Girls 52 Faking FTL!

Girl: "I want to see you so bad and I'm so bored, but neither of us have a car."
Me: "Guess what? My mom said I can use her car tonight, I'm about to come pick you up."
Girl: "Wait, is today saturday? I forgot I have a Doctors appointment at 7 pm, and I have to watch my neighbors parakeet."
Girl: "Next time, kay?"
Me: "#!%%."

I was 52 faked tonight, but this wasn't the actual convo. Mine would need cliffnotes. I just wanted y'all to get the gist.. It happens to the best ofus.
What's the 52 part for?

And I hate this. I got shut down like this 3 times from one girl. Then I stopped trying. Dumb game playing broads ftl.
Can you tell me what a "52 fake" is?

Is this like a football play or something that you're trying to use as an example?
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Can you tell me what a "52 fake" is?

Is this like a football play or something that you're trying to use as an example?
i was thinkin the same thing
lol@the anti-cliffnote mentality in this thread... NT been on some weird %%% lately... starting with the depression/suicide threads
my girl : I miss you so much!
me : ok so come over.
my girl : I can't it's too late

mind you this is like 6PM.
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

my girl : I miss you so much!
me : ok so come over.
my girl : I can't it's too late

mind you this is like 6PM.

This would piss me off.

oh man.. i just got pissed off.

Now i'm furious.

She must be getting it from another dude. Oh well!
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Girl: "I want to see you so bad and I'm so bored, but neither of us have a car."
Me: "Guess what? My mom said I can use her car tonight, I'm about to come pick you up."
Girl: "Wait, is today saturday? I forgot [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I have a Doctors appointment at 7 pm[/color], and I have to watch my neighbors parakeet."
Girl: "Next time, kay?"
Me: "#!%%."

I was 52 faked tonight, but this wasn't the actual convo. Mine would need cliffnotes. I just wanted y'all to get the gist.. It happens to the best of us.

should have hit her with the "comn son"

but whats this 52 munbo jumbo?
The concept of '52 faking' is quite simple, really. When a quarterback is going to hike they ball, they say, "Blue... 52.... HIKE" and thenproceed with the play.
In the case of the fake, however, after the 52 is uttered the quarterback (in this case female) aborts the play, effectively "balking".
I googled:

[table][tr][td].[/td] [td]52 fake out[/td] [td]8 up, 6 down [img][/img] [img][/img][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]

to say you will do something with someone and when the time comes to do that certain activity the person backs out on you.

man, greg said he was gonna go to the movies with me but when i asked him he said he couldn't. its the third time this week he has pulled the 52 fake out.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
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