Girlfriends in college? I just don't understand the point

I'm a junior in college and I just wifed my girl up like a month ago.  There are too many diseases going around and my priority is on my money right now.  I'm trying to land a job with a brand name and a fat salary next year so I can life comfortably and none of my family has to struggle.  I just have very different priorities than most kids my age.
Just depends on the mindset you have about where you're at in college. If you've "had your fill" like I have, then the feeling of wanting more and more random !+$*%% grows old. If you're in the mindset of wanting to tackle any and every piece of *** that comes your way, then by all means, have at it. If there's one thing I can say about college is this: get it all out of your system. You don't want to wake up one day after graduation and regret not living your life while you had the chance to during "the best four years of your life". Whether it be shacking up with the first girl you sleep with or smashing a new broad every day for the next four years, live your life.
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