Giving Tip for Delivery?

My two cents is it's up to the waiter to earn his tip. Crappy service equals no tip. Do good and you shall be rewarded.

You know I normally don't post but I can't stand to see people incorrectly sharing information about my industry.

  You are trying to force your "opinion" on others. You aren't in the south are you? So I don't even know why you would bring that link up? Big chains typically pay full state minimum so I guess the other dude is right. Most restaurants will not pay that low and expect the rest to be covered by tips unless you are an immigrant. Tips are optional. When I weigh tables I don't expect a tip. I'm from NYC and it's considered a waste of money to leave tips. Only tourist  and people who eat at cheap restaurants leave tips. The people who live in the city usually do tip the "second" time around. It may be an east coast thing. I would never want someone to leave a tip for my unless they felt I gave them great service so I understand where @KillTheHype
 is coming from. 

In bigger restaurants like the ones I work with, it's only customary to leave a tip if we provide a complementary service. The owner of the restaurant is actually planning on "banning" tips because they believe it creates a phony workplace like someone was saying above. Tips should never be imposed on customers. Especially not when the people behind the scenes do most of the work, they're the ones who deserve the tip.

It's kind of similar to hotels. The maids gets all these benefits and tips for the service that they are already paid to do, and the cooks and other people from the hotels don't get squat benefits and never see a tip a day in their lives. 

It sucks but the tipping system is set up incorrectly in this country and people don't seem to realize that. 

dude you gotta be trollin right now
That "dumbass" example I provided earlier was satire. :rollin You're doing an exceedingly good job proving your mental aptitude.

Again the simple premise of etiquette flies over your head.

I feel sorry for you. :\ All that pent up anger you have, must be frustrating. You should try to be more giving, it'll make you feel better, I promise.

Also no, people who are looking things up to prove a point are fact-checking their point. It's a mark of a good debater, student, researcher, etc....Even if you yourself are knowledgeable about something you still provide a source for others to see. You're clearly demonstrating your lack of etiquette, both as a patron and as a intellectual.


You used something that counted against you though idiot.

& wow you are ******* stupid if you took those examples serious.

You really need to get out more you don't know how to speak to people.
25 on 140 is a bad tip? 20% would've been 28. People really out here whining about $3? If it wasn't Phil Jackson that wouldn't be a bad tip.
That's another part of their flawed argument. It's based mostly on repeat customers. They assume no or bad tip, give bad service, and if they actually get a really good tip they can't make up for their subpar service unless the person comes back but given they gave bad service off their assumption chances are they won't get a good tip creating the self fulfilling prophecy.'s based mostly on repeat customers. MOSTLY. So...yeah...sometimes the joke is on me. I give great service, then get that 0-10% (which is why we remember them). But then again, there are often a LOT of clues that customers unknowingly give away that let the server know that they are bad tippers. I won't reveal what those are...but yeah...the consistency is pretty uncanny. Also, in most full service nicer restaurants, a large part of the clientele are repeat customers and regulars. We remember the big tippers, and the bad ones. I will repeat this though....the servers won't eff with your food. It literally almost never happens. I've actually never seen that happen except for just once...
Those clues you ppl have just seem like profiling with an extreme bias. Right up there with driving while black and the like.

This younger couple came in and sat in another server's (Austin) station. Austin told me that he recognized him from a party a week ago...same hat and everything. This customer and his friends were picking on a blacked out (I mean...can't talk, can't walk, can't sit up...defenseless) drunk dude at the party. It escalated to where they started slapping the dude. Then they started hitting him. Then the kid in the hat right hooked him HARD, then kicked him in the back of the head. That's when people intervened and broke it up. Poor dude wasn't even trying to fight back or talk back (he coulnd't). Austin said it was the most cowardly effed up ish he's ever seen. He was so heated when the kid was in his station but he didn't even say anything to him about it. But when his food was ready....he did some foul **** to his mashed potatoes. It was juvenile as hell, but it was the only thing he could do to dude without jeopardizing his job. Literally, the only time I've ever seen or heard of a waiter messing with the food.
A lot of scumbag ppl out there. I don't think it's okay to be a scumbag in return though, especially if they haven't harmed or offended me.

Love your attitude sir, God forbid you don't get your complementary refills and breadsticks and God forbid you give someone a tip out of the kindness of your heart for simply doing their job.
This is a crock of pure bull **** right here.

You do not tip ppl out of the kindness of your heart for doing their job. None of that makes any sense. So I'd assume you're some emotionally impulsive person that doesn't think things out when they do them. This sarcastic condescending statement doesn't make any kind of sense.

Going off your post I'm pretty sure you don't know what proper etiquette is. You just throwing around another word to hide behind and use as an excuse to make a rebuttal.
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Dude doesn't see the obvious problem with profiling someone and giving them bad service because he thinks they are a bad tipper, then getting a bad tip because he just gave them bad service and having the nerve to be upset about it. Like, how would such a person who "looks like" a bad tipper ever get "V.I.P" service then? They have to give you a good tip even though you gave them ****** service so they get on your good database for next time? :rolleyes

And 25$ on $140 is ~18%
You used something that counted against you though idiot.

& wow you are ******* stupid if you took those examples serious.

You really need to get out more you don't know how to speak to people.

I should learn how to speak to people after your tirade?

and no I didn't use something that counted against me, you clearly didn't even know what "tipped minimum wage" was, regardless of your location.

and you clearly lack basic understanding of etiquette, or just basic regard for your fellow man as you said "I don't care about anyone else".

you've inferiority issues or something dude, you need mental help.
You do not tip ppl out of the kindness of your heart for doing their job. None of that makes any sense. So I'd assume you're some emotionally impulsive person that doesn't think things out when they do them. This sarcastic condescending statement doesn't make any kind of sense.

Going off your post I'm pretty sure you don't know what proper etiquette is. You just throwing around another word to hide behind and use as an excuse to make a rebuttal.

did you read his post? dude said he doesn't tip until the second time he orders from a spot.

and yes you actually do tip people for simply doing their job, especially when they're a waiter/delivery man.

some of you man, really have a hard time doing the decent thing.
All that money you spend tipping

get your self a nice vacation are not expensive. A nice vacation? lol...okay. It's just a few bucks here and there. And it pays dividends greater than the amount I tip in most cases. That's how it works (as is the case at the bars I go to, my bike shop, the car wash, the haircut spot....everywhere)
Might as well tip prior to service then
That actually works VERY the bartender dude mentioned. Why wouldn't you complain about how he gives better service to those patrons....just because they tip better? Sorry not sorry...but that's how it works. I've actually had guests that are "stereotypically bad tippers" slide me a tip before hand, or mention that they tip 20% for good service at the beginning of the visit. Then, they automatically get top notch service. AND....I already mentioned that I tip the carwash dude BEFORE he starts working on my car. You might think that the dude would think "I already got his money, a nice I can give whatever service on this car and still come up." But that has NEVER happened to me. Every time they spend more time and give greater attention to detail. Worth the extra 3 bucks.
@AKsuited  is there any situation where you don't tip?
Yes lots...the doctor's office, the dentist, the grocery store, 7 eleven, the gas station, retail stores, idk....endless spots. There's just a lot of situations in which I do tip. And it's worth it, every damn time. People remember me, and give me better service, and a lot of times....a cheaper bill.
did you read his post? dude said he doesn't tip until the second time he orders from a spot.

and yes you actually do tip people for simply doing their job, especially when they're a waiter/delivery man.

some of you man, really have a hard time doing the decent thing.
He's just really cheap breh....has a hard time prying a few bucks out of his wallet to do the decent thing.
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I never said this.
As a server you have to bring my food, bring my drink, and the bill. I can careless about extra bread or a free drink, any extra I want I simply pay for.
I don't want that "phony" only being nice because you want extra money from me service that others get.
Bring me the basics and get lost so me and my girl can eat....
There's a lot more to great service besides're showing you're inability to decipher between below average service, average service, and above average service. Guess which one you'd get from me if all you're paying for is the product? You'd be last in my station to get your refills, boxes (I wouldn't box your food), a side of ranch, a replacement fork, an extra'd be last...after everyone else in my station was set. You have to remember that for the most part everyone is tipping between 18-25%. You are literally like the only one all night that isn't tipping me properly. Expect that level of service.
I never said this.
As a server you have to bring my food, bring my drink, and the bill. I can careless about extra bread or a free drink, any extra I want I simply pay for.
I don't want that "phony" only being nice because you want extra money from me service that others get.
Bring me the basics and get lost so me and my girl can eat....
There's a lot more to great service besides're showing you're inability to decipher between below average service, average service, and above average service. Guess which one you'd get from me if all you're paying for is the product? You'd be last in my station to get your refills, boxes (I wouldn't box your food), a side of ranch, a replacement fork, an extra'd be last...after everyone else in my station was set. You have to remember that for the most part everyone is tipping between 18-25%. You are literally like the only one all night that isn't tipping me properly. Expect that level of service.
So would you consider this bad service? Or is it still good but just not as fast?
There's a lot more to great service besides're showing you're inability to decipher between below average service, average service, and above average service. Guess which one you'd get from me if all you're paying for is the product? You'd be last in my station to get your refills, boxes (I wouldn't box your food), a side of ranch, a replacement fork, an extra'd be last...after everyone else in my station was set. You have to remember that for the most part everyone is tipping between 18-25%. You are literally like the only one all night that isn't tipping me properly. Expect that level of service.
If everyone is tipping good someone HAS to be last anyway right?
I don't like my food boxed by the server, I prefer to do it myself (I like it packaged a Certain way)
Even if last you still have to bring those things anyway, idc if I wait an extra 5mins.

You also said there were signs of bad tippers but you wouldn't get into it. Well I have heard one of those signs are black people, so now we have turned me going out to eat to being profiled and treated a way because I may or may not tip. So because of tipping now black people get poor service (I doubt we really even notice or care) before they even open their mouths.

I actually tip 20% within the last year since my new job, I do it because I'm kind and I want to spead my good fortunate foward. What I don't like is being told I have to or someone feeling I have to give them something when I'm patroning the restaurant not the server.

IMO it just sets a bad presedent with people feeling they have to be paid extra to do a decent job. You signed up for the job not me.
I'm a LEO and it would open a can of worms if I only did extra for those willing to tip me. If someone asked me for assistance or directions that I'm not mandated to do and I was only willing to do so for a tip.
Yes lots...the doctor's office, the dentist, the grocery store, 7 eleven, the gas station, retail stores, idk....endless spots. There's just a lot of situations in which I do tip. And it's worth it, every damn time. People remember me, and give me better service, and a lot of times....a cheaper bill.

He's just really cheap breh....has a hard time prying a few bucks out of his wallet to do the decent thing.
Man, if you did this you'd be broke. Stop lying.  I'm not tipping my damn 7-11 guys, a grocery store, or retail stores.  I'd have a hard time believing any of the people that work there will give you a cheaper bill.  
Dude bleeding his self dry tipping every damn body, I can't even imagine a typical day.

Dude leaves his crib tips his girl for last night so she makes him breakfast, walks to the corner store buys 1 juice tips 5 so the guy lets him take 3 juices. Walks to the garage to get his car tips the attendant 10 so the guy has his spot in the front. Gets to a toll on his drive tips the toll guy 5 so he can cut off all 3 cars and go thru and pay the toll. Parks his car tips the meter maid 10 so he can park for an extra hour. Goes into cvs gets some house items but can't find one tips the stock guy 5 and he gets the item from the back. Gets to the register tips the cashier 5 so he doesn't wait in the line of 2 people. Pays, tips the guy bagging his items 5 so he can place them in nicely. Goes to mc Donald's tips the guy taking his order 10 so he can get the mc gangbang and free nuggets and a happy meal toy he didn't ask for. Garbage man who makes 100k picks up his garbage tips him 20 so he can take an extra bag of garbage, runs out of cash goes to the bank tips the guy who held the door (realizes he has no cash gives him a IOU tip) tips the bank tell 10 after he gets more cash. Goes to niketown looking for retro guy says sold out tips him 10 guy says still sold out tips Nike guy 20 says hold some for him next time. Goes to Macy's asks someone where the men's department is, tips him 5 so next time he won't have to ask guy will run up to him to offer help.
Goes out to eat tips the hostess 10 so he doesn't have to wait the 10 mins, gets to his table server brings his food and everything is brought to him promptly tips him 25% (server makes note to hold conversation that no one cares about and give extra bread and free refills to this customer for another good tip)

This just sounds like a nightmare having to have all this pocket cash to tip everyone 24/7

Later on guy in store gets fired for giving away merchandise for his own profit.
Mc Donald's guy gets fired for the same reason
Nike guy gets fired for trying to stash sneakers
Someone complains that he was seated first and the hostess got paid.... Hostess gets fired
All because we should bribe and tip everyone for them to do a decent job at their job....
#NT extremes. You're lookin really foolish right now. I don't tip at fast food (except that one time many years ago with the McGangBang and all I gave him was a tiny bowl to smoke worth like 2 bucks and even that paid off in the future and the weed I got was free anyway...i def did NOT tip him 10 dollars that's just stupid). He def did't get fired as he was there for quite some time after that.

I don't tip at CVS or target or Macy's or anything like that. Pretty much never tip any retail clothing spot.  I don't tip the garbage man but some people in here already mentioned that they do, and they straight up bring their dumpsters out for them.

The hostess I tipped 10 dollars to was NOT to wait ten minutes. It was to NOT wait 90 minutes...the wait turned into 10. I gave her the tip really sneaky and no one saw it. I was more worried about other guests seeing it than her manager who was nowhere in the vicinity. I almost never tip the host unless the wait is astronomical, I'll just kick it at the bar for a few to pass the time. I've probably tipped the host like 3 times in history ever. Plus people show up after other people and get seated first all the's called  a reservation genius (which I did not have). So no one was the wiser.

Waiters that remember me don't make unnecessary small talk...they just give me above average service. They know that's all guys eating out want. plus the difference between 20% and 25% is very minimal. 

The finishline chick I used to tip 20 bucks to hold me down a pair. Dude....that's like the same price as shipping. So  I wasn't spending any extra on that and she would straight up deliver the shoes to me. I never struck out on raffles or had to get up at 5 am to try and fail at copping some shoes.  How you gonna say that's not worth it? You know how many dudes would readily drop 20 over retail to NOT have to go through all the hoops to nail down a pair...and in most cases still strike out? Only reason I don't do it anymore is because Finishline started doing employee raffles for shoes now too, so I can't rely on her at all. She strikes out almost every time. She wasn't gonna ever get fired because back then employees were all allowed ONE pair per release in ANY size they want. She even got her discount which is why she did it. So the shoe would come out to like IDK 140 or something for her, then she'd sell it to me for like 190. Now that I think about it, considering tax, I was only paying 15 extra dollars.

I already have all that "pocket cash" because I'm a waiter/poker player. You make it seem like I'm tipping everyone in sight. It's just not like that. Typical NT'er twisting words and exaggerating to make a desperate point. No one was getting fired. 
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Here you go sonny boy. This "stupid" NTer taught you something tonight.

Never mind that you're from California, there's still something called "etiquette" here and that's clearly outside your capacity to understand. Thank God the individuals who serve you live in a state where their employers are required to pay full state minimum wage before tips.

Love your attitude sir, God forbid you don't get your complementary refills and breadsticks and God forbid you give someone a tip out of the kindness of your heart for simply doing their job.

Maybe it's just me man, but I'm a firm believer if you give, the universe gives back tenfold.

Have a pleasant evening.
You are very right on many levels. Tipping will pay back...some people just don't know the proper etiquette. It's just a few extra bucks here and there and you'll get amazing service. In many cases tipping actually paid for itself and then some, as many of my bar tabs are small fractions of what they should be. Even with a HUGE tip, it's still WAY less than the original untipped amount. But the broke boys are gonna pay full price for half as much alcohol (they're getting crappy poors...we already heard the bartenders chime in on that. My fav bartender once said "see that chick right there? never tipped me a dollar in her life and she comes all the time. Smiled at me as he dribbled a laughable amount of Jack in her was like 2 drops).

I'd also like to mention that I pay taxes on a percentage of my sales....because the IRS ASSUMES that we walk home with atleast a certain percentage. I also tip out on a percentage of my sales. These figures are uncompromisable. If I sell 1000 dollars, the IRS assumes I'm walking with atleast 10% after tipping everyone out like bussers and hosts and whatever. Soooooo, I get taxed on 100 dollars worth of income, which is straight deducted from my minimum wages. After two weeks of work my paycheck is only 150 dollars because of how the taxing structure works. I literally am depending on the tips. In other states where minimum wage is much less, they actually get ZERO DOLLARS on their paycheck because it ALL GETS TAXED OFF as they are getting taxed the same percentage of their sales as everyone other state. I have to tip 4.5% of my sales out to the staff, regardless of how bad or good my night was. On a 1000 dollars sales, I have to tip out 45 dollars out of my own tips before I even get mine. You can short the bussers a little if you want to, but that will only hurt you more as your tables won't get bussed as quickly or as often as the rest of the servers, which in turn will actually cost you money since you can't take as many tables in an evening.  If all customers  tipped only 10%, I'd be barely making anything at all, considering the taxing figures as well as the tip out percentage. That's why we try so hard to impress our guests. To create the biggest gap between hardly making any money at all, and making a pretty good amount. I pay taxes on 10% of my sales, and the first 4.5% of my tips goes to the rest of the staff anyway. 
Man, if you did this you'd be broke. Stop lying.  I'm not tipping my damn 7-11 guys, a grocery store, or retail stores.  I'd have a hard time believing any of the people that work there will give you a cheaper bill.  
Don't be an idiot, if that's possible, the post again. I quoted someone asking me " there anywhere you don't tip?" All of those places you mentioned are the ones I said i DON'T tip at. Then I said that "there's just a lot of situations in which I do tip.", which was referring to the quoter recognizing that I tip in a lot of OTHER situations.  LOL no one's lying, you just have poor reading comprehension.  All you did was just reiterate what I just said. Man....some of y'all, can't even read.
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I never said this.
As a server you have to bring my food, bring my drink, and the bill. I can careless about extra bread or a free drink, any extra I want I simply pay for.
I don't want that "phony" only being nice because you want extra money from me service that others get.
Bring me the basics and get lost so me and my girl can eat....
Exactly. bring me extras cause you want a tip.I might as just buy the extras right out
Dude doesn't see the obvious problem with profiling someone and giving them bad service because he thinks they are a bad tipper, then getting a bad tip because he just gave them bad service and having the nerve to be upset about it. Like, how would such a person who "looks like" a bad tipper ever get "V.I.P" service then? They have to give you a good tip even though you gave them ****** service so they get on your good database for next time?

And 25$ on $140 is ~18%
couldnt have said it better
So the shoe would come out to like IDK 140 or something for her, then she'd sell it to me for like 190. Now that I think about it, considering tax, I was only paying 15 extra dollars.

Do it was like $35 extra if sales tax is high at about 10%
If everyone is tipping good someone HAS to be last anyway right?
I don't like my food boxed by the server, I prefer to do it myself (I like it packaged a Certain way)
Even if last you still have to bring those things anyway, idc if I wait an extra 5mins.

You also said there were signs of bad tippers but you wouldn't get into it. Well I have heard one of those signs are black people, so now we have turned me going out to eat to being profiled and treated a way because I may or may not tip. So because of tipping now black people get poor service (I doubt we really even notice or care) before they even open their mouths.

I actually tip 20% within the last year since my new job, I do it because I'm kind and I want to spead my good fortunate foward. What I don't like is being told I have to or someone feeling I have to give them something when I'm patroning the restaurant not the server.

IMO it just sets a bad presedent with people feeling they have to be paid extra to do a decent job. You signed up for the job not me.
I'm a LEO and it would open a can of worms if I only did extra for those willing to tip me. If someone asked me for assistance or directions that I'm not mandated to do and I was only willing to do so for a tip.
WOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH....jumping to conclusions much? LOL this is like the TEXTBOOK NT post right here....everything's gotta be about racism. I'm surprised you didn't hit me with the NT "Tell me how you really feel." LOL. So, since YOU heard that one of the signs are black people, you wanna assign that insecure assumption to me? Nice try.

The CUES i mentioned, were not disclosed by me, because I don't want to educate the poor tippers on how to disguise their tells. It had NOTHING to do with appearance, race, religion, or sexual orientation (gay guys actually tip very well typically). There are, however, a long list of signs that bad tippers have. Again, I will not disclose those. Not because they are offensive to hear (which they aren't), I just don't wanna let the cat out of the bag.
Guys I wouldnt even argue with Aksuited. That is exactly why he have a low level waitress jobs while we have actually careers. with that mindset, I dont see him advancing anytime sooner. He need to change that mindset because i feel it is not a good one in the employment field
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Guys I wouldnt even argue with Aksuited. That is exactly why he have a low level waitress jobs while we have actually careers. with that mindset, i dont see him advancing anytime sooner
More cheap jabs from the person widely viewed as "The stupidest person on NT". I bet that quoted post is up to almost 50 likes by now. Clearly you are mad that I'm articulately presenting my opinion in an intelligent fashion, while you continue with posts like "I ain't tippin no 20%...for what, y'all crazy." 

Say what you will about my job, but it does me just fine. I'm good at it, so i make about 30 dollars an hour after taxes. I only work 27 hours a week. Life is good, and I'm happy. You however, seen miserable.
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