Giving Tip for Delivery?

general rule of thumb for anyone of how to live a good life: don't be a d**k. the world would be a much better place if everybody lived by that rule.

If you don't tip your server/delivery driver you are being a d**k. straight up. you can try to justify it to yourself however you want that "they don't deserve to be tipped because they are already getting paid". Have some decency, most servers make well under minimum wage and are taxed higher because they are assumed to get cash tips. tips are how these people live.

unless you got absoulutely terrible service, there is no reason to live no tip or a sh***y tip. Don't be a d**k. Don't be selfish. Put yourself in that persons shoes.
So now NT... Would you rather pay higher prices when you take your girl to Chilies ?

you're either paying it as a tip, playing the guilt game of how well you'll tip, or paying it as a price that's written down and you agree on beforehand.
I'd rather pay it as a price in writing BEFORE purchasing than a theoretical price based on service I haven't received yet..
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So now NT... Would you rather pay higher prices when you take your girl to Chilies ?
you're either paying it as a tip, playing the guilt game of how well you'll tip or paying it as a price you agreed on.
I'd rather pay it as a price in writing I agreed on.
thank you!

I'll give you a perfect example:

When buying a car do you pay the highest possible price because the car sales man is a nice guy? Mind you, he gets paid on commision so the more you pay the more he makes, and if you pay close to msrp he barely makes enough to feed his family. By this tipping logic we should be overpaying for our cars when we hit up the dealership.
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'16 % gratuity included'
In parties of 6-8 or more

But keep going.
Nope. Some places hit you with this regardless of size of the 'party'.
thank you!

I'll give you a perfect example:

When buying a car do you pay the highest possible price because the car sales man is a nice guy? Mind you, he gets paid on commision so the more you pay the more he makes, and if you pay close to msrp he barely makes enough to feed his family. Buy this tipping logic we should be overpaying for our cars when we hit up the dealership.
Comparing multi thousand dollar purchase to a $50 meal.

Got it.
and what is wrong with the comparison?
really? REALLY?

Comparison Ford gets a warning for calling you dumb but somehow Superb gets full reign to talk down AKSuited because he's in the food hospitality field? Not once but twice in this thread he's done that?


Nice moderation. Love the parity here.
It's all insult from him is like being insulted by a child. He's the laughing stock of the forum and gets *****ted on constantly by everyone. He looks stupid at every given opportunity. It's hilarious how ignorant he makes himself look on a regular basis. Waiting tables is not for everyone. But I'm in a good spot and I'm good at it and making 30 dollars an hour after taxes is good enough for me right now. I bet he doesn't make that much. 

Which brings me to another point. They would never pass the server's earnings onto the guest through pricing because the skill set in waiting tables is so varied. I literally sell twice the amount of many servers in my restaurant because I can handle a lot more volume then they can while still giving exceptional service. I can run upwards of 8 tables at a time where some servers some how eff up with only 3 tables in their station. There is simply to big of a difference between good, average, and below average servers that it would never be fair to pay them all the same rate. That's why they leave it up to us to make as much or as little money that we are able to. 

So sorry Master Zik....your logic doesn't hold here. See the thing is a lot of you are speaking about a job that you have ZERO experience with. You don't know how it works yet want to have all the solutions. I can speak on both sides because I have a lot of experience ON BOTH SIDES. The solution is simple. Keep tipping poorly and getting sub par service. The rest of the 95% of the customer base will continue to tip us what we deserve and so life goes on. Some of us make 30 an hour, some of us make 15. This job is what you make of it....and it can't be a flat rate for everyone.
Wouldn't higher wages mean an increase in food prices to balance out the higher cost / over head would suffer?
OF COURSE....which is another reason why they don't do it. Given how much servers make, a 30 dollar steak would now be like 40 dollars. You'd be paying 17 dollars for chicken wings or a spinach artichoke dip. Plus I already mentioned that the flat rate would never work because of the VASTLY varied levels of production from server to server. Kind of like selling cars, they make commission because some dudes routinely sell 10 cars a month, where as others average like 2. The system rewards efficiency, which is how it should be. I will also say that if every server got paid a flat rate, you'd see a HUGE decline in efficiency. Servers wouldn't push the pace of tables. They'd want them to sit their as long as possible so as to serve as few total tables as possible during a shift. This would in turn drive prices even higher, and it would snowball to a level where it's just impossible to maintain paying a flat rate to all of us. It doesnt make sense on SO MANY LEVELS.
Nope. Some places hit you with this regardless of size of the 'party'.
Very few places hit you with auto grat on less than 8 people. Some placees are 10 or more, and very few places are 6 or more. And it's never 16% unless it's a really REALLY crappy restaurant. Even Chili's I think is 18%.
and what is wrong with the comparison?
What's wrong with the comparison are the percentages involved. A good tip vs a bad tip in a restaurant is a small amount, but it makes all the difference. Some people really are just that cheap. With a 100 dollar meal, a bad tip would be 10 dollars. A good tip would be 20 dollars. It's only about a 10% difference to go from bad to good. With cars it doesn't work like that. If you but a 20000 dollar car and choose to add on 10% more. So you pay 22,000 instead of 20,000...the difference in commission is very minimal. I've had and still have some friends that have sold cars and they all said the same thing. You have to REALLY RAPE the customer to make a significant more amount of money when the numbers crunch down to your commission. It's not like you pay 2,000 dollars more for your car and then their commission goes from the base (200 dollars)....all the way up to 2200 just like that. Where as if you pay  me an extra 10%, it makes all the difference in the world. My profit just increased 100%. So instead of making 10 dollars on a 100 dollar check, I make 20. The income goes up directly with how much you tip. CARS DON'T WORK LIKE THIS.
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To directly call somebody dumb vs saying your job is a low level no advancement career is different
Plus I don't think I ever directly called you dumb. Just said that the forum refers to you as such. I also mentioned that you're making yourself look dumb....but never called you dumb directly.

Edit: well maybe comparison ford
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really? REALLY?

Comparison Ford gets a warning for calling you dumb but somehow Superb gets full reign to talk down AKSuited because he's in the food hospitality field? Not once but twice in this thread he's done that?


Nice moderation. Love the parity here.
It's all insult from him is like being insulted by a child. He's the laughing stock of the forum and gets *****ted on constantly by everyone. He looks stupid at every given opportunity. It's hilarious how ignorant he makes himself look on a regular basis. Waiting tables is not for everyone. But I'm in a good spot and I'm good at it and making 30 dollars an hour after taxes is good enough for me right now. I bet he doesn't make that much. 

Which brings me to another point. They would never pass the server's earnings onto the guest through pricing because the skill set in waiting tables is so varied. I literally sell twice the amount of many servers in my restaurant because I can handle a lot more volume then they can while still giving exceptional service. I can run upwards of 8 tables at a time where some servers some how eff up with only 3 tables in their station. There is simply to big of a difference between good, average, and below average servers that it would never be fair to pay them all the same rate. That's why they leave it up to us to make as much or as little money that we are able to. 

So sorry Master Zik....your logic doesn't hold here. See the thing is a lot of you are speaking about a job that you have ZERO experience with. You don't know how it works yet want to have all the solutions. I can speak on both sides because I have a lot of experience ON BOTH SIDES. The solution is simple. Keep tipping poorly and getting sub par service. The rest of the 95% of the customer base will continue to tip us what we deserve and so life goes on. Some of us make 30 an hour, some of us make 15. This job is what you make of it....and it can't be a flat rate for everyone.
Oh, in that case I will make sure to look for, wait...hope to run into, you the next time I go outside and dine. Your argument is silly, just because you can handle 8 orders that means that tips should be mandatory? I suppose that you are a career server? 

What you don't realize is that the system is *** backwards and is probably doing you a disservice. I doubt anyone would make a career of being a server for that very reason. If tipping is so 'viable' why is waiting tables such a transient job?

Tipping is an american concept and people who have never experienced it realize that it's the most backwards and confusing system ever created, let alone relied upon to 'feed families'.
and what is wrong with the comparison?
What's wrong with the comparison are the percentages involved. A good tip vs a bad tip in a restaurant is a small amount, but it makes all the difference. Some people really are just that cheap. With a 100 dollar meal, a bad tip would be 10 dollars. A good tip would be 20 dollars. It's only about a 10% difference to go from bad to good. With cars it doesn't work like that. If you but a 20000 dollar car and choose to add on 10% more. So you pay 22,000 instead of 20,000...the difference in commission is very minimal. I've had and still have some friends that have sold cars and they all said the same thing. You have to REALLY RAPE the customer to make a significant more amount of money when the numbers crunch down to your commission. It's not like you pay 2,000 dollars more for your car and then their commission goes from the base (200 dollars)....all the way up to 2200 just like that. Where as if you pay  me an extra 10%, it makes all the difference in the world. My profit just increased 100%. So instead of making 10 dollars on a 100 dollar check, I make 20. The income goes up directly with how much you tip. CARS DON'T WORK LIKE THIS.
See this is the part that is terrible? Who decides what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. At this point you're just pulling judgements out of thin air. Obviously the server will want more.

And from your response I can see that the comparison fit perfectly!!!! 
Oh, in that case I will make sure to look for, wait...hope to run into, you the next time I go outside and dine. Your argument is silly, just because you can handle 8 orders that means that tips should be mandatory? I suppose that you are a career server? 

What you don't realize is that the system is *** backwards and is probably doing you a disservice. I doubt anyone would make a career of being a server for that very reason. If tipping is so 'viable' why is waiting tables such a transient job?

Tipping is an american concept and people who have never experienced it realize that it's the most backwards and confusing system ever created, let alone relied upon to 'feed families'.
Dude WUT? LOLOL.  YES THAT WAS MY EXACT POINT, because many servers are better than others, we can't all be paid the same. If I sell 400 dollars worth or product an hour while the server next to me is only serving 150, why would we get paid the same? I'm working harder, more efficiently, giving better service, all while making the restaurant more than double the amount of money. How does it make sense to pay us the same? Why do you hope you run into me chief? Seriously what are you getting at? 

Why would you assume I'm a career server just because I'm good at it? 

It's a transient job for many reasons. It's a HARD job...mentally and physically. It's typical among college students who then move on to a career. A lot of servers SUCK....and don't make much money and get crappy schedules and they quit.

And how is the system doing me a disservice when I know the could never afford to pay me 40 dollars an hour before taxes ( I make 30 after taxes per hour)? I'm making more money than most of the servers in the restaurant because I out perform them. Simple as that. I'm not down with making the same average rate across the board. The system works perfectly. Crappy waiters make crappy money, great servers make great money. The more you hustle and work hard on your shift is directly relative to how much you make.  We can't all be pooled together under one rate, it would never work. Customers would hate it too, because no one would be trying very hard...we would be getting paid no matter what.
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Oh, in that case I will make sure to look for, wait...hope to run into, you the next time I go outside and dine. Your argument is silly, just because you can handle 8 orders that means that tips should be mandatory? I suppose that you are a career server? 

What you don't realize is that the system is *** backwards and is probably doing you a disservice. I doubt anyone would make a career of being a server for that very reason. If tipping is so 'viable' why is waiting tables such a transient job?

Tipping is an american concept and people who have never experienced it realize that it's the most backwards and confusing system ever created, let alone relied upon to 'feed families'.
Dude WUT? LOLOL.  YES THAT WAS MY EXACT POINT, because many servers are better than others, we can't all be paid the same. If I sell 400 dollars worth or product an hour while the server next to me is only serving 150, why would we get paid the same? I'm working harder, more efficiently, giving better service, all while making the restaurant more than double the amount of money. How does it make sense to pay us the same? Why do you hope you run into me chief? Seriously what are you getting at? 

Welcome to life bruh, usually though that person gets payed more than you because they are either
1. attractive woman
2. brown noser
3. effing the boss
4. buddys with the boss
Oh, in that case I will make sure to look for, wait...hope to run into, you the next time I go outside and dine. Your argument is silly, just because you can handle 8 orders that means that tips should be mandatory? I suppose that you are a career server? 

What you don't realize is that the system is *** backwards and is probably doing you a disservice. I doubt anyone would make a career of being a server for that very reason. If tipping is so 'viable' why is waiting tables such a transient job?

Tipping is an american concept and people who have never experienced it realize that it's the most backwards and confusing system ever created, let alone relied upon to 'feed families'.
Dude WUT? LOLOL.  YES THAT WAS MY EXACT POINT, because many servers are better than others, we can't all be paid the same. If I sell 400 dollars worth or product an hour while the server next to me is only serving 150, why would we get paid the same? I'm working harder, more efficiently, giving better service, all while making the restaurant more than double the amount of money. How does it make sense to pay us the same? Why do you hope you run into me chief? Seriously what are you getting at? 

Why would you assume I'm a career server just because I'm good at it? 

It's a transient job for many reasons. It's a HARD job...mentally and physically. It's typical among college students who then move on to a career. A lot of servers SUCK....and don't make much money and get crappy schedules and they quit.

And how is the system doing me a disservice when I know the could never afford to pay me 40 dollars an hour before taxes ( I make 30 after taxes per hour)? I'm making more money than most of the servers in the restaurant because I out perform them. Simple as that. I'm not down with making the same average rate across the board. The system works perfectly. Crappy waiters make crappy money, great servers make great money. The more you hustle and work hard on your shift is directly relative to how much you make.  We can't all be pooled together under one rate, it would never work. Customers would hate it too, because no one would be trying very hard...we would be getting paid no matter what.

'Trying very hard'? 

You are speaking in absolute terms when the issue isn't absolute. Sure the job can be demanding especially on busy nights, but you're out here trying to make it seem like the should have annual server draft and server awards or something.

I don't need you to put on a show  when I come to your restaurant. Servers try to make it seem like they are the ones who do all the work at a restaurant.

Using your logic:

If I go into the restaurant on a slow night (lets say I'm the only person there), and I order $90 worth of food it's okay for me to leave a five dollar tip, becase you weren't really 'working that hard' if the only person you're serving is me?
What is the point of this podcast? Both these people agree to tip waiters. 

I would also like to reiterate that my paycheck is 150 dollars after 2 weeks. I work 5 nights a week.
Thats B.S!

And doesn't matter:

What is the minimum wage for workers who receive tips?

An employer may pay a tipped employee not less than $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equal at least the federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips. If an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.

Some states  have minimum wage laws specific to tipped employees. When an employee is subject to both the federal and state wage laws, the employee is entitled to the provisions of each law which provide the greater benefits.

Stop trying to gain sympathy with that lie!


'Trying very hard'? 

You are speaking in absolute terms when the issue isn't absolute. Sure the job can be demanding especially on busy nights, but you're out here trying to make it seem like the should have annual server draft and server awards or something.

I don't need you to put on a show  when I come to your restaurant. Servers try to make it seem like they are the ones who do all the work at a restaurant.

Using your logic:

If I go into the restaurant on a slow night (lets say I'm the only person there), and I order $90 worth of food it's okay for me to leave a five dollar tip, becase you weren't really 'working that hard' if the only person you're serving is me?
How am I making it seem like there should be awards or something? Seriously what? All I'm saying is if I'm doing twice as much as the next server, no way I should be paid the same....and no way I'd continue that level of productivity if we are paid the same. Simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less. 

And I don't put on a show. I do NONE of that. My service is based on getting your requests filled as quickly and perfectly as possible. That's it. If you wanna talk with me, I'll talk...but I'm generally way too busy to spend any significant amount of time doing that at all. totally misused my logic. You should still tip the same on 90 dollars worth of food whether it's busy or slow. I didn't say I should get tipped more because I'm working harder and taking more tables...I just said I SHOULD MAKE MORE. Which I do. You clearly have trouble with simple concepts. The discussion was clearly about whether or not we should all get paid the same so that tipping could be abolished. I said I work harder, better,  and sell more, which is why I make more money. It's not because people are tipping me more because I'm's because there are more people in my station because I'm taking more tables. The tip rate stays the same. It's the volume that varies. GET IT? LOLOLOL....oh man. Wow.
Thats B.S!

And doesn't matter:

What is the minimum wage for workers who receive tips?

An employer may pay a tipped employee not less than $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equal at least the federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips. If an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.

Some states  have minimum wage laws specific to tipped employees. When an employee is subject to both the federal and state wage laws, the employee is entitled to the provisions of each law which provide the greater benefits.

Stop trying to gain sympathy with that lie!
More ignorance. You clearly haven't read the past couple pages. My last paycheck was 175, only because I picked up an extra night. They are generally 150. HERE I WILL HELP YOU OUT. stay tuned.
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