Girls who constantly put up new pics on facebook = attention seekers?

indifferent about the situation.

what guy brings a camera to the club/event/party consistently. i'd like to remember some of the good times i had and i wouldn't mind if a few of mygirls bring their camera along.

but indifferent because i know there are girls who i know that put up random !+%# all the time, out there, hugging everyone. society embracing the everydayslew.

and lol to the non-stop mirror pictures
I see broads with like 20 albums and hundreds and hundreds of photos (esp of just themselves).

Quite sad really.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I see broads with like 20 albums and hundreds and hundreds of photos (esp of just themselves).

Quite sad really.


It's funny when they become the default camera girl with 20 albums and then majority of the time they are not in any of the pictures.

Goes both ways IMO.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

the funniest thing is that these photos ALL have the same poses

Theres a white girl on en te kay el that always post pics with the same pose. I forget her sn. It irks the hell out of me but I also find it very funny
Originally Posted by NIKERAINBOWS

It's cool when hot/pretty girls do it, but when fat/ugly chicks do it...

I dont need to see 100 different photos of your ugly self

u can tell some chicks did a pose 100+ times till they got the one where they dont look soo fat in, or half decent....

what about those ppl that got 1,000+ pics of them tagged from parties(u know red cup, happy pose)?
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