statements. Honestly, some concerns are legit when it comes to rape but it gets out of hand sometimes.
This is why rape victims don't ******g report it in the first place. They know they'll be put on trial as well.

Like, who are you to say you'd act rationally after getting raped? Rape is one of the worst things that can happen to a human being.

It's like you idiots who claim that the Sandy Hook dad is an actor because he was smiling and then crying all of the sudden. Your state of mind is obviously messed up after something life-altering happens to you.

I'm not saying she was or wasn't raped, but she is your girlfriend and you owe it to her to give her the benifit of the doubt.

If she just cheated on you, I doubt she'd call you and say she was raped. She would likely either tell you straight up or keep that **** to herself.

I think everyone knows the ramifications of falsely accusing someone of rape.


[edit] Just read through the thread and some of you guys are some real scumbags. Not because you're questioning it, but because of how you're handling this situation.
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Who cares if he put it on NT?  He's asking advice and getting different perspectives.  Thats helping him deal with the situation. Thats helping HIM.  Who cares about what she would think considering nobody knows OP's girl and she not a NT member.....that type of thinking doesn't even make sense.
theres a time and place for everything...

and given some of the responses, this DEF wasnt the place...

if you propose this same question at the court wit your dudes, nobody would dare say 'she asked for it' or anything similar...empathy is lost online..

because this is a sensitive know better than anybody my dude, that NTers relish in trolling serious situations...this thread proves that...nobody has discretion here, they say rude stuff for lolz...the maturity level of this board cant handle threads like this.
Of course people should protect themselves at all times but it's always, ALWAYS brought up with rape in a condescending way. For the most part, it's only done with women who report rape.

If you're walking down the street and you get mugged. When you report it, no one's gonna be like "Well, why were you walking down the street? Why weren't you more careful by taking a car? Why didn't you take a friend? Story seems sketchy..."

Or if you get drunk and someone who's stronger than you beats you up and sends you to the hospital. Is it your fault for being normal and getting drunk? Why didn't you protect yourself? Did you start the fight? Is that what you want to hear after being attacked?

Can't women just live normally without "asking for rape?"

I just get tired of the stupid statements. Honestly, some concerns are legit when it comes to rape but it gets out of hand sometimes.

In this day in age, hell yeah. I don't [or try not to] walk by myself at night when I feel that there might be the chance that someone can mug me. And there would be an element of self-blame for putting myself in such a dangerous situation. Same reason why I don't use the ATM by myself at night.

Same reason why people shouldn't put themselves in a situation when they're with a someone they don't completely trust [or don't know they can trust] who can over-power them and potentially rape them.

Unfortunately, women are the most-targeted victims, and I'm not saying that they are "asking to be raped" because they aren't careful; but damn, you gotta be smart.
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Same reason why people shouldn't put themselves in a situation when they're with a someone they don't completely trust [or know can trust] who can over-power them and potentially rape them.
Over 80% of women are raped by people they know. That's a fact. So you can be careful but the only way to prevent rape is for folks to just stop raping.
Who cares if he put it on NT?  He's asking advice and getting different perspectives.  Thats helping him deal with the situation. Thats helping HIM.  Who cares about what she would think considering nobody knows OP's girl and she not a NT member.....that type of thinking doesn't even make sense.
theres a time and place for everything...

and given some of the responses, this DEF wasnt the place...

if you propose this same question at the court wit your dudes, nobody would dare say 'she asked for it' or anything similar...empathy is lost online..

because this is a sensitive know better than anybody my dude, that NTers relish in trolling serious situations...this thread proves that...nobody has discretion here, they say rude stuff for lolz...the maturity level of this board cant handle threads like this.
I agree with you about the responses but my point was why say "she wouldn't appreciate" or "she wouldn't like you sharing it"....that doesn't even make sense to me.  Dude isn't "putting her out there" or "airing her out" in any way.  Dudes got this reverse logic to appeal to this girls imaginary feelings about this thread.  OP just wanted to vent.  Nothing wrong with that
Over 80% of women are raped by people they know. That's a fact. So you can be careful but the only way to prevent rape is for folks to just stop raping.

And that's a whole 'nother story. I'm talking about women who are raped in the "social, party-type" environment.
I agree with you about the responses but my point was why say "she wouldn't appreciate" or "she wouldn't like you sharing it"....that doesn't even make sense to me.  Dude isn't "putting her out there" or "airing her out" in any way.  Dudes got this reverse logic to appeal to this girls imaginary feelings about this thread.  OP just wanted to vent.  Nothing wrong with that
i feel you..

i can see both side of this..theres no wrong or right, only preference...

hope op works it out..
First off I want to say sorry to hear about what happened op.   Now she is holding a lot of what happened back because of the shame she feels.   All you can do is be strong and be by her side.   If she didn't think she was raped I don't know why she would call you saying she was.  I mean if she cheated why would she even tell you at all?  What's weird is that it happened at her sisters party.   I bet it was from somebody who she knew and trusted too.   There is a lot of details that she is holding back because it is to hard to talk about. The shame that comes from it feeling good from the bodies reaction to sexual stimulation and her thinking she should of fought him  off more or whatever is gonna haunt her for the rest of her life.    op I would advise you if you really see yourself being with her to take some time off and go be by her side.     I have dealt with the same thing from my wife and sister in law going through this from an abusive step father who beat them and  sexually assaulted them several times for a period of like 8 years and told them if they told their mom that he would kill them.
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Over 80% of women are raped by people they know. That's a fact. So you can be careful but the only way to prevent rape is for folks to just stop raping.
And that's a whole 'nother story. I'm talking about women who are raped in the "social, party-type" environment.
i believe that's encompassed in that statistic.  Acquaintance rape.

They're at a party and most likely feel comfortable enough and trusting to a degree of the people they're around
i believe that's encompassed in that statistic.  Acquaintance rape.
They're at a party and most likely feel comfortable enough and trusting to a degree of the people they're around

Word. I wasn't sure if it did or not. I was thinking that it was mainly the low-key, family-related pedophile demographic.

Honestly, I don't want to come off as any less sympathetic [because in all actuality, I really am] to rape victims, but the fact of the matter is that the "girls who cry wolf" commonly exist as well, which can devastate another life just as badly as if one were actually raped.

I retract my initial statement because all of the relevant facts simply haven't been presented. Good luck OP.
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just wondering...

Don't want to see rude... but a chick will claim rape just like they'll claim religious turnaround ...

To absolve them of their mistakes...

Had a girl claim rape... come to find out she got drunk and got smashed...
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